My Theory on Next US Disney Park


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Okay, I just saw the Travel Channel specials on Imagineering and Tokyo Disney Sea. Being that there has been rumors of a 5th Florida park AND that Disney already has a large plot of land for a 3rd California park, after witnessing Disney Sea and knowing what I know about Disney park history, I got to thinking.

It's now a pretty widely known fact that Disney/MGM Studios ended up being a more full-blown version of a proposed Hollywood/Entertainment pavilion at Epcot (allegedly to be between the Land and Imagination). The fact that Universal was building nearby made this rushed into production 3rd WDW gate happen.

And then there's the Safari Ride at AK and the themed AK Africa area. This is actually an off-shoot of what was once proposed for Epcot World Showcase, which had plans for a scaled-down safari ride and similar-looking archetectured WS pavilion.

So given the chain of logic that Disney takes an idea for a pavilion or land at one park and turns it into a whole big- park elsewhere...after watching Travel Channel and all it's detail, I suddenly had this sick yet hopeful feeling in my gut that Beastlie Kingdomme (or Beastly Kingdom) will not end up at AK after all--that in fact its long delay in being constructed is due to Disney's decisio to use its concept for another park. Instead AK will devote itself to devising rides and attractions based more around real animals and add Australia and South America to the "kingdom," with hopefully interesting and exciting (E-ticket) attractions for both regions.

Therefore, the next Disney park will end up being a "Myths and Legends" park using concepts and ride ideas from BK (like Reign of Fire coaster), as well as incoporating the Sinbad and two Jules Verne rides at Tokyo Disney Sea. They could even add an area for American Legends into the mix to make an interesting new park. If the park ends up in Florida, then that's the place to put the Indiana Jones Adventure. If it ends up in California, they can add Dinoland and its attractions (since most of it is Flinstoney/cartooney anyway). They could even put Timekeeper into the mix for the Jules Verne stuff.

Just my two cents.

But after seeing TDS in all its splendor, I don't see how they can seriously put a Disney Sea into Florida w/o really redoing it from top to bottom--too many areas are too similar in theming and feel Epcot and/or AK. And they just don't have enough room for anything other than a mini-DS in California, which would probably make it crappy.

But since Disney likes to go with proven crowd-pleasing attractions, and there are several over in Tokyo that could come to the states, using the Myths and Legends concept for the next park might work.

Since they have cleared land in California and kind of already stated that they will put a new park there around 2010, they have to make sure to hit a home run this go round since the questionably conceived DCA has thus far tanked. Therefore adding the E-tickets that have yet to come stateside totally makes sense and would truly bring a "second major gate" to Disneyland Resort.

So now tell me how much I'm dreaming. Go on. I can take it...

Lord Alfred

Originally posted by Disneynutcase
Since they have cleared land in California and kind of already stated that they will put a new park there around 2010, they have to make sure to hit a home run this go round since the questionably conceived DCA has thus far tanked.

In my opinion, they will HAVE to "fix" DCA before they even think about another California park. Whether they close and re-theme it, attach it to DL directly, or attach it to the new park idea, DCA will be a part of anything that is done. They cannot operate a park with such low attendence figures forever, and they aren't going to simply board it up and forget about it. If they don't just make it a part of DL, the money it will take to "fix" will come from the proposed budget for the third park.

On the same note, I believe they will have to "finish" AK and expand Epcot and MGM before they consider a fifth park in WDW.

But, I could be wrong and It'd be sad if I was.


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DCA will probably remain as Disneyland Resort's second gate in some kind of form similar to the way it is now, but it's going to suffer for attendance until 2004 when their version of ToT finally opens.

They are also underway in building the resorts' 2nd mega parking structure from hell on the site of the old Grand Hotel. Once that opens, then the remaining land designated for DCA, the corner "Simba" parking lot at Harbor and Katella, is supposed to be cleared out for the next DCA addition. My guess is that more will be coming by 2006-2007--definately another Disney original "big draw" attraction or two.

Therefore breaking ground for the 3rd California park and having it open around 2010 isn't out of the question.

Once DCA gets a few more top tier attractions, people will start to check it out. ToT will do wonders and help add to the good reports people out here get about Soaring Over California, California Screaming, Grizzly River Rapids, and the 3-D flicks. Now just think about that last sentence I just wrote--that's all DCA really has to draw people in with only the Soaring ride being a genuine theme park original. We have 3-D's, river rapids rides, and coasters at many parks in Southern California, if not all over the U.S.. Therefore Disney screwed themselves on DCA's potential for attendance because most people I know out here can go to one of many other more "complete" parks (Knotts, Magic Mountain, Sea World) and get a much bigger bang for their $$ ride&attraction-wise.

Also DCA was very ill-conceived for small children, which should be finally remedied a bit by Flik's Fun Fair.

DCA is 3-5 years away from being a hit. Until then, it treads water to compete.

To a bit lesser degree, same thing goes for AK. That park does better because most people go to WDW and get multi-day park-hopper tickets that eventually trickles them into the park.

