New FP rides


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
What do you think needs a Fastpass line? Just your opinion. AND which attractions have FP but don't need it?

I think that Dumbo really needs FP! Maybe even the speedway.

honey i shrunk the audience has one, but i don't think it needs it! Same goes for Indiana Jones

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Needs: Indy Speedway, Dumbo, Festival of the Lion King (that line gets so long in the summer) and Most of all Fantasmic!!!!

Does Not Need- MV3D, HISTA, ITTBAB, Malestorm, Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise, Star Tours, and Indiana Jones


Well-Known Member
Just because a line is long does not signify that it needs a FP. Fastpass attractions should only be used on attractions that have a faster moving line, but are still considered long. Ones that can handle a great amount of people.

That being said, nothing in Fantasyland should really have FP, especially Dumbo, with it's extremely limited ride capacity.

The largest of the E ticket "thrill rides," in my opinion, are a welcome addition of Fastpass kiosks. The lines generally are never stationary, and the FP wait really is under 5 mins.

As for Test Track, something needs to be done there. It's just such a mess, I hate even walking in that area.


I know a lot of people disagree with this, but I think Pirates of the Caribbean needs it. Yeah, sometimes it doesn't have long lines, but sometimes it does. It's better than having the FP system on the 3D attractions, which don't need it (except for Mickey's PhilarMagic, which in a few years won't need it either).

The only other rides I can think of becoming an FP attraction are the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway, Festival of the Lion King (hey, they're doing it for all the shows now, so why not this one?) and for some reason, The Great Movie Ride. It can rack up some pretty long waits, but I don't think it has a good enough capacity to hold up the system.


New Member
quik question:
For the FP for Indy Jones, do the FP holders get the front middle section for the show? I can never tell, I always come in minutes late, so every seat is filled.


New Member
at times aladin's magic carpet could use fast passes. i also agree that the speedway needs to be fastpassed im 22 years old and i have to ride it every time i go. spaceship earth could use one too.

the jungle cruise and muppets 3d are definatly 2 rides that dont need a fast pass there are never any lines when i am there

if you live to be 100, i want to be a hindred minus one day, so i never have to live a day with out you--- winnie the pooh


New Member
buxfan76, we used FP for Indy on our latest trip. Once inside, you just sit wherever you can. No differentiation in seating. I've never founf PoTC to be crowded enough to warrant FP. I don't think Dumbo or Aladdin turn over quickly enough to work. I believe you need a constantly moving ride, like Pan or Pooh or Buzz. Speedway would work. You can't make every ride a FP though. Think the current set-up is fine.


New Member
Originally posted by SplashTrash6863
Does not need: Malestorm, any of the shows, and PotC
I think they have just about all the other major rides covered

maelstrom deffinately needs one don't even think about removing it :eek:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Spaceship Earth? If you go anytime other than first thing in the morning the ride is a walk on.

In order for an attraction to need Fastpass it needs to have the demand and has to be able to handle the capacity. I really can't think of any rides now that would be able to do that. Although I would like to see it at the Speedway, it just doesn't seem feasable. The only way I could see it working is if they had all of the tracks going. This way they could make one for only fastpass people. I don't see that happening though.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by POOHKILLEDTOAD
i agree with insider...SE idoesn't need it and is in fact one of wdw's fastest loading rides.

Gotta love those Omnimovers.

I almost think Buzz would sometimes benefit from not having Fastpass. I think it loaded faster before it got it. Same with Peter Pan and Haunted Mansion. Anything that keeps moving shouldn't do anything to hinder the speed of the line.


FP should be removed from Winnie the Pooh. The ride has an awful loading area. I went in May and the people standing in the SB line never moved for 20 mins while the FP line kept moving.

That's just not right.


New Member
Last time i was in the haunted mansion ride the ride stopped to let the fastpass people in and it ticked me off. I thought the line moved ok without it. Im not a big fan of fp.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mcbates23
FP should be removed from Winnie the Pooh. The ride has an awful loading area. I went in May and the people standing in the SB line never moved for 20 mins while the FP line kept moving.

That's just not right.

I agree. While fast pass is a good idea, and is really nice when you have them, in many cases it makes the standby lines much longer than they need to be. The wait time for rides like winnie the pooh probably almost be cut in half without the fast pass. At least that's what it seems like when you're standing in a line that doesn't move while the fast passes keep streaming by.


New Member
FP is a great service. Even though I live close to the parks, I use it everytime I go. On recent trips, it seems more and more people are complaining about the service, because the SB lines don't move. We need to remember, FP is available to ALL guests in the park. If you choose not to use it, then it is your choice to wait for a ride like Winnie the Pooh.

As far as attractions that need FP, I think the current line-up is great. However, I don't think any shows need FP.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes you have to stand in the standby line not by choice but because you can't use a fastpass. For example, if you get to a park in the afternoon and your favorite ride is out of fastpasses. I use fast passes on every one of my trips, but I would be more willing to stand in standby lines if they actually moved. On splash mountain, the same line that is like a half an hour when fast pass is shut down is like 45 minutes to an hour when fast pass is in use. It is better now that you don't have to use your fastpass before getting another one, just wait like two hours or something because before you could go a whole day and only get one. Maybe they could just give out a few less per time so the standby line can still move and fastpass would still be available. Nothing against fastpass, but not everyone can use them because they are limited in quantity. The rides I don't use them for are not necessarily by choice.

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