Need help: 2 year old & only 3 days!


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[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]My husband has a business conference in Orlando in 2 weeks and my 2 year old daughter and I are going to come with him. We have bought two 4 day park hopper passes and we only have 3 days in the parks. We are planning on spending our first day entirely devoted to MK. How would you spend the other 2 days? What should we skip or what should we not miss? Thanks for your help!

Mom's the word

New Member
Too much fun, too little time

You should definitely do the Animal Kingdom, the safari and Pocahontas and Lion King stage shows - though Lion King is loud so be prepared if your little one doesn't like loud noises. Get a stroller - a must with all the trails - and stroll around looking for animal viewing spots. Also, take the Wildlife Express train to Conservation Station and check out the Affection Section, a kind of petting zoo.

You also should do the Studios. The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast shows are terrific and there is Playhouse Disney for little ones. You might want to check out Muppet Vision 3-D. The Great Movie Ride is terrific but has some definitely scary parts from Alien and the Indiana Jones movies, depends on your little one. If you have some time for Epcot check out Journey Into Imagination, the Living Seas for the aquarium and El Rio del Tiempo in the Mexican pavilion. Lots of walking here and in the Animal Kingdom so be sure not to wear yourselves out, happy toddler = happy mom. The mother's rooms are great break areas when you need some space. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Moms the word gave some good advice. You might want to consider doing 2 days at MK, but spliting them up (one day there, one at 2 other parks, park hopping, and last day at MK.)

In addtion at MGM hit the "Honey I shrunk the Auddince" playground set. MGM has good shows for little kids that shouldn't be missed (Little Merrmaid and Play House Disney, but it is lacking in attractions that you can go to any time and don't need a show time for. If you want to go from MGM to Epcot there is a boat that takes you right there (by way of S&D, Y&B and Boardwalk.)

At AK don't miss the dinoland bone yard playground (closing for rehab some, not sure when) and trisauratops spin.

Since you have park hoppers if MK closes early, head over to Epcot for the evening too. (always open until 9:00pm)

Do a charter meal (CP at MK is always good, Pooh and friends, we like lunch less money) but there are many to chose from.

Don't miss the down time places (playgrounds ect... there are some at each park.) At night the light up sidewalk in Epcot on FL is great for 2 year olds.

Have fun. If it is only you and your DD going to the parks, be sure to do a trip in later where hubby gets to go also. She (and you) will want to share the Disney Magic with him. (and spend a week so you can do it all.)


Well-Known Member
I believe Honey, I Shrunk the Audience is the 3-D show at Epcot (and may frighten small children). The Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure (or something like that) is what you are refering to at MGM. I also believe the playground has been temporarily closed due to hurricane damage, so it may or may not be open while you're there.


Active Member
We took our 21 month old in August. We found afternoon naps very helpful. He survived days without them, but had a better time on days he napped.

Also, if it is at all possible for you, I would recommend bringing your own stroller. The park rentals are mostly hard plastic buggies that don't recline. This makes cat-naps in the stroller improbable at best. Besides, your 2 year old will probably be more comfortable in a familiar stroller. It also makes the airport easier, since you can keep the little one in the stroller right up to the plane and "gate check" the stroller at the end of the jetway.

We spent a lot of time in toontown at the shaded park in front of Mickey's house. Also, as previously mentioned, the boneyard at Dinoland in AK was a big hit. But all in all, Cinderella's golden carousel and Dumbo were the biggest hits. I don't know how yours will react to characters; our child loved them, and character experiences went over big. By the end of our trip he was so used to turning around to pose for pictures with characters that he would stop 3 feet short of them and back in.

Just remember, at 2 years old, the attraction is not always the biggest attraction. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
If you only do 3 days in the parks and are happy to miss one out then I would suggest missing EPCOT.
If you are prepared to Park Hop - then do a full day at both MK and AK and do the best bits at MGM & EPCOT on day 3

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