Hi-ho, Kermit the frog here, I played MASH yesterday on my iPod Touch, and these were my results:
If you ever play MASH, please post your results on this thread.Nothing aggravates you more than the news of declining home values within your neighborhood. Yet, nothing pleases you more than knowing you live in a house, with your Bentley parked out in front.
A mysterious stranger most definitely has taken intrest in you. You can tel by the way they use their walk that they're in a rush with no time to talk. Music loud and eyes drawn shout, you better go jump on that before time is up.
Dinosuar is like a sister to you, and you can't see going through life without having them by your side. Every experience is enriched when shared.
A world-class facility, some of the world's best faculty groups, vibrant student life, and an extraordinary learning experience is something you'll find at clown academy. Other students may find it elsewhere, but clown academy is where you belong.
"Speak now or forever hold your peace." The words that brought you to your senses. It was at that key moment you stood up with your shaking knees and accepted to the union of Mickey Mouse and his true love.
Polka dots...seriously, that's what you would have chosen had it not been for several very good friends. yes, we know you're a rebel and whatnot, but, sometimes, you just need to hold back! In the end, you decide on a light, blue-violet, wedding dress. Not as flashy as you would have hoped, but, at least everyone's happy.
You've always felt that your dates only deserved the best, so, you've always made movies your first pick. Expensive, excellent service, and exorbitant prices; it has everything! Plus, since you take your dad there every week, the staff have grown quite accustomed to you. Now, if only you could find a date...
Time has changed and scenery was getting old, good thing you moved to Tokyo (and near Tokyo Disneyland). Looks better than your prior location.
In the future you will be blessed with 1 child. By the time you hit 40, your hair will be completely gray, and you will have aged twice as fast. Honestly, what were you thinking having so many children? It'll be at least a few more years 'til they go off to university, or college...you don't know if you'll make it.
Being an Imagineer isn't so bad, think about all the experience your learning!
Your future vehicles shall be an ice cream truck that first hit the road in 1992! Hey, in the future, it'll be a priceless antique! Who needs a hovercar, or rocket-van? You've got old-school charm.
You are jock. Gym class wasn't your favorite subkect in school, was it?
You're in the last legs of the presidential campaign, and you need just one last show to push you over the top with the voters. What can you do? What will you do? Wait, there's only one thing you can do...tap dancing!
Who says gluttony is a sin, especially when it comes to a cheeseburger. With such a heavenly tatse, only the most archaic would condemn one for overindulgence.
All your life, you've been a pretty extreme individual, and that trait is truly expressed in your hair. You daringly sport braids dyed scarlet red. After all, you're a person of action, extreme action, and you can't act without the right hair to express your extreme action-taking nature. EXTREME!
In terms of partner prospecting, start with the company you've kept in close proximity over the last few years. Now, directly correlate their attraction to you, based on your decent physique. this way, even if they don't like your personality, you've still go something going for you, or against.
You don't even know the term, "stupid!" But, maybe, it's because of your rather genius IQ. Usually, the most obvious answer is the truth.