New Shots over the wall (August 26)


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if they're working overnight on this? I would think that heavy equipment would cause quite a bit of noise during park hours.

I can tell you that when I was in WDW in early July they were working overnight because they were working during EMHs at around 2am.


Active Member
This is just sad what did it take like a year to build all of DL and it is going to take them something like 3-4 years just to complete this.
I there defense Anahiem has perfect weather, where as in central Florida it rains almost every single day and is very humid during the summer making construction (especially concrete work) very hard to do this time of year.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I there defense Anahiem has perfect weather, where as in central Florida it rains almost every single day and is very humid during the summer making construction (especially concrete work) very hard to do this time of year.

If concrete can cure underwater, it can most certainly cure in a little humidity.

French Quarter

Well-Known Member
It looks like they are building a waterway of some sort. It's probably just the foundation to a building though.

Thanks for the shots! This is so exciting.


Well-Known Member
If concrete can cure underwater, it can most certainly cure in a little humidity.

Cure, yes... just not how you want it to. :) Concrete is touchy stuff. It is a chemical reaction, opposed to a shop created alloy like steel. It is very susceptible to environmental conditions.

Site and foundations ALWAYS seem like they take forever. Once they start going vertical things should pick up speed a bit.

Thanks for the pics BTW. I'll be there in three weeks. I'll try to post some after my trip.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I there defense Anahiem has perfect weather, where as in central Florida it rains almost every single day and is very humid during the summer making construction (especially concrete work) very hard to do this time of year.

I have to say that I don't agree with that...
Especially this year, it didn't rain as much, and the weather is great here (but I agree that the three summer months are a bit too hot!!).

Anyway, about the new Seven Dwarfs coaster, could they re-use the current logo they have at the gift shop near Snow White?:



New Member
Wow, that little shack in the last picture sure looks spooky, wonder who lives there?

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that is where the doves used to be housed when they were used during Cinderella's Surprise Celebration. It's hard to tell from the angle, but that's what it looks like to me. Maybe another CM can confirm or deny that.


Premium Member


New Member

I had a whole bunch of shots to post from yesterday but since I have another website they won't let me post for you guys. Only Samuele and a million others are allowed to do this. Ohhh well. I am on Screamscape today though.

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