

Well-Known Member
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Has anyone seen the new Narnia sets or the White Witch??? Any reviews, pictures, anything?????


New Member
I just saw the movie last night and I loved it! I never read any of the books or anything but the movie was kick ______. Kept you interested the whole time. No dull points at all. Had to look away at one part but that's because I'm a sappy animal lover and couldn't watch one scene. Other than that, it was awesome. Graphics and characters were out of this world. The white witch is really freaky...she dominates everyone. I reccomend seeing it 100%!

Hope this helps. :wave:


New Member
5 year old son and I saw the movie Loved it, animal lovers will love this movie also , ,Im not giving away any hints to the movie but i will say the LION is great you will leave the movie loving this lion!


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Original Poster
I was really talking about the sets and the character meet n greet at the Disney-MGM Studios.


Well-Known Member
drew smith said:
I was really talking about the sets and the character meet n greet at the Disney-MGM Studios.

Guess nobody read what you asked. Must be pretty excited from the film.:animwink:


I also saw the movie last night and loved it.

If you have read the books or saw the older BBC tv version of the story you will love the quality of this movie.

The animals are so realistic. Alsan seems so real. And they did such a great job at capturing the emotions and facial expressions of the animals without making them seem fake.

But most of all I'm so happy that Disney kept the meaning of the story intact and provided a wonderful vision that I'm sure the great C.S. Lewis would have loved.

The only strange part was the appearance of Santa (dont remember that in the book?) but even Santa gave "Props" to the one who really counts Aslan.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Three Cheers for Narnia <><

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Teenchy said:
The only strange part was the appearance of Santa (dont remember that in the book?) but even Santa gave "Props" to the one who really counts Aslan.

Yes, he was in the book. But in the book, they reffered to him as "Father Christmas" not Santa.


New Member
Will see the sets when we get to Disney in 2 weeks, can't wait

Went to see the movie yesterday and what a great job. They kept for the most part with the book and you could really tell the real meaning of the movie, which of course is awesome. <>< Highly recommend this movie to everyone.

God Bless
The movie is awesome!!! (I'm going to sue Hollywood if it dosn't win the oscar for best Visual Effects) All of the set and props were good , to bad i live nowhere close to WDW to see them...


New Member
imagineer boy said:
Yes, he was in the book. But in the book, they reffered to him as "Father Christmas" not Santa.

I don't remeber the kids calling him anything in the movie. Just sir, I think. I assumed it was Santa but his character could have been father christmas. I didn't stay for all of the credits to find out.


Well-Known Member
I am also excited to be able to see the Narnia set. I saw the movie yesterday and it was so good! Wow, did they do a nice job with the movie. I kept thinking that I couldn't wait to experience it in the set that they have/are going to create at MGM. What will the set be like? 47 more days!!



New Member
Just got back from visiting it earlier this evening.

I was rather dissapointed. It had been advertised as a behind-the-scenes look at the sets from the film... well, one thing was missing: the sets.

Here's the scoop:

-You wait in the old (outdoor) WWTBAM standby queue, and while you wait they play a short film on the overhead monitors (a combination of the 5 behind-the-scenes films available on

-Once the film ends, they open up the doors and let the next group inside. You enter a very plain looking waiting area inside the soundstage, with the main focus of the room being "the wardrobe." Once the room has reached capacity, the doors close and the "tour guide" begins his spiel. (Pretty much just a cliff-notes version of the plot of the film.)

-Once the guide finishes his spiel, the wardrobe doors open and you see before you a winter wonderland (this was the best part of the entire experience, it looked very convincing.) As we passed through the doors we enter "Narnia." Once inside, you see it's pretty much just a bunch of snow-covered trees, and a large projection screen. A neat touch was feeling the "snow" under your feet. (Fluffy white carpet.)

-At this point, the lights dimmed and the presentation began. It was really nothing more than an extended "preview" of the film. (This portion will be significantly more interesting for those who have not yet seen the film.) Another neat touch was when the "White Witch" made an appearance during the presentation.

-Once the film ended, that was it. You exit through the doors at the rear while passing by a handful of costumes and small props.

As you can tell, there were a handful of neat touches... but for such a fantastic film with some great sets, I was hoping for a little more than just a movie preview on a screen while standing in-between some snow covered trees.

Ohwell, I think it's still worth seeing at least once if you enjoyed the film or would like to see it at some point.

Hope this little trip-report helps!:wave:

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