Disney Irish
Premium Member
I have a bit more faith than you do. Every generation feels young people are worse than they were. Each generation is just different.
This Millennial generation and younger (Gen-Z, iGeneration, Selfie generation, or whatever they are calling them) is different though. They have a lot of good qualities, demanding change for social injustice is one, and I applaud that. But at the same time their work ethic is not the same as previous generations. They don't feel they should have to work for things and feel it should just be given to them. Now I'm not speaking about anyone in particular, this is a general criticism. There are many many good workers in that generation. But a large majority have a self entitled feeling, like something is owed to them including a high paying job.
It is a good question and probably a combination of factors. The union may certainly complicate matters, but that doesn't apply to PT employees and that is what you often encounter in the parks. You must be careful HR wise about going about letting someone go, but all it means is that managers have to do a little more work and document everything that happens. I would imagine not enough managers are putting in the effort to document poor employee behavior. A friend of mine works in HR (not Disney) and had a manager come up to her one day and said she wanted to fire someone. They went on and on about an employee had been terrible for months and if true the employee definitely deserved to be let go. My friend asked for the documentation of these behaviors and proof the employee had been counseled. There was none of that. The manager stormed off because they couldn't fire the employee. Managers need to put in the work too and document failings.
Oh I'm very aware of HR procedures. A lot of my family members are either in HR or in the workers comp industries including the largest workers comp company is the state. This includes my roommate who was a manager at an HR placement agency for over 20 years.
So the question comes to why aren't the bad employees being written up? Are they not allowed to be written up? Are managers just lazy, I don't think that is it, but could be. Are they given too many warnings? And again why aren't they cleared out at some point.
Anyways until these bad employees are dealt with no amount of pay increase is going to change things. So its nice that you think the pay increase is going to bring in a better caliber of applicant (I don't think so but whatever), but it isn't going to do any good. Because you first have to clear out the bad before you can bring in the good.
I just hope with this new pay increase comes sweeping change to how bad employees are dealt with.