need advice for trip this weekend


New Member
ok so heres the deal me and my family are disney regulars. we have live in florida for 10 years and have been there 30 times and counting. we have a regular routine in which we go up for instance on a thursday night and will go to parks on friday, saturday, and sunday. we usually leave sunday nite around 7. we like to spend full days at magic kingdom, epcot, and Mgm. and we usually fit about two hours at animal kingdom into one of the mornings. I just found out we will be goin up on this saturday mornign and leaving sunday nite for a quick trip. we want to definatly go 2 epcot and magic kingdom for the majority but would like to fit in everest, tower of terror, and rockn roller coaster. I was just seeing if anyone had some creative ideas on how to fit this all in if possible. Heres another twist...we are die hard Steeler fans and at 8 o clock saturday night they have a playoff game so we will watching that somewhere until like 1130 ( so no night shows:() . if anyone has any suggestions help is greatly appreciated.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
First, welcome to the boards, and second, are you drinking a gallon of coffee before you hit the parks??? All I can say is you will have some very big scratches on your knuckles at the end of the day from dragging them behind you when the day is done.
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New Member
Original Poster
thanks i know that there isnt enough time in the day for what i want to do but i just always want to see and do as much as possible when i get there
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Oh Meyla Weyla
I don't know how creative this is, but if it were me and I was trying this I would probably go straight to AK the first day, get there as early as possible, and hit Everest because it's the park that you have listed with only one thing you need to do. After Everest I'd go to MK for the remainder of the day and prioritize and work the fastpasses as much as possible.

Even more specifically, as soon as you're through the turnstiles at AK, send the fastest person in your party, with all your tickets, to Everest for FP's in case standby is too long when you get there.

Day 2 I'd start at the Studios. Fastpass RnRC if needed or just do it first, then ToT then take off for Epcot. Drive or take the boat, I'd probably drive so as not to waste time at the end of the night getting back to my car.

You don't say where you're staying, but if it's at a Disney resort and you're arriving extremely early on an EMH day then adjust to that and check in first and go to that park. You'd have to be arriving at like 6:30 - 7am for that to work though.

Otherwise you could hop over and check-in right before your football game.

Good luck :wave:
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