My thought on the Bypass...
I haven't been following the posts and only read a few here and there, what I see is that many are OPINIONATED about what the bypass is going to look like and whether its is themed appropriately. If Disney would go all out and theme it to the DLP Arcade style bypass with store and restaurant access, that would be defeating the purpose IMO of having a bypass to get guests out quickly. If there were access to stores and restaurants, it would be another MSUSA and I don't think that is what they are going for. I think its(the bypass) is for those who don't intend on shopping on MSUSA and want to get out of the park and to their cars and get a head start on an exit, therefore I would not care how themed or unthemed the bypass is...there is one thing on my mind...getting the hell out of the park as quickly as possible! I'm not saying it wouldn't be NICE to have that area themed to much like DLP Arcade, but #1 Do we really NEED it to be themed like that just as an exit? #2 Disney COULD use the money saved from doing an elaborate theming for other projects(not like they would see it that way, but just sayin...)
In the end, as long as there is 'appropriate' theming to the bypass I would be happy with it. How would you feel if they opened up a bypass from Storybook Circus Train Station and you had to walk around to the front of the park instead!? Then how would you feel about it? It would be a nice theming...just Florida dirt, grass and some trees along the way! It could be the time for families to talk about the day, for others it could be a time to just walk and let the day soak into their memories! My point is the bypass, whether majorly themed or not, could be the ending to the we start down the bypass, that would be like the closing of the curtain and walking would be the blackout and the audience getting up and leaving the theatre and talking about the many people at a show really care about anything else other than talking about what they just saw!? They don't care if the lights are only at half lighting, they don't care if they snack bar is closed on their way out, the only thing they are doing in talking about what they just saw!