New parent's want to take 1.5 yr old to wdw


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My son is 6months old right now, but we want to start planning a trip when our child is atleast 1.5-2 yr to wdw. I already know MK park would be the best choice with a baby/toddler. I'm just looking for some advice. Would my son be able to ride the rides at MK? Will the entry be free for a child under the age of 3? Will i need to take proof such as a birth certificate? Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
No proof necessary. I believe under 2 they eat "free". The little ones are able to ride w/ you on most of the rides in FL, such as Dumbo. Stroller is a necessity. Take frequent breaks, watch the shows/parades, and have fun!:D
under 3 eat free!!!! yeah for that
also you will not need a birth certificate for the parks but you will need one for a airplane if you are flying for free (lap child)
we brought are daughter at 22 months and she had a fantastic time and remembers so much!!!
have fun!


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
My son is 6months old right now, but we want to start planning a trip when our child is atleast 1.5-2 yr to wdw. I already know MK park would be the best choice with a baby/toddler. I'm just looking for some advice. Would my son be able to ride the rides at MK? Will the entry be free for a child under the age of 3? Will i need to take proof such as a birth certificate? Any help is appreciated.

My kids both went to WDW at under 6 months and again between 1 and 2 years. Great trips indeed. No need for a birth ceritificat to prove the young age. As for riding the rides, check the height restrictions -- the thrill rides will all be off limits to him, but just about everything else is fine. My little guys rode the FLand dark rides, the spinners, PotC, HM, the Peoplemover, Buzz Lightyear, Jungle Cruise, IASW, the Carousel, (whatever it's called now), the train, and sat on my lap for just about every show. But don't limit yourself to MK. Your boy may very well like being in the parks even without rides. My guys loved seeing the crowds, hearing the music, and looking at everything.

My 9 year old liked Epcot best from the time he was 2. And other than Soarin', Test Track, and Mission:Space, your little guy can do everything there. CircleVision movies are quite eye-opening for little ones, and so are talking turtles.

And my 3 year-old thinks Animal Kingdom is the greatest place in the universe, because it has rides, shows, and animals all together. Yes, the little guy can go on Kilomanjaro Safaris. And he can see FotLK, and Finding Nemo:the Musical. He can also ride Dino Dumbo (or whatever it's called), and will probably love just wandering the trails in the Oasis, petting the goats in Rafiki's Planet Watch, and seeing the gorillas, tigers, and everything else on the two animal walks.

So go, and have fun.


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We will be driving to cut back on the cost's,It's very good to know under 3 they get in free (and eat) i'm stoked about that. My fiance thinks i've lost my mind,because i keep talking about this trip. Pfft i'm just excited! :p


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
We will be driving to cut back on the cost's,It's very good to know under 3 they get in free (and eat) i'm stoked about that. My fiance thinks i've lost my mind,because i keep talking about this trip. Pfft i'm just excited! :p

Just a clarification on the eating free. They eat free at buffets and can eat off your plate anywhere else. There are no "free kids meals" for any age at WDW.


Active Member
Just a clarification on the eating free. They eat free at buffets and can eat off your plate anywhere else. There are no "free kids meals" for any age at WDW.
yes and no to that ....we had many times where they made a little magic and gave our daughter lunch for free. Honestly though there was so much food on our plates it didnt matter. plus we did alot of character dinings which are buffett or family service or all you can ask for. CRT was fun for her, she loved chef mickey, she had a ball with the singer at ohana for dinner (she even ate the chicken wings they bring out we were all shocked) , although she didnt like hollywood and vine but none of us did :(. your little one will not go hungry. Many times are peanut passed out during the sit down meals, we enjoyed a quite meal then fed her when she woke up. BTW the mac and cheese at le cellier is only a couple bucks to add on to a meal and it can serve a few people my daughter tried to take it home with her.


Well-Known Member
My now 13YO went on his first trip to WDW when he was 13 months and my other kids had their first trips at around the same age. No B. cert needed and free food!!!

Anyway just a heads up... Some kids at that age do fine with the characters... others no way! My 13YO had such a fright when we brought him to Santa Goofy(hi first character). His character radar went off when he spotted characters across the street from that point on. We had to stand waay back even for the parades. He actually had a fear of those big headed mice and dogs, etc... until he was 8YO. My other 2 never had any problems with characters at any age.

So don't get upset if your son doesn't want to take a pic with Mickey! Many rides for you and your son to enjoy together. People will say why take a kid that young... they won't remember it. Maybe they will/ Maybe they won't but the sheer joy in my kids eyes at many different things throught the park, made me and my wife very happy we made the trip with them even at that age.


Well-Known Member
personally i don't suggest it, only because he's so young, but my family has taken infants to Disney multiple times and have had little no problems.


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I wouldn't do it. No matter where you bring a child that age it's going to be the same, eating, pooping, sleeping and the child will get nothing out of it. When I started having children I just wrote off going anywhere it's not worth the money or anything else for that matter. I just stayed around home and did little short day trips here and there for years and I can tell you as far children remembering anything before about age four I wouldn't count on it. If you have more than one child that's a different matter depending what how old the other(s) are. A baby in WDW can be done fairly easy but I wouldn't do it.

He will get something out of it,the pictures that he can look back on when he's older,i'm a huge Disney lover big time. It's worth the money to us,and i'm itching to go. This will be his first trip of many there,so just because he wont remember the 1st trip really does not matter.


