New Fastpass Info


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ok, just to let u all know, the park maps have always had a fastpass page (the first 2 panels as you open up the map) well, just to let eeryone know the page that says "Poof! goes the long lines!" is now gone. Instead a yellow page is there with the FP symbol, slogan the rides that feature it for the park, and instructions on how to use Fastpass. There is no longer a picture of a fastpass attraction (mk=splash mt., ep=tt, mgm-millionare, ak=dinosaur). those pics are gone. Just an update. I thought the Poof pages were getting old.


New Member
There are still old maps around depending on where you go.

The old stock is slowly dwindling. I feel the new style helps explain the system better than the old.


New Member
It actually explains to guests that don't know how to use Fastpass. I guess cast members got tired of explaining the system to everyone...


New Member
*picks up EPCOT map from Saturday sitting at his computer desk*

WOW you're right! I didn't even notice! well "Poof" goes the old page :lol: sorry bad joke.


New Member
yaay puns.... lol

anyway yeah, i noticed this too last week. All the maps i had with the exception of AK had this new style. AK still had the "poof!" page.

i agree, it does a much better job explaining the purpose of, and how to use fastpass.


New Member
People that go to Disney are still clueless about what FP's are.

People don't understand how the system works. I was waiting in line at Guest Relations at Animal Kingdom to exchange my voucher for my Annual Pass. I am trying to beat the crowd getting into Animal Kingdom, and this guy in front of me in line goes up to the Guest Relations window, and ask for a FP for Animal Kingdom?:hammer:

Are you kidding me? (I was thinking.) So I had to wait there about 5 minutes while the CM explains to this guy what the FP are, that you pick them up at the attactions. Are we in the 21st Century or people just ignorant?!?!?!?


New Member
Originally posted by figmentfan
People that go to Disney are still clueless about what FP's are.

People don't understand how the system works. I was waiting in line at Guest Relations at Animal Kingdom to exchange my voucher for my Annual Pass. I am trying to beat the crowd getting into Animal Kingdom, and this guy in front of me in line goes up to the Guest Relations window, and ask for a FP for Animal Kingdom?:hammer:

Are you kidding me? (I was thinking.) So I had to wait there about 5 minutes while the CM explains to this guy what the FP are, that you pick them up at the attactions. Are we in the 21st Century or people just ignorant?!?!?!?

I work at an AAA office and this lady came in one time asking to buy some Fastpasses for WDW. I told her we don't sell them and before I could explain she got all mad because we didn't have them!! Some people can't spend a whole 30 minutes researching their vacation...

Kinda OT but when I was at the MK last month, I went to go get in line for the HM. You know how the outdoor line to HM isn't really a single file line, but a walkway with some rope/railing partially down the middle? Well everyone was in a single file line all the way to the left! The CM kept saying move all the way to the front but everyone just stands there. So, I walk to the right around everyone and go straight to the front- several people in line start yelling "Hey! You're in the Fast pass line!!" I yelled "NO I'm not!" :rolleyes: There are several attractions at WDW where people just stand single file while the CM says please move forward and don't stand in a line. -Stephanie


Active Member
Originally posted by iluvstitch
I work at an AAA office and this lady came in one time asking to buy some Fastpasses for WDW. I told her we don't sell them and before I could explain she got all mad because we didn't have them!! Some people can't spend a whole 30 minutes researching their vacation...

Kinda OT but when I was at the MK last month, I went to go get in line for the HM. You know how the outdoor line to HM isn't really a single file line, but a walkway with some rope/railing partially down the middle? Well everyone was in a single file line all the way to the left! The CM kept saying move all the way to the front but everyone just stands there. So, I walk to the right around everyone and go straight to the front- several people in line start yelling "Hey! You're in the Fast pass line!!" I yelled "NO I'm not!" :rolleyes: There are several attractions at WDW where people just stand single file while the CM says please move forward and don't stand in a line. -Stephanie

LOL, would have loved to see that, i wouldn't risk it on a normal visit though, incase i got put to the back or sumthin for pushing in line, I don't know. If you know about FP, its really handy anyway :)

Thanks for the news :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by figmentfan
People that go to Disney are still clueless about what FP's are.

