New construction at AK?

Wannabe Walt

New Member
When we were there in Feb, my dad and I were taking a scenic view from the top of Mount Gushmore in Blizzard Beach. We happened to spot that "tree" and were trying to figure out what it was. I (surprisingly had NO idea...) so dad asked the bus driver on the way to Animal Kingdom the next day (or the day after the next...) and the bus driver told him it was a Cell Tower. We thought it may have been a redwood or sequia at first :lol: . Shows our intelligence.

Mr Smee

New Member
We have a cell tower that was decorated as a tree in Westchester county. Even though you still now its a cell tower it looks better than a bare tower. Imagine the response if Disney didnt try to camaflouge it.


New Member
Well its definitely not the cell tower, thats been finished for quite some time. I pass behind CMM every day and ive never seen cranes there. It was most likely just a temporary thing.


Well-Known Member
I know this is a huge thread drift away from if there is construction going on, but I have to give Disney props on this one. Especially in DAK, the site of a cell tower (which is necessary to efficient park operations, so let's not start that battle) would be HUGELY out of place. Therefore, they really took the only option they could and did a good job with it. Are there feasable ways to make it even better show, sure. But, I would much rather see those dollars spent on other upkeep issues that camoflauging a cell tower to the point of completely not realizing what it is. That would be like re-designing manhole covers or drainage grates so that you could never know what they are, and that just seems a bit unnecessary. Not trying to discount any of the "that looks odd" statements here. I'm just glad, considering some of the doubts I have had with Disney and good show recently, that they did something.

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