That was quite honestly one of the best parts of Universal. I hate ride swap at Disney because it means my family has to be split up longer. At Universal everyone goes through the line together. You then take the little one off to the side and swap right there at the ride. So much easier IMO. However, when we were at Disney we did use the Ride Swap multiple times. Every time I rode immediately after. And there were a few times my then newly turned 4 year old lost her smit, and I was more than happy to dump her screaming butt on her father for 15 minutes lol. Normally when I came back he had managed to calm her down again.
Only bad part about Ride Swap in general is my 8 year old who would ride both times. I always went second and his enthusiasm couldn't keep him from spoiling every aspect of every ride.

Try being fully immersed in FOP while you have an over eager beaver sitting next to you telling you about every scene coming up, then asking you every minute how you like it.