People don't understand how the system works. I was waiting in line at Guest Relations at Animal Kingdom to exchange my voucher for my Annual Pass. I am trying to beat the crowd getting into Animal Kingdom, and this guy in front of me in line goes up to the Guest Relations window, and ask for a FP for Animal Kingdom?:hammer:

Are you kidding me? (I was thinking.) So I had to wait there about 5 minutes while the CM explains to this guy what the FP are, that you pick them up at the attactions. Are we in the 21st Century or people just ignorant?!?!?!?

People is ignant!! :hammer: :lol: :hammer:

**gets out of ignorant sarcastic mode **

We tend to forget that 10 years ago the internet was BBS and Prodigy for most somewhat saavy users. For the rest, they were wondering if buying a word processor was a good investment for the future. Afterall, the electric typewriter was good but being able to edit your typing and saving it was a major technology improvement.

I look at my in-laws, they try to get it. They have a computer but they rely on AOL :fork:. They have digital cameras and DVDs and try to get the technology that is current (with my wife and brother-in-law's help!).
My parents don't even have a computer. They don't know how to use one or do they have the need for one. My father would rather watch a VCR tape rather than DVD. They have no desire to improve their technology, despite the efforts of myself and my four siblings.

I guess it all depends on what you grew up with. I would never expect my mother to grasp the concept of Fastpass (but then again, she would never go to WDW anyway!).

Just remember this:

Stupidity is being UNABLE to learn
Ignorance is being UNWILLING to learn


People are sheep I have been saying that for years. I can't count the times there was a long line mostly on the left and the right line was empty. Before Fast Pass it was worst on rides like Splash, Star Tours and Tower of Terror we would go right up to the front on the right side. I like it that keeps the wait time down when people do that


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by imagineersrock
yaay puns.... lol

anyway yeah, i noticed this too last week. All the maps i had with the exception of AK had this new style. AK still had the "poof!" page.

i agree, it does a much better job explaining the purpose of, and how to use fastpass.

um...when i went to AK, there was a yellow FP page. They are probally just using up what's left of the old ones before the new, so you probally went to the wrong kiosk or ticket window that had the old maps. I agree, it does explain FP better, which may be a bad thing, due to the fact that if people know how to use it, FP's will be gone quicker!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!:lol:

They still won't get it. Everyone either thinks it costs, or it requires a special ticket!


New Member
I'm glad that they updated the map with Fastpass info. Unfortunately, the ignorant/stupid guests that need that information the most don't usually read the map, they just look at the pictures. So...nice try!


New Member
It's funny how people can't use fastpass. I remember cheating with the passes once by getting 7 ToT fastpasses at the same time. So did my Brother... So it was like 14 fastpasses. (we useded our annual passes, old bus pass, and new bus pass as well as our other family member's passes) However, that was in 2000, and the next year it was fixed so we could only get one FP at a time even using the bus passes. But we could still get mulitple with family member passes. But it doesn't matter because ToT always has a 5 minute wait unless it is 4th of July or Christmas.


New Member
Hard To Belive People Do Not Understand The Fast Pass.. They Repeat It Alot When I Go There.. I Guess The New Page Will Help.. And I'd Hate To Repeat What Fast Pass Is A Billion Times If I Was A CM.. People Today Don't Read..

PS: Universal And Six Flags Has A System Where You Get The Passes In The Front Of The Park.. Kind Of A Long Way, Eh?


New Member
For these so called tourists not knowing FassPass, they should advertise or explain at the front of the gate.

Put a big sign/poster up of pictures to explain the easy process.

The 'comic' would be Mickey putting his ticket in the FP distributer with his watch set at noon, have Mickey hold the FP saying come back at two o clock. Mickey then plays for 2 hours. Mickey comes back to the ride with his watch set at two. He then tells the guest that Fastpass is a Swell way to skip long lines.


Well-Known Member
New guests or guests that have not used Fastpass before should be made to watch the resort tv channel with the fastpass explination (the old Zip a dee doo dah tips) before being admitted into the parks.

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