New guy trying to plan a marriage proposal


Hi everyone!

I'm new here so perhaps a quick into before I ask my questions.

Scott(me), 31, living in the DC-Metro area (DVC member, been to the World about a dozen times).
Monica(the hopefully-future-Mrs. Scott), 26, and has only been to WDW once in the last 15 years (that was in Jan' 04 with me and my family).

We're headed back to WDW next month for A Very Special Purpose: to speak to the Disney Wedding folks. I plan to formally propose to Monica during this visit (cue the dramatic music). I've booked a private Breathless cruise for this purpose but, unfortunately, I couldn't get the Illuminations cruise. I've been giving this some more thought and the idea of proposing to her during a fireworks show is REALLY appealing as every time we Monica sees fireworks she'll be reminded of "that moment" (is this too cheezy?). We met several years ago in England so it might be fun to try and incorporate the UK pavillion into my plans. I understand that there might be some semi-private Illuminations viewing areas there. Is that true?

So, in view of all this, I'd love to hear any and all suggestions anyone could offer that might help me out. Please understand that I'd like this to be relatively private (no Cinderalla's Footman stuff) and, of course, memorable.

Thanks everyone! And I'm glad I found y'all.


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
Mine was "So do you wnat to get married or what?" :rolleyes:

At least you got asked. We'll be married 21 years tomorrow and he still hasn't asked me. Totally my fault. I blew his plans and he had to improvise and I received my ring in the car while we were driving 65 mph on the Kennedy Expressway heading towards downtown Chicago just past the Harlem Avenue exit ramp. The actual question I received was, "what did you do today?" I babbled on about what I had done until he picked me up to take me to my cousin's wedding. I then said, "so what did you do today?". He said "I picked something up for you" then he handed me the box.

However you do it will be memorable.
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Active Member
Nansafan said:
At least you got asked. We'll be married 21 years tomorrow and he still hasn't asked me. Totally my fault. I blew his plans and he had to improvise and I received my ring in the car while we were driving 65 mph on the Kennedy Expressway heading towards downtown Chicago just past the Harlem Avenue exit ramp.

Ha Ha!
Actually, if you ask around you might be amazed at how many stories you will find about women who ruined a guy's proposal. Ususally the guy is trying like heck to get the girl to a certain place or event, etc, and the girl just resists doing it!

I actually know one woman who thought that her boyfriend was getting involved with the mob and seeing as how he was driving her to a deserted cliff-edge area she thought he was about to off her for asking so many questions! She refused to get out of the car so he could propose to her! True story!
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New Member
dizknee said:
I am leaving for Disney on Saturday and will be proposing as well.

I have decided to do it on Peter Pan's flight. I will grab her hand and say "All you need is faith and trust ..... and a little bit of pixie dust" I will then sprinkle some glitter (not much because somebody will have to pick it up). And then I am going to ask her to fly away with me to a place where all our dreams come true and we never have to grow up.

It is private, quiet and original


It makes a mess, and that'll be more work for the custodial or attractions cast members to do. They work their hardest to make everything magical for you- is a little bit of glitter so much more worth it?
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New Member
stopgo said:
We met several years ago in England so it might be fun to try and incorporate the UK pavillion into my plans. I understand that there might be some semi-private Illuminations viewing areas there. Is that true?

Hi! There is something very cheesy that you may still find in the UK pavillion´s store. They are called "love spoons". I was given one once and I treasure it a lot - made me cry when I got it because of its meaning. Each love spoon means something different according to the designs on the handle.

The Rose & Crown has a special terrace from where you can see Illuminations... at least it was there when I was there last time and there was a little roped area next to it, for vip´s to view the show too.

Good luck and Congratulations!!
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New Member
Actually, if you ask around you might be amazed at how many stories you will find abo

:brick: Totally agree here... One of my best friends in NY proposed (tried to) on the beach. He stuck the ring in a shell as they were walking along the beach and shell collecting. He asked her to listen to the sound of the ocean in the shell he placed the ring in and handed it to her thinking she would hear the ring rattling around inside it.

Instead she said she didn't like that shell and threw it into the ocean like the others she discarded... my friend freaked out. Also a good reason to insure the ring!
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New Member
OMG! Everytime I read about people proposing on bridges, beach, flying cars, etc. I fear for the ring to get lost... you just confirmed my fears! I´ve heard of people losing the ring on the bridge in front of Cinderella´s castle... total bummer!
To the one proposing at Peter Pan´s flight... please be careful!!!

My brother was very stupid... he went to a restaurant with her now wife, asked for a table upstairs in the balcony, then went to the restroom and gave the ring to a florist who was supposed to stick the ring in the rose and bring it to her later.... well... luckily, she didn´t run away with the ring, but when she brought it, the ring fell to the first floor... all the wiaters ran searching for it... my brother was freaking out and my sister in law didn´t notice.

My brother in law gave it to my sister in front of the church they were going to get married... he wanted to get in it, but the door was closed, so he started blabbing all the speech in the car and gave her the ring.

A friend of mine stuck it in a box of pop corn while at the movies... his then gf screamed when she realized what was in there and they both left the movie theater.. of course.

