My Trip Report!

hey! just got back today from my vacation from was a BLAST! anyway....HERE WE GO!!!

1st DAY....CHECKING IN....

So me and my parents stayed at the Caribbean Resort and it seemed to be pretty crowded...not too bad...stayed at Trinadad....saw them painting some of the areas...Later, we went to PI to see the St. Patrick's Day Party!!!! :sohappy:
Then we went back and went to sleep :snore: ...except for me....i stayed up until 2:30am cause i couldnt get to sleep :cry:.....but i eventually did! :snore:


we woke up at about 8, went to breakfast (Mickey Mouse Waffles! :D ) and took the drive to there, parked, and went in...(u know....monorail...:hurl: ) anyway...everything looked nice....BIG crowds! not too bad later on though....Space Mountain closed down though....this is why...

my mom...she isn't a good coaster ride handler....ive never been on SM i though it was gonna be kinda slow based on what i dad had been on before, but not since 7 years ago! so we go on and me and my dad have a the end, my mom doesn't get out of the seat for about 7 minutes, stopping the ENTIRE ride...i saw the lights on at the end of the tunnel and while we were leaving, i saw about 6 CMs passing by I think i'm the one to blame!

the rest of the day, my mom was WIPED....she didn't go on ANY rides....shame...the rest of the day was alright....70 min. wait for Splash Mountain...normal stuff...I had FP though!:drevil:

ill post EPCOT and MK Magic Hours later....


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Its really hard for a coaster rider to judge what a non-coaster rider can take. SM is pretty tame for a coaster enthusiast, but for someone who doesn't regularly go on them it can be a bit much, but not always...I've seen people who were apprehensive about something like SM get on it and love it. At least your mom gave it the old college try.


Sorry to hear about your mom. I rode SM for the first time this past january because my wife told me it wasn't as bad as AEROSMITH'S ROCKIN' ROLLER COASTER, which she tricked me into riding.

I found that the problem for me on SM was the total (or close to it) darkness did not allow for me to anticipate turns, dips and twists. Having said that, it seemed like my head jerked around alot.

At least with ARRC you can see and your head is restrained somewhat.

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