I kind of got lost in these two threads (you may just want to stick to one, it's confusing).
But here are some thoughts:
Hollywood Boulevard is awesome, not that much needs changing. IF we were to add anything It would probably be @
ctxak98 's soda fountain, and really I only say that because of the lack of good food at Studios, especially one so centrally located.
Considering the effort they put into creating a new identity for DCA, it would be completely insane to replicate it's brand new entrance. Hollywood Studios already suffers from severe identity issues, that would only make things worse. (I would be for the Red Cars, but I probably wouldn't put them down Hollywood Boulevard, it's too narrow. Sunset would work, and you could maybe route them to Echo Lake, or the Animation Courtyard.
If we plan to move the hat, Replacing the Animation Courtyard arch would be a mistake. It gets just as much screen time (if not more so these days) than the earful tower. It's a beautiful and detailed piece of architecture, and also acts as a boundary.
I've already stated that Wax Museums are terrifying, but I roll with @
Turtle 's idea of moving the hat to the front of the park. It probably wouldn't be too difficult, It would restore the view of the theater, and allow them to keep it as the park icon without it being too obnoxious.
I have to say that I'm really against adding walk of fame-like stars, however. If we desperately want them, I would say that Sunset would be more appropriate.
I can't say I would be for the return of Sorcery in the Sky. I loved the show, I miss it dearly, but Fantasmic is awesome, and the park can't really handle multiple nighttime shows. I'm a huge fan of their New Year's show "Lights, Camera, Happy New Year" Which they have also done a few times for special events when they call it "Rock the Night" I would be all for doing this show for special events more frequently, but the trouble with any fireworks show is having to close Toy Story Mania early because it's in a fallout area. That's not something that the park can roll with on a daily basis.
Anyway that's just a few thoughts.