Nemo's "Crowds in October?!?" 10/23 Update --- Stitch review and much more.....


Original Poster
Hello everyone, and welcome to today's pictorial. I visited the Magic Kingdom and Epcot on this day, and I even got to experience Stitch's Great Escape! (also took some interior photos, those will be up in a few along with a review). Anyways, let's get started....


Stitch's Great Escape! was open today until 4pm. The advertised wait time was 60 minutes, but I wound up waiting about 30.


The extended queue behind the building.


Is something missing from this picture?


SGE closed at 4pm.


About the crowds....need I say more?


Original Poster
Now it's time to visit Downtown Disney.....


The 'D' is missing....

And now off to Epcot....after a quick stop at the Boardwalk.


I arrived at the ESPN Club a 1/2 hour before gametime....there was already a 3 hour wait (please excuse the "fuzziness" of this photo)


Original Poster

This is the scene in the UK. Folks, I've always said that there are three types of people in Walt Disney World -- your slow walkers, your fast walkers, and your stroller demons. :lol:


The Electric Umbrella now features video screens....very nice. Now all they need is some CMs....there were managers working the counter. I waited 20 minutes for a water bottle and a chocolate cream pie.... :rolleyes: :lol:


TT awning still gone....


Gotta love that photo! (but I was the last rider of the day....)


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
If you are an AE fan, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT take the time to wait in line to experience this horrible attraction.

And people laughed at me when I said that I didn't want to see SGE because I didn't think I would be able to give it a fair shot. Maybe it was the tutu? :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I was there today also. I thought Stitch rocked. I really, really liked it. All I saw were happy people and didn't hear anyone complain. I was able to do it twice, and alot of people were riding with me the second time too, because they like it so much.


Well-Known Member
I am an AE fan, and was very upset when it was closed down, but from the way everyone is reviewing it, it sounds like I might just like it. Thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
I think management will probably read your complaint here. While i had some of your same Initial complaints, I have no real problem with it - Its a kids ride, and compareing it with AE isnt fair to either. Its apples and Oranges as far as I am concerned.

My only real beef with it is the ghawd awful chilli dog smell. That and some of the animation. The storyline makes sense .... seems to fit and works well. Jumba probably isnt in it because we dont know who made Stitch yet. Nor has he been dragged in front of the grand council and nobody knows what he's capable of - yet. Makes sense more sense than most paradoxical time travel movies.... My guess is that Stitch would be recaptured and then dragged into the grand council chamber and Volia, start of the first film...

And to critique your critique: Its a kids attraction. Let me repeat that - ITS A KIDS Attraction! There were moments of total darkness. Not long periods of time, theres no need for it. There were effects that muss with your hair, and Stitch getting a tad too close for comfort behind you. The restraints move, you get him bouncing all over the place.

Now while yes, I expected more from this attraction and was initially disapointed, I precieved some changes since my first feedback was posted. There appeared to be more physical interaction with the guests via the restraints then before. Seemed to anyhow. The attraction is growing on me. Plus that AA is the best thing since sliced bread. Phenominal.

As for your lines, Ive waited a grand total of 20 minutes for both of the tests ive been in. Call it fortuitious timing or what you will, but I havent hit much of a line. Although when this opens - AND ITS NOT OPEN YET - gonna make Peter Pans Flight look walk-on.

Just please guys, that chilli dog. Makes me wanna puke when i smell it. Great effect but nauseating.... Cant we go for cookie breath? Something a bit more plesant maybe? Its worse than the skunk in JITYI.

Overall Lines at the MK sucked today and then some. Of course Its saturday, the weather's nice, in the middle of Food and Wine festival and the morning after MNSSHP plus with the Funai classic happening a few blocks away. You do the math....


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
I guess Space Mountain is no longer the attraction I hate the most.... :rolleyes:
I'd give it a 0.1 out of 10....actually, it doesn't even deserve that. WDI has let us down once again. :cry:
(But like I said....I would experience once and once only, and I shall stay true to my word)

Let's see, you're a Red Sox fan & don't like Space Mountain(?), I'll have to take your review with a grain of salt. :D :D :D

If you are going to do a review, you should describe what happens, not just say this and this was horrible, you sound like an angry 10 yr old.


Well-Known Member
Nemo hates it... Dave really likes it...


I honestly can't make a judgement call anymore. I have a feeling this attraction may just divide these boards more than AL Championships did.


New Member
I am not a kid so I have a feeling that the next time I go to WWW I won't bother with this ride. I got a kick out of Alien Encounter and I wish it could have been encorperated somewhere else.

AS for Carausel of Progress; I agree. Let's save it. It was not open last year when I had gone to WWW and I missed that. :sohappy:


Original Poster
My only real beef with it is the ghawd awful chilli dog smell.

:hurl: :hurl: :hurl: :hurl:

And to critique your critique: Its a kids attraction. Let me repeat that - ITS A KIDS Attraction! There were moments of total darkness. Not long periods of time, theres no need for it. There were effects that muss with your hair, and Stitch getting a tad too close for comfort behind you. The restraints move, you get him bouncing all over the place.

YES, it is a kids attraction. I am fully aware of it. But there's no need for what happened in there. I remember just sitting there, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. Yeah, I got sprayed by water, had the restraint move on my shoulders, and I also smelled a really, REALLY bad smell. But that was it. Oh, and BTW, they really need to turn up the volume behind you....I could barely hear Stitch's voice.

There appeared to be more physical interaction with the guests via the restraints then before. Seemed to anyhow. The attraction is growing on me. Plus that AA is the best thing since sliced bread. Phenominal.