Active Member
We are taking my little girl for her first trip over thanksgiving. She will be one and I can't wait! I'm kinda looking forward to doing Disney in a different way.

My MIL thinks I'm crazy. I told her, well I'm gonna have to change diapers, etc... No matter where I am. At least I will be in my favorite place for a week!


Well-Known Member
My son is 6months old right now, but we want to start planning a trip when our child is atleast 1.5-2 yr to wdw. I already know MK park would be the best choice with a baby/toddler. I'm just looking for some advice. Would my son be able to ride the rides at MK? Will the entry be free for a child under the age of 3? Will i need to take proof such as a birth certificate? Any help is appreciated.

My only advice would be to go during May or October when the weather is usually the mildest. Take plenty of pictures as your son will not remember any of the trip, but you can all look back at them together someday.

You're going to have to feed him and change him whether you are at home or at WDW, so go, enjoy yourself. A week at the world is still better than a week at home if you can afford it.


Active Member
I think you will enjoy the trip, the memories for you will last a lifetime. Don't forget the Boneyard Playground in AK, and Honey,I Shrunk The Kids Playground in DHS. I would also recommend the character meals, most are buffets and a great way to see how your son will react to characters. My kids loved the Pooh characters at Crystal Palace.


Active Member
I wouldn't do it. No matter where you bring a child that age it's going to be the same, eating, pooping, sleeping and the child will get nothing out of it. When I started having children I just wrote off going anywhere it's not worth the money or anything else for that matter. I just stayed around home and did little short day trips here and there for years and I can tell you as far children remembering anything before about age four I wouldn't count on it. If you have more than one child that's a different matter depending what how old the other(s) are. A baby in WDW can be done fairly easy but I wouldn't do it.
I have seen may more miserable people with infants in the parks than happy ones.The pics they are posing for show forced smiles and sweaty, tired parents. The baby won't remember any of it- but a 3 or 4 year old will.


Active Member
I wouldn't do it. No matter where you bring a child that age it's going to be the same, eating, pooping, sleeping and the child will get nothing out of it. When I started having children I just wrote off going anywhere it's not worth the money or anything else for that matter. I just stayed around home and did little short day trips here and there for years and I can tell you as far children remembering anything before about age four I wouldn't count on it. If you have more than one child that's a different matter depending what how old the other(s) are. A baby in WDW can be done fairly easy but I wouldn't do it.
I have seen may more miserable people with infants in the parks than happy ones.The pics they are posing for show forced smiles and sweaty, tired parents. The baby won't remember any of it- but a 3 or 4 year old will.
so a little question for everyone saying dont bring a toddler to disney

Why do you buy children toys or cute clothing, when they wont remember playing with the toy and goodwill tattered cloths will keep them warm and covered????

survey says: because they will love playing with the toys and we like seeing them in the cute clothes
basically my kid loved the sites and sounds and we love seeing her expressions as the next magical thing happens. its not just the childs memory its yours. my daughter a year later (she will be three in oct) still remembers so much. Will she remember it when she is 20 or even 5 prolly not but i dont care she loved the expierence and we loved watching it (also I love disney so that helps)
btw imho the people with the miserable children and the tired miserable parents (who are prolly always miserable) are the ones that poorly plan, those people are normally the same tired look if they have children or not because they are the ones that show up to the aprk with out suntan lotion they dont bring water they are cheap and wont pay for it, they dont grab shade at the noon hour and they wait in line for everything instead of getting a fast pass.
PLAN well and you should have a great trip.


Well-Known Member
I say...GO FOR IT!!! :D Free is awesome! It definitely helps the budget with an under 3.

DD3 (almost 4) went twice as a 2 year old. Her first trip was a month after her 2nd bday and she was still in diapers. We have no regrets with either trip. She had a few meltdown moments- i.e. day 3...sensory overload, etc., but it was still amazing. I also have lots of friends who have taken their children before age 2 who would highly recommend it. And for those claiming all they see is miserable parents and kids w/forced smiles...they're only choosing to see what they want to see. There are COUNTLESS people around them with really young kids having AMAZING trips. It's just more obvious when a child is crying and upset vs. happy. I have TONS of pictures of my younger one having an amazing forcing or anything.

~~~I think people really need to quit putting focus on what will be remembered down the road and concentrate on the happiness and joy that will be experienced in the present~~~

i.e. your child may not remember any of it (although I do have a few memories from when I was 2), but why hold off on doing something that would be so much fun for him? You'll remember it and you'll enjoy it and think it's amazing. Plus- It's not all about remembering things. If we had such stellar memories and that was enough- we all wouldn't take thousands of pictures. After talking with friends- most of us only remember bits and pieces of our first trips- and all of our parents waited until we were older and would supposedly remember it. In light of this, we realized the whole TAKE THEM WHEN THEY'LL REMEMBER IT---is nothing more than a cliche based on false assumptions.

I know the memories will fade over time, but my girls were 2 and 4 on their first trip and they still remember enough details of both of their trips to talk about it with friends. Will they have any or strong memories of this when they're teens or older...probably not, but I know I booked a trip that brought them happiness beyond their wildest dreams. Sure, they couldn't ride any of thee rides with height limits...but the beauty of taking a child that young...they believe in ALL of the magic! i.e. Mickey is REAL!

That being said, you know your child better than anyone so you know all of the things you can do to keep them happy. i.e. extra snacks, when to take breaks, etc. If you keep all of this in mind when planning your trip and touring can have an amazing time.

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