This is my first official pretrip report!! My trip really feels like it's official. My lodging is booked my ADRs are booked CP,Chefs, BOG, Plaza, Sci-Fi, T-Rex, my mani-pedi booked, dog's kennel booked. But yesterday it felt really official I don't know why. I took my ds to the doctor and we started talking and he said I can't believe you are so lucky to get back to Disney so soon. He tries to go but his practice and kids schedules aren't always the same anyway When we were about to leave he said wait a minute I know I'll see you again before you go but I want to make sure he has his note now just to make sure you have it in time! My ds has autism and his doctor always gives us a note for a GAC just in case they ever start checking them. We don't use it all the time only when he seems a bit off which doesn't happen often at Disney. I'm so happy his doctor is a Disney fan and hope he gets back soon!