Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Just ask ANY Monorail Pilot, and they'll start a rant about it. It's a horrible station. When the park first opened in '71, it was used just like the TTC station... load up the center. But they soon found that way didnt fit the MK very well, so they switched to the current load pattern. However... the station wasn't designed for the Mark VI trains, nor the amount of traffic that it handles.
We have to "herd" guests during exits... they're cramped on the platforms... and it's near impossible to load wheelchairs on the Resort side due to posts in the way.
Never mind the Show Quality of the station. Next time you're there... take a good close look at the cleanliness of the station. It's rusting, falling apart, the roof leaks, and the paint is chipping. Actually, half that station is held together by the paint they just slapped on.
*steps down off soapbox*
Anyways... we've been trying for YEARS to get it redone... but no one will give us the funds. The station actually belongs to Main Street... but because it's not IN the park... they dont give us any attention (even custodial ignores us)
Oh well.