But there restraint interaction was used only once, and it seemed to be used more in AE. That AA was really good, BUT it did look "freakish" as it did in the photo of it, IMO.... :lol:

As for your lines, Ive waited a grand total of 20 minutes for both of the tests ive been in. Call it fortuitious timing or what you will, but I havent hit much of a line. Although when this opens - AND ITS NOT OPEN YET - gonna make Peter Pans Flight look walk-on.

The line wasn't long at all, but I waited about 15 minutes near the entrance to the holding pen while some Imagineers were looking at something on that control panel.

Just please guys, that chilli dog. Makes me wanna puke when i smell it. Great effect but nauseating.... Cant we go for cookie breath? Something a bit more plesant maybe? Its worse than the skunk in JITYI.

I said the exact same thing. Worse than the skunk smell, even the stink bug smell in IttbaB.

Overall Lines at the MK sucked today and then some. Of course Its saturday, the weather's nice, in the middle of Food and Wine festival and the morning after MNSSHP plus with the Funai classic happening a few blocks away. You do the math....

Very true.....110 minutes for Splash is really ridiculous. However I was surprised with TL wait times....20 minutes for Space isn't bad at all.

Originally posted by KevinPage
Let's see, you're a Red Sox fan & don't like Space Mountain(?), I'll have to take your review with a grain of salt.

Well, I actually don't hate Space Mountain anymore....I would have to say that I hate track B now. I've found track A (or whatever it is called) to be somewhat smooth and a fun ride (especially that drop).

Nothing is going to change my opinion. I hated it, and that's that. And to tell you the truth....if it wasn't for CoP I wouldn't walk into Fantasyland East, I mean Tomorrowland ever again. :lol: I know some of you probably hate me now for my comments, and I hope you all can enjoy this attraction. :wave:


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
And people laughed at me when I said that I didn't want to see SGE because I didn't think I would be able to give it a fair shot. Maybe it was the tutu? :animwink:

How come every time someone even MENTIONS SGE, you remark "I am never going to see it,"?

I get it. You are an Alien Encounter fan. However, why do I have to read that you will never experience this attraction OVER and OVER?

This isn't an attack on you. I'm just pointing out that it sounds like you've still got sour grapes over the demolition of AE. I know you miss it, but it's time to let it go;)

Frankly, I'd much rather hear about those that have seen the attraction (both positive and negative).


New Member
imagineer99 said:
How come every time someone even MENTIONS SGE, you remark "I am never going to see it,"?

I get it. You are an Alien Encounter fan. However, why do I have to read that you will never experience this attraction OVER and OVER?

This isn't an attack on you. I'm just pointing out that it sounds like you've still got sour grapes over the demolition of AE. I know you miss it, but it's time to let it go;)

Frankly, I'd much rather hear about those that have seen the attraction (both positive and negative).
<It's time to let it go>
I don't see how that's fair. YOU GUYS go on and on about rides that've been closed for decades, and he misses a 12 month long closed ride. WOW, big deal.

I also will NOT be seeing Stitch. He's such an idiot, I'm talking about the alien himself. And who wants to smell chilli dogs in a theatre?

General Grizz

New Member
I'm a definite AE fan, but I would wait for this show (unless I can do Fastpass ;) ). Sorry to hear you thought it was bad. . . I'll form my own conclusions when I get there in November.

How were the guest reactions at the very end? And did any children cry?

P.S. I love Space Mountain, but NOT the right-hand side (when facing the control tower!) :eek:


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks78 said:
I said the exact same thing. Worse than the skunk smell, even the stink bug smell in IttbaB.

I liked the chilidog smell. I don't even like chilidogs, but I liked that smell. I also like the TTBAB smell (smells like coffee to me) and the skunk smell (which smells just like the TTBAB smell.

When I did Stitch the second time (after already knowing what the chilidog would smell like) I could pick up the scent in both preshows too.

General Grizz

New Member
ISTCrew20 said:
I liked the chilidog smell. I don't even like chilidogs, but I liked that smell. I also like the TTBAB smell (smells like coffee to me) and the skunk smell (which smells just like the TTBAB smell.

When I did Stitch the second time (after already knowing what the chilidog would smell like) I could pick up the scent in both preshows too.
Ah, ha! They pulled another JII w/Figment. :lol:

Chilidog doesn't sound too appetizing. I am surprised how Philharmagic apple pie can come and go without "stinking" up the whole building. . .

But, goodness gracious, the JII (same as TTBAB) STICKS with you. . . I always smell it on the drive home if I ride the attraction.


Well-Known Member
imagineer99 said:
How come every time someone even MENTIONS SGE, you remark "I am never going to see it,"?

I get it. You are an Alien Encounter fan. However, why do I have to read that you will never experience this attraction OVER and OVER?

This isn't an attack on you. I'm just pointing out that it sounds like you've still got sour grapes over the demolition of AE. I know you miss it, but it's time to let it go;)

Frankly, I'd much rather hear about those that have seen the attraction (both positive and negative).

That's fine. I'll quit posting about in these threads. But I will say this one last thing. During all the AE changeover I said I didn't plan on seeing it and I got jumped on big time. I tried to be nice, but I got jumped on even more. I am just trying to defend myself and try to let you guys see why I don't want to see it. But I'm done. You won't have to worry about seeing me on here again :wave:


New Member
Well with the way that chamber has had new attractions, I would say there would be a new one in 8-12 years.

I do want to see Stitch though. I probably wont like it, but it is worth a try.

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