I don´t need anything too elaborated or risky... chances are, I could be the one dropping and losing the ring! LOL
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New Member
Disknee, I love you, you know I usually think you're a riot. But it really takes a certain type of girl to "appreciate" a MAN sprinkling pixie dust while proposing, do ya hear what I'm saying? Stick with your plan sans pixie dust (just my opinion & suggestion!!)


My proposal was PERFECT in essence... but... I did ruin it a bit. We'd been together for 5 years. I was getting really antsy about getting a proposal. At this point I thought it would never happen. So I just "knew" this trip would be our engagement. However, I talked to my Dad before I left. My Dad, who cannot keep a secret to save his life, acted like he knew nothing. Odd since I really wanted my fiance to ask my Dad's permission. So now I was beginning to doubt. It was only a 4 day vacation and we were on our second night and he still hadn't asked. I thought he'd ask on the first night so we could enjoy an "engaged" vacation. So now I'm really bumming out. I know I'm insane, but I'd hyped myself up an insane amount. So we go to dinner and it came out like a unstoppable flow of verbal diarreah "I really hyped myself up, I'm just sad, I'll get over it, I just thought..wah wah wah, I'm sorry to tell you all this" then the tears. I was so incredibly overwhelmed with anticipation and stress. I really don't know why!! So then we went to the Osbourne lights and went to "our step" on NY street. He was insitent I get on the step. This was about 1/2 hour later, and he is down on his knee with this gorgeous ring proposing. HAD I WAITED A DAMN 1/2 HOUR!!!!!!!! I could really kick myself now. And it still makes me mad at myself. That's the agony of having your best friend be your significant other. When you're upset about something, you go to them, no matter what it is. Even something this delicate a subject. We laugh about it now too! I'm that way with everything. Nothing's a surprise for me and I can't :zipit: hehe He ALWAYS SAID I'd ruin the surprise. oops!

ON another note. The ring! OK we live in Boston. Going to the airport we were taking the T (public transportation subway system) We were going to work for 1/2 day before getting our flight. So we were bringing our suitcases to work. Well, as we're going through the turnstiles, he passes his black bag through to me, then comes through. I have both black bags. Identical. It just so happens I grabbed HIS and he grabbed mine. The ring was in his suitcase. I had no clue why he emailed me about 5 times at work asking me about my suitcase. lol lol lol He was so worried that I was going to open it to get something and find the ring. They were the "carry on" suitcases so he was going to just bring it on the plane with him. He was also paranoid about going through security and having them open his bag for some reason. LOL You'd think I would have taken that as a hint that he was so concerned about the suitcase??? I'm really a blockhead. :brick:
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New Member
dizknee said:
If you have any other ideas on how to represent Pixie Dust I am all for it.

3 - 2 - 1 .... GO!

Go to guest relations and see if they can give you some pixie dust. It's not dust- it's leaves of foil in the shape of Mickey's head. But I still wouldn't recommend doing anything like that on a ride. It annoys cast members. You wouldn't believe the amount of stuff 3rd shift has to clean up in the rides from people that have ideas like yours, except they might be cleaning up bottles, cans, paper, [other unmentionable non-Disney items that are made of the same thing as hospital gloves], cigarette butts (yes, CIGARETTE BUTTS)...

That's the easy stuff to clean up. The static from the pixie dust makes it more difficult to clean up. And glitter? Pfah. No thanks.

Another alternative to pixie dust is getting your hair trimmed at the barber shop on Main St. They can put pixie dust in your hair, and you could shake it off onto her! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Ooh- reading some of these gives me the chills!
I am such a perfectionist and the epitome of a planner, and knowing me, I will have some incredibly elaborate plan and it will all come crashing down with some dumb thing like me getting strip-searched at the airport with the ring in a carry-on, or me dropping it in the drain at the hotel or something!
Gosh, this is a lot of pressure on a fella! lol!
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New Member
If I were you I would contact Gifts of a Lifetime. My boyfriend at the time, now fiancee, used them over this Labor Day to propose to me. Just tell them she is a private person (which he told them about me) and they can help you come up with something memorable. I could not have asked for a better proposal and it turned out to be the best day I ever had at the Magic Kingdom. Hope all goes well. If you have any questions, let me know.
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New Member
My girlfriend (wife now) and I took a trip to WDW in 1999. We were married in Oct. 2000. Anyway I had already bought a ring and was going to propose to her at WDW. I ended up walking around with the ring in my pocket for 4 days down there waiting for the perfect moment, and it never came. I guess I was just too particular. Anyway, I ended up proposing to her a couple of weeks after we got back, after going out to a bar. (I know, how romantic)
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kellydisney said:
But it really takes a certain type of girl to "appreciate" a MAN sprinkling pixie dust while proposing

kellyudisney ..... 'Nuff said. I hear ya baby.

My first choice was during a Hockey game. I was going to have the ring sit on top of a plate of nachos right in the middle of the warm melted cheese. (For those of you without a sense of humor ... I am only kidding).

You have convinced me to nix the pixie dust thing.

Thanks guys (girls) and custodial services also thanks you.
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robynchic said:
Another alternative to pixie dust is getting your hair trimmed at the barber shop on Main St. They can put pixie dust in your hair, and you could shake it off onto her! :lol:

Why do I see her buying me a case of Haed 'N' Shoulders if I do that.
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