New Bus enhancements in April


Active Member
1) If Disney would convert to BioDiesel, this would not be a problem.
2) BioDiesel is made from soy beans.
3) It
. . . burns clean
. . . emits 78% less CO2 than petroleum fuels
. . . biodegrable (faster than table sugar)
. . . non-toxic
. . . takes 1-unit of energy to make 3.2 units of biodiesel energy
. . . about the same price as diesel fuel
. . . saves up to $3,500 per year in bus engine maintenance
4) But, WDW will not listen to such suggestions.

In promoting biodiesel - as the EU, the British and US governments and thousands of environmental campaigners do - you might imagine that you are creating a market for old chip fat, or rapeseed oil, or oil from algae grown in desert ponds. In reality you are creating a market for the most destructive crop on earth.

Last week, the chairman of Malaysia's federal land development authority announced that he was about to build a new biodiesel plant. His was the ninth such decision in four months. Four new refineries are being built in Peninsula Malaysia, one in Sarawak and two in Rotterdam. Two foreign consortiums - one German, one American - are setting up rival plants in Singapore. All of them will be making biodiesel from the same source: oil from palm trees.

"The demand for biodiesel," the Malaysian Star reports, "will come from the European Community ... This fresh demand ... would, at the very least, take up most of Malaysia's crude palm oil inventories." Why? Because it is cheaper than biodiesel made from any other crop.

In September, Friends of the Earth published a report about the impact of palm oil production. "Between 1985 and 2000," it found, "the development of oil-palm plantations was responsible for an estimated 87 per cent of deforestation in Malaysia". In Sumatra and Borneo, some 4 million hectares of forest have been converted to palm farms. Now a further 6 million hectares are scheduled for clearance in Malaysia, and 16.5 million in Indonesia.


Well-Known Member
Wdwinfo has just released official information from disney about the future of Disney buses.

Disney Bus Schedules from the Resorts
Big changes coming to the Disney bus fleet. The buses are being outfitted with GPS units which will become operational in April, 2007. The buses will have automatic Guest counters to track ridership. The bus marquee will automatically update indicating where its traveling to. Remote cameras will be installed to monitor the busier loading zones in order to better respond to Guest demand.
The biggest change will be the addition of background music with "automated spiels" to keep the guests entertained and informed during the trip.

I.e. noise pollution. Just what you need at the end of a long day going back to the hotel.


New Member
With regards to the BioDiesel, many bus engine manufacturers will not allow the use of BioDiesel in their engines and will void their warranties. I doubt Disney's going to do something to void the warranties on their engines in the newer buses.


Have to? Why should you have to? This country is, and always has been a melting pot, and an evolution of the language(s) spoken are bound to change over the next 100 or so years. Rather than suggest that other people be forced to learn english, foreign language should be taught earlier in schools. It is in most other first world countries. People in Europe speak 2 and 3 languages. It wouldn't hurt for people here to speak a few, either.

I agree with you it wouldn't hurt but I think maybe what ITSC was saying had to do with an expectation that because this is the US we should be required to have ever language that might need to be spoken available at anytime. From a financial standpoint this can become a nightmare. I just think we need to be careful about becoming to PC with this. If I go to Mexico I speak Spanish, I wouldn't expect anyone to speak English and wouldn't be upset if they did however I think many people in the US are upset if we don't speak their language. WDW does have many things available in multi-language and this is a marketing thing and they have the finances to do so. However many places and businesses do not.


Well-Known Member
1) If Disney would convert to BioDiesel, this would not be a problem.
2) BioDiesel is made from soy beans.
3) It
. . . burns clean
. . . emits 78% less CO2 than petroleum fuels
. . . biodegrable (faster than table sugar)
. . . non-toxic
. . . takes 1-unit of energy to make 3.2 units of biodiesel energy
. . . about the same price as diesel fuel
. . . saves up to $3,500 per year in bus engine maintenance
4) But, WDW will not listen to such suggestions.

Yea, all that may be true - but you know there ain't nothin like the smell of burnin diesel fuel in the mornin.


How about Hybrid busses. Seatle has been converting their fleet, and I'm sure other cities are doing the same. (Check out this article & video: )
New York City has purchased a bunch of hybrid busses and will expand the fleet as well.
It's a "freakin'" no brainer :hammer: . I would picture Disney as a pioneer on this front. I can't stand black clouds spewing from the rear of a bus!


New Member
I just think we need to be careful about becoming to PC with this. If I go to Mexico I speak Spanish, I wouldn't expect anyone to speak English and wouldn't be upset if they did however I think many people in the US are upset if we don't speak their language.

There is no ideal solution to the "problem", I'll concede - and everyone has an opinion on the matter. The only time it's a major issue, is in matters of life, or death - and usually they burden falls on the non-english speaking person in those situations. What is important to remember is that while people don't always know how to speak English, it's certainly not indicative of their desire or ability. It's also usually limited to the first generation when a family emigrates. As for the term PC, stop and think about what the term really means... Replace it in a sentence with 'stop opressing my bigotry' and you have a realistic definition.


New Member
A problem with Disney's buses is their old style buses, the RTS's, are really old, most of them were made before 1994 I think and their exhaust pipe is low to the ground at the rear of the bus. This sprays exahaust on anyone behind or near the bus. The newer RTS buses, including the new ones by millenium transit have a tail pipe that is at the top of the bus putting the exhaust over the heads of guests. This isn't a problem for the Disney low floor buses.


Account Suspended
Speils/music should begin the final week of April, with new routes/areas/hubs be adding each week.

The plan is to integrate the new technology first so the CM's can learn to use it, and then evoking a change in processes.

The automated re-directing of buses, the reponse to monitoring of crowd levels, and other items that will effect where the buses go and their efficiency will not go into effect until after the use of the new technology in the old format (being dispatched by a person at a hub) is second nature for the CM's.

So, show elements will roll out first, then the efficiency elements will come into play later.


New Member
Wow I can't wait for the new enhancements however I don't really see the need for GPS systems, drivers already know where they're going. I like the idea of the background spiels, hopefully we'll be able to hear them


Account Suspended
Wow I can't wait for the new enhancements however I don't really see the need for GPS systems, drivers already know where they're going. I like the idea of the background spiels, hopefully we'll be able to hear them

The idea is to know where the drivers are. Some have developed the bad habit of driving excessively slow to only make 1 full loop to DtD/PI at night in a 45min rotation.


Original Poster
Speils/music should begin the final week of April, with new routes/areas/hubs be adding each week.

The plan is to integrate the new technology first so the CM's can learn to use it, and then evoking a change in processes.

The automated re-directing of buses, the reponse to monitoring of crowd levels, and other items that will effect where the buses go and their efficiency will not go into effect until after the use of the new technology in the old format (being dispatched by a person at a hub) is second nature for the CM's.

So, show elements will roll out first, then the efficiency elements will come into play later.


I'm going to be there the last week! 4/21-4/28!

Maybe I'll be one of the first to HEAR it!


New Member
Maybe I'm partly to blame. One night coming back from MK EMH our bus driver told us she was in danger of falling asleep and needed us to keep her awake. She said that Disney did not have enough drivers and she was on a ridiculously long shift. Then she told us how she used to be able to afford to bring her family to Disney but that now it was too expensive. I was stunned, especially at the notion of her falling asleep with a bus packed with guests. I emailed Disney my dismay. I wonder if they've had other complaints and thought quietening the drivers might be a good idea.

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