The safari ride is the main draw. I think they were hoping that Dinosaur! would do better as a second draw, being that there are still billboards for it around the Orlando area. And aside from those two Disney original e-ticket attractions, what else does AK have as "main attractions"--a 3-D movie, a river rapids ride, a coaster (albiet a weird one)?

Disney Theme Park brass needs to get out of their rut and allow the Imagineers to build more cutting-edge state of the art rides.

But Pressler's overal cheap-assed lameness is part of many other thread discussions. Therefore discussion about him is not needed. Mea culpa!

But my point with my original posting is that I feel hopeful that Disney will one day show us some semblance of a Beastly Kingdom as well as bring some of Tokyo Disney Sea wonders stateside. There are only so many Disneyed-up versions of Six Flags and carnival rides that patrons will put up with.

And I think they learned their lesson big-time with what they opened DCA with.

Lord Alfred

I guess I feel that DCA is fundamentally flawed and it is something that new attractions will only temporarily alleviate. The "theme" of the park is neither exciting nor interesting, and I can imagine that it would only be moreso for the local Californians that make up the majority of DL's guests.

Flik's FF will not affect attendence much if at all, and ToT will spike attendence only enough for everyone who has not been to the (rumored to be) superior Florida version to ride it a few times. I feel that a drastic re-do of DCA will eventually be necessary if the park is to survive on its own.

A third park could still be done by 2010, though. You mention that there would not be enough room for a DisneySea in CA. From what I've read and understand, the park is laid out very efficiently and is actually much smaller than it appears. If there isn't enough room for it, I doubt there is enough for another satisfactory stand-alone park at all. I bet DS would probably fit, though.


New Member
Disney should not even think about a fifth park, as four parks alone stretches attendance between Epcot, MGM, and Animal Kingdom. Another park may be disastrous for those parks, as the Magic Kingdom seems to do well on its own, being the epitome of a Disney theme park. But anyways, Disney should think about fixing up their current parks (including DCA) and I think they are starting to learn from their current mistakes. Looking at the past year sees (not including the Dinoland Carnival) many decent moves by Disney to correct mistakes. First, Flik's Fun Fair at DCA seems to be a well-themed area that will help that park very much, along with the new Tower of Terror, which will still help the park even if it is a scaled-down version. Secondly, the new Journey into Imagination is a much better redo than the horrendous JIYI, and lastly, Disney is starting again to upkeep the rides and attractions that it currently has, with all the painting going on in DL and elsewhere.

As soon as Disney fixes their problems and also looks at future tourism demographics showing where people travel and what they want, then they can think of a fifth park, and I just hope it will be a completely new idea, if it ever happens

now ill shut up:sohappy:


I don't think they'll ever be able to fix DCA. It's a terrible theme for a park in California. Most of my non-Disney friends have no desire whatsoever to check it out. According to them, it's not just because of all the negative press, but because there's nothing special about a park about California when you actually live there. That's not a good sign, especially since 65% of the DLR's guests are locals.

I hope for everyone's sake, we here in the States really do get something more original, though I wouldn't complain if they decided to put DisneySeas here.


Well-Known Member
If there is one thing the Imagineers can do, it is think up NEW great ideas for parks! That is why I doubt Disney will make DisneySea in the USA. Instead, they will probably attempt to incorporate the different popular areas of DisneySea into the existing parks (StormRider-Epcot, Mysterious Island-Adventureland/Animal Kingdom, Magic Lamp Theater-Agraba Bazaar in Adventureland, other Sea related thingies-Living Seas).

At California, one thing that could draw crowds would be to create a completely new experience. If the Imagineers couldn't top DisneySea, then they wouldn't be Imagineers, would they? :animwink:


New Member
Considering their financial problems and lack of true creative, visionary leadership for their current parks, Disney would be crazy to add another park now. They're going to have to learn to manage their current parks first. They need to find another Walt Disney, actually.

If they do open a new park in the future, the theme will have to be so incredible as to assure its success. It will need to touch and inspire people enough to spend thousands of dollars to travel far from their local Six Flags or Busch Gardens. It will need to have more than just another super thrill ride.

They will also need a new, cutting edge technology. Something for today that would be the equivalent of yesterday's (yawn) audioanimatronics.

To that end, I think the above idea for a park based on Myths and Legends may be heading in the right direction. Maybe in my lifetime...?


Well-Known Member
Well, I disagree about DCA because I've been there and its a wonderful addition to DL. Not only is it a new park for DL, it also has new rides that WDW does not have. You guys ridden Soaring Over Calif.? Your missing out.

Also, DL has incorporated some of the best parts of WDW like Downtown disney and Disney Seas by building a hotel inside the park, yeah no waiting in line and lets have a drink on the balcony and people watch!

True, DCA is about CA so the lady giving tortilla rolling demo's is lame and we've all seen piers and boardwalks and yes, we all have a vineyard in the backyard, but mid-west folks haven't and thats what its about. And if you've had to read this twice, maybe your missing out too.

