New sneakers?


Active Member
My reccommendations (although pricey): 1-Jordans - any really, always extra comfy walking around all day. 2- Nike Shox - made for a lot of walking and really lightweight.

I also have a pair of reebok zigtechs. They don't look that great but are extremely comfortable. I haven't been to the world since I bought them but I could imagine they would be good too.

disney dharling

Active Member
They recommend spending no more than about 20 min at a time in those types of shoes until you acclimate to them. They do work the muscles in your legs and buns a lot more than regular shoes. I've had mine for a couple of months (granted I don't wear them every day) and I still get a good amount of muscle spasms and twitches in the affected area after using them. I don't think I would wear them to WDW until I did some serious daily conditioning in them.


I would suggest either Keen or Merrell hiking shoes. I've had both and they are great. I also suggest getting the waterproof shoes. Always nice to have dry feet when it's raining at WDW.
what ever you do, do not buy new sneakers and then wear them there. You need to wear them in a bit before you take em. I usually wear Keds or Converse.


New Member
I was thinking of getting new sneakers for my trip and I kinda want the new shape-ups but I've gotten mixed opinions from the people I've asked. So what is your opinion? Good shoes or not?
they are good shoes but you have to get use to them, so wear them around alot before you go to disney

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
My reccommendations (although pricey): 1-Jordans - any really, always extra comfy walking around all day. 2- Nike Shox - made for a lot of walking and really lightweight.

I also have a pair of reebok zigtechs. They don't look that great but are extremely comfortable. I haven't been to the world since I bought them but I could imagine they would be good too.

Can't begin to agree with you enough about the Jordan's. Not the 3/4 basketball shoes but more so the low cut style shoes. The Jordan brand is top quality and fantastic for WDW as I have work them the past two trip and LOVE them.

I prefer Nike in general and always have had great success regardless where I am. I had a new pair of Nike Courtballistic tennis shoes when I took my kids to HersheyPark in August and they felt fabulous and that park is very "hilly".


Well-Known Member
The balance balls pop very easily. My mom has had to send her shoes back to Reebok twice now after wearing them only a few times. They'll replace the shoes, but it doesn't seem worth the hassle!

I wear my running shoes and they hold up very well for me. If you're still undecided, buy some gel inserts from Wal-Mart. They work great and you can use them in any kind of shoe.

You're not kidding about hassle. I contacted Reebok right after it popped. They refused to replace my shoes b/c I didn't buy directly through them. I escalated it to the home office and after nearly 2 months they got back with me stating they'd consider replacing my shoes if they found them to be defective. They put the blame on me for using them on a no replacement. I'm now in a nice pair of Asics and I couldn't be happier. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member

you need Two pair of good athletic shoes.. and once they are broken in, you alternated them. one day on, one off.. one this allows the shoes to retain their shock absorbancy.. and two, to restore their shock absorbancy..

the shoes will last more then double the time.. the sweat dries completely.. the shoe rebounds.. instead of being compressed many days in row.

so for me.. one pair is not enough.. find a pair of shoes that work for you,, and have two pair.. even if they are different color..

if they are the same color , like mine are.. I put a mark under the tounge of the shoe on one pair..

you always want to where the same shoe the same amount of time.. and not have one that is Mismatched.. very poor for your feet.. and your balance.

opinions, ideas, answers.. no ripping please.

but trust me on the TWO PAIR. you will be shocked the difference it will make in the duration of your shoe..


New Member
I'm trying my new Avia next week
I tried the shape ups and they felt too hard for me, that's why Ichose the avias instead which feels softer like walking on cotton balls

Whatever you choose you should try them at home first

UPDATE, I just got back from a week in the parks, and just used these sneakers once, They are AWFUL to walk with.

I had to purchase myself crocs which are great to walk with...My daughter also didn't like her sneakers at all.

So, better use walking shoes, crocs, or other, but don't use these.


Well-Known Member
I recommend asics, they are comfortable and good for walking/running. One pair lasted me through my whole law enforcement academy. However, like everyone has said break them in!

My husband wears these. Not only do they last a long time, they are comfortable. He loves them. They were actually recommended to him by his doctor that operated on his lower leg.

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
UPDATE, I just got back from a week in the parks, and just used these sneakers once, They are AWFUL to walk with.

I had to purchase myself crocs which are great to walk with...My daughter also didn't like her sneakers at all.

So, better use walking shoes, crocs, or other, but don't use these.

Sorry about your experiment, but this was a perfect example of fail. Never break anything in under extreme conditions.
I have both Sketchers shape ups and the reebok easy tones. Anyone who is looking for a miracle in the shoes will be disappointed. With that said, both pairs of shoes force your muscles to work in different ways. Yes, all are correct when they say break in whatever shoes you will be wearing, but it also depends on your needs. For me, my easy tones are some of the most comfortable shoes for everyday use. I run in them (treadmill and street) and wear them just around with jeans. The balance balls have never popped in mine. I wear the sketchers occasionally with jeans or khakis, but I wouldn't exercise in them. I don't think I would walk the world in them either.


Well-Known Member
I think the only way we can get anything conclusive out of this is to have a juried decision.
Everyone who has used the Slim, Tone, etc. shoes, please post photos of the affected area and the populus vote can decide if they're worth it! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I wear the cheap little $12 Wal Mart white New Balance shoes and they do just fine. And we are at the parks 45 minutes before opening until 30 minutes after closing, every day.

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