My only real beef with it is the ghawd awful chilli dog smell.
:hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:
And to critique your critique: Its a kids attraction. Let me repeat that - ITS A KIDS Attraction! There were moments of total darkness. Not long periods of time, theres no need for it. There were effects that muss with your hair, and Stitch getting a tad too close for comfort behind you. The restraints move, you get him bouncing all over the place.
YES, it is a kids attraction. I am fully aware of it. But there's no need for what happened in there. I remember just sitting there, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. Yeah, I got sprayed by water, had the restraint move on my shoulders, and I also smelled a really, REALLY bad smell. But that was it. Oh, and BTW, they really need to turn up the volume behind you....I could barely hear Stitch's voice.
There appeared to be more physical interaction with the guests via the restraints then before. Seemed to anyhow. The attraction is growing on me. Plus that AA is the best thing since sliced bread. Phenominal.
But there restraint interaction was used only once, and it seemed to be used more in AE. That AA was really good, BUT it did look "freakish" as it did in the photo of it, IMO.... :lol:
As for your lines, Ive waited a grand total of 20 minutes for both of the tests ive been in. Call it fortuitious timing or what you will, but I havent hit much of a line. Although when this opens - AND ITS NOT OPEN YET - gonna make Peter Pans Flight look walk-on.
The line wasn't long at all, but I waited about 15 minutes near the entrance to the holding pen while some Imagineers were looking at something on that control panel.
Just please guys, that chilli dog. Makes me wanna puke when i smell it. Great effect but nauseating.... Cant we go for cookie breath? Something a bit more plesant maybe? Its worse than the skunk in JITYI.
I said the exact same thing. Worse than the skunk smell, even the stink bug smell in IttbaB.
Overall Lines at the MK sucked today and then some. Of course Its saturday, the weather's nice, in the middle of Food and Wine festival and the morning after MNSSHP plus with the Funai classic happening a few blocks away. You do the math....
Very true.....110 minutes for Splash is really ridiculous. However I was surprised with TL wait times....20 minutes for Space isn't bad at all.
Originally posted by KevinPage
Let's see, you're a Red Sox fan & don't like Space Mountain(?), I'll have to take your review with a grain of salt.
Well, I actually don't hate Space Mountain anymore....I would have to say that I hate track B now. I've found track A (or whatever it is called) to be somewhat smooth and a fun ride (especially that drop).
Nothing is going to change my opinion. I hated it, and that's that. And to tell you the truth....if it wasn't for CoP I wouldn't walk into Fantasyland East, I mean Tomorrowland ever again. :lol: I know some of you probably hate me now for my comments, and I hope you all can enjoy this attraction. :wave: