Originally posted by CaptJackSparrow
OK people...let's also take into consideration that The Living Seas REALLY needs a BIG change. "Finding Nemo" is a fictional story that isn't necisarily set in a particular time period AND there is nothing in TLS that says that Sea Base Alpha is not located in Australia. Soooo...perhaps a new pre-show could include how Sea Base Alpha was built and show Nemo, Marlin, Dory and the gang being brought in as 'specimens' or somehow being 'sucked' in and inside we can see them exploring the tanks.
As far as the comment that Disney characters don't go with Futureworld...are you forgetting that Figment and Journey Into You're Imagination were a part of the original Futureworld!?!
Bottom line...there are plenty of other places where Nemo could go...like we could even go so far as to say that he could go on my ride since it's in water! BUT the thing we need to consider is that TLS NEEDS it the MOST!