Our family likes the fastpass system and regularly uses it. But, I can't see PAYING for the passes. Really, someone thinks it's worth it to pay for these, especially since they are probably illegal. I just don't get it. I don't easily part with my money, especially since I have more time than money...
My question about these fastpasses is are they unlimited in their time frame of use? I know there have been discussions about using these during the designated time, versus using them after. If all of the fastpasses are obtained right away in the morning, then delivered, wouldn't the user have to use all of them in a quick period of time in the morning or early afternoon? We've gotten fastpasses when the park opens and have had 10:00 times of use. If that's the case with all of the passes, they would need to be used in quick succession (theoretically). Just wondering if that would be the case. :shrug: