My worst experience waiting in a line!


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Last year while waiting in the line for Test Track, about 15 feet from the CM stand, this kid, about 12 yrs old, got sick! REALLY SICK! :hurl: Let's just say that I feel for the CM that eventually had to clean up whereever it landed over the rail.:eek: The bad part about it was the SMELL! Everyone in line that was lucky enough to be standing in that corner was covering their nose with whatever they could find. Needless to say, he and his brother left the line immediately! Just a tad bit too late though!:dazzle: This just happen to be one of *those* days that Test Track was not running up to par and the line was very, very slow going....:p


New Member
I once has a kid throw up on my shoe while waiting in line. It was alot of throw up, my shoe was ruined. What bothered me more than anything was the fact that the kids dad was laughing at the fact that his son threw up on my shoe.:hurl:


New Member
That is horrible when it happens. Too much junk food in their little bodies.

A couple of years ago we were waiting for Fantasmic to start. IT was a chilly evening. The family in front of us there little boy(about 6 yr old) got sick. All over himself and the ground. The CM's were quick to clean it up and they also gave the family a free sweatshirt for the little guy. I thought that was very nice of them. The mom was trying to get him to drink some juice/water and yup - he got sick again. This time she stayed to the back of the theater with him so they did not disrupt the rest of the people around them.


Premium Member
You get the puking kids

I get the kids that run into my butt about 500 times because they think the line is going to fly as soon as you take a step.


New Member
I remember one time I was at the TTC because I wanted a picture taken under the signs that said Magic Kingdom Express Monorail, Resort Monorail & Epcot Monorail. Well after my Mom took the pic under the Magic Kingdom Monorail entrance, this Woman just puked her guts out, so we got away from the smell as fast as we could.


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hypercatmatt04 said:
Everytime someone pukes on Superman, I feel like punching an infant.
:mad: If you said that about my kid I'd have you in jail!!!!! That's crazy!!!!!1 You are a horrible horrible person!!!11 What idiot wants to punch an infant?!?!?! Especially at a theme park!!!!!11

And that is the typical answer you are going to get from many of the cool people here. ;) Personally, I say choke a small child, but that's just a matter of preference. :lol:



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Oh, yeah! That's a definite on the stink! :eek: The way the attractions have you corralled, it makes it impossible to escape.:fork:


Ah, getting sick at Test Track stories..

Though I wasn't there at the time, I do know a kid, who was about eight at the time, got sick on Test Track. He doesn't have problems with rides, I guess he was just nervous because it was his first time riding it, and the truck you encounter right after the sharp turn must have scared him, so he vomited right after he heard/saw it.

When I first heard about it, I couldn't help but laugh.


New Member
Being near the pukers is always bad - but at least you can get away from it (if they don't puke on you that is). The people with killer B.O. are more than I can handle - they can easily turn me into the puking person in line!!! BLECH!


hypercatmatt04 said:
Everytime someone pukes on Superman, I feel like punching an infant.

Umm, people don't freak out, it's comedian Dane Cook, and no one would really do that. (shouldn't use humor on here unless you know that everyone will understand because people freak out! But I didn't mind it. . )

Anyway, my bad experiance was with MS, and the kids behind us were there on a field trip and there was no adult with them what so ever, and they were taunting people in line and swearing, and just being really annoying. When we went in for the pre-show, these kids started screaming and you couldn't hear what they were saying. THEN on top of that, the couple we got paired with, the women chickens out and walks out, and the guy who tried to get her to stay, ends up throwing up on the ride, and my fiance and I started freaking out, he thought I was throwing up, and I just wanted to get out of there because it smelt so bad! We booked it off the ride and saw the wife sitting in the giftshop area, and we told her that he got sick, and then we walked outside to go get some water and to try and get our tummies to feel normal again. Being strapped in a little capsle with vomit was the WORST, at least outside you can try to walk away!!


Active Member
Watching the film clips from Narnia in very close quarters and someone near us had eaten beans or burritos or eggs or something...........:eek: :hurl:

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