My question to you is where are they gonna stick another park in DL? After DCA there ain't much room left. They took out the parking lot for DCA and built a parking garage the size of the Matterhorn, oh, never seen that either? Sheesh! Maybe the original is kinda fun?!


Account Suspended
Originally posted by 3IAlienKid
I don't think they'll ever be able to fix DCA. It's a terrible theme for a park in California. Most of my non-Disney friends have no desire whatsoever to check it out. According to them, it's not just because of all the negative press, but because there's nothing special about a park about California when you actually live there.

Not only that, but parts of the park really have nothing whatsoever to do with California as a theme. I mean, Flik's Fun Fair sounds really cute, but what does that (and It's Tough to Be a Bug) have to do with California? They don't have bugs in any other state? And Who Wants to Be a Millionaire is taped in NY! In fact, in the opening of the TV show, they make a point of letting you know that it's in NY. So why is it in a California-themed park? How does this "celebrate the spirit and culture of the Golden State"?

I think the bad press and word of mouth that DCA has already gotten will make it difficult for a turnaround without pouring tons of money into it. Exanding on a suggestion earlier in this thread, I think the smartest thing they could do would be to shut it down, remove some (but not all of the attractions), and then reopen with a new theme and a new name. Of course, what that new theme and name could be is probably a whole other discussion.

Lord Alfred

Originally posted by westie
Well, I disagree about DCA because I've been there and its a wonderful addition to DL. Not only is it a new park for DL, it also has new rides that WDW does not have. You guys ridden Soaring Over Calif.? Your missing out.

Also, DL has incorporated some of the best parts of WDW ... And if you've had to read this twice, maybe your missing out too.

...Matterhorn, oh, never seen that either? Sheesh! Maybe the original is kinda fun?!

Hmmm... Awfully defensive, aren't we? Sounds like this guy has WDW envy! :lol:


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Re the locale for the next DL park:

Disney purchased a huge plot of land just down the road from DL (I think it's off Harbor Blvd, but I may be mistaken). It seems to be a larger parcel of property than what they had for DCA.

And Disney has publicly stated that after DCA gets it's phase 2 completed and after the 2nd mongo parking structure is built, they will turn their attention to this new plot of land.

They have not, however, said anything about what they will put there, other than it will be a park of some sort. This could mean 3rd theme park or it could be a west coast version of a WDW water park.

And yo, Westie!

Although your posting tries to be favorable towards DCA, go back and read what you wrote. Just like I said, it's really only Soaring Over California combined with a bunch of rides we've seen before.

And as a native Californian and an Angelino, I'm not exactly thrilled over the choice Disney made regarding the overall theme of this park. The rumored Westcot would've been better. However, I think the place has potential to be truly grand, given time and a commitment by Disney to make it grow into a worthy Disney money-maker.

Or, to put it another way, if this was 1991, we'd be having a similar -fest web-chat about Disney/MGM and it's lameness at that time. Cause by year two of MBM, they only had the GMR, just opened Star Tours, and offered an ever-lame BackLot Tour as their main fare. Until they added ToT and RnRC years later, that park was actually kind of an ill-conceived rip-off.

So give DCA another 5 years or so, and I'll bet Disney will turn it around.

As far as WDW goes, Epcot needs help beyond Mission: Space--at least two more cutting edge attractions as well as some refurb/updating for a few existing pavilions. AK needs a "big fix" attraction or two--again something unique and E-Ticket--and that doesn't neccessarily mean adding a Coaster. And MGM will probably need something new to keep up with its peers w/in another 5 years or so, just to keep the place fresh and exciting. MK will always draw people. It doesn't really need much, perhaps just something to go into that damned Sub lagoon.

5th WDW park won't happen (if ever) until at least the next decade. There's already too much to do at WDW as it stands--at least for those of us who don't get out there several times a year.


New Member
When i was in disney last august i had been talking to a bus driver for WDW when Magic Kingdon had been open until 1:00 only for dvc members and he had said that they had set aside land and it might be sticly for roller coasters!!!!!:sohappy: :hammer: :hurl: :D :sohappy: :wave: :p


New Member
This message is in reply to Disneynutcase. I like your theory about a "Myths and Legends" theme park. I think that is a unique and creative idea will withstand the everchanging fads. I do have a couple of suggestions for the "Myths and Legends" park. First change the name. "Myths and Legends" is not a good name for a theme park. Maybe something like "Legendary Universe" would be better. Second, is a "land" idea. I watched Peter Pan on ABC a couple weeks ago because it was the Sunday Wonderful World of Disney movie. If you remember in the movie when Peter, Wendy, John, and Michael all first arrive at Neverland they land on a cloud to "scope out the new place". As Peter points out the different areas of Neverland, I became extremely interested in the setup. I think that a Neverland "land" at a Disney theme park would be a huge crowd-pleaser. Because Peter Pan is a Disney classic and Neverland has plenty of features and characteristics that could easily could be turned into some new and unique attractions. Besides Neverland fits the theme perfectly, it is a fairytale with legendary characters.


Well-Known Member
Heck...Neverland could be a park on it's own.


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