sorry, no pictures. I wasn't intending on seeing in there that day.
and I used the Star Traders example because it's all part of the same refurbishment. SGE means everything from the front of Tomorrowland back as far as Cosmic Ray's will be getting a significant overhaul.
honestly, I wasn't able to get far enough inside to see the laser guns, although the skeleton of what could end up being one was near the door.
Theatre A looked pretty well complete to me, but you have to remember I was looking at it through Theatre B and the preshow. =P
and yes, Stitch will be tame but will also involve sensory effects, in the dark, hopefully in the name of fun, but the fact that they're THERE will probably freak out a lot of kids.
hell, everytime I go on Philharmagic some little kid has to be carried out. and that's just about one of the tamest things at MK...
I fully expect some children to still be bothered by SGE. it's the nature of the beast. it's also ironic because the whole reason AE was shut down in the first place was because it was "too scary". =P
I think this thing will have some more "teeth" than people are expecting. if the wheelchair hall is any indication, they're not doing a lot to the interior... it'll still be dark and weird and kind of menacing.
new Stitch items are, before I forget:
- car decal or magnet of 626 biting into the surface
- tye-dye SGE shirt with 626 biting into the chest, logo on the back
- 626 loomed over by a giant shadow. "Small Size, Big Attitude"
- white tank top with 626 crawling on the chest spitting
- dark blue T-shirt with Stitch drooling when he's suspended in the ceiling at the start of the film
- child's shirt: "Beware of 626, the two foot terror"
- liscence plate version of child's shirt.
- small ceramic figure of smiling stitch
and yes, the Stitch hats are totally sold out. I've got mine.
Merchant of Venus has been converted over into "Stitch Land" and has more Stitch merchandise and plush than even I, a confirmed fan, ever asked for.