Well-Known Member
I'll gladly give you "inaccurate", "out of date" and even begrudgingly admit that it fosters stereotypes by letting them exist. 'Racist' implies that there was an intent to in some way harm, belittle or prove superiority over a person or a particular racial group due to their race. This film doesn't do that. Is it accurate? No. Is it racist? Also no.The film isn't outwardly hateful or demeaning in its portrayal of African Americans and race. It does, however, enforce a number of stereotypes that have been proven untrue and defeating to a number of people. The film is largely out-of-date in how it portrays the Uncle Remus character, and I really don't see how it can be considered anything but racist.
It's a fascinating study on a film that simply is stuck in a less-informed and ignorant time.
If we go by a film's accuracy in portrayal of race then pretty much any film that features a portrayal of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexicans, etc. made up until very, very recently is then 'racist'. That paints with a very broad brush. So, "Zorro' is also racist? "Davey Crockett"? Both are inaccurate in their portray of racial or ethnic groups and both are still widely available on home video and still on television (I watch Zorro on many mornings).
I really don't want to argue, but the use of 'racist' is a pretty strong accusation and used very loosely these days. In doing so we really water it down and when something is truly racist, the word and it's connotation loses significance.
Have a good day.