My daughter's 14th birthday at Disney 10/25-10/28

I have been trying to do our trip report forever but could not figure out how to load the here's to try # 412,870 :)


I took my daughter to Disneyworld for her 14th birthday. We left Pa on Saturday morning at 3:00am heading to Baltimore
Maryland to get a cheaper flight to Orlando. Our flight left at 7:00 and we arrived at Orlando Airport at approx. 10:00am.
We walked quickly to the Magical Express counter, and were ushered onto the bus in less than 20 minutes. From the
Express to POP CENTURY checkin and on the bus to Animal Kingdom all by 1:00pm. Since this was a last minute trip we
could only do four days. Since HS had late night on Sunday and MK had late night on Monday, we figured we would do
AK first since we can get through that park in about 5-6 hours, HS on Sunday, MK on Monday and Epcot on Tuesday.






Original Poster
Day One Part II Animal Kingdom

We got to the Pop Century at about 11:00am; our room was ready so we checked in and were assigned room 5312, that was the 60's building. The last room all the way in the back on the 3rd floor. We had a beautiful view of Hourglass Lake. We were starving and went to the food court. My daughter and her friend got Pancakes with Bacon ($5.19 each) I got the Western Omelette Platter ($6.99). We got two fountain drinks ($2.29 each); my daughter got a cookie and her friend got a brownie to take to the Park. The total of our breakfast receipt was ($27.94). This was my first trip to Disney without using the Dining Plan and hoped we could eat cheaply. After reading these boards for years, I thought we would have done better but I learned a good lesson; get the dining plan :) Before heading to AK, I got my daughter and her friend each a $25 Arcade Card to use throughout the trip. We headed over to Animal Kingdom about 1:00pm . My daughter also brought her best friend. We had all been awake for over 24 hours except for quick naps here and Animal Kingdom felt like a good calm intro into out trip...that was until my daughter and her friend got through the turnstiles...both screamed "Dinosaur" and headed to the right..

We walked onto Dinosaur three times (I'm wide awake now)
walked sadly past Primeval Whirl which was down
ran wildly again to Expedition Everest which I watched from the bottom
we got FP's for Kilimanjaro Safaris and went onto Kali Rapids. By the time we got off, our FP's were ready for the Safaris. It was a warm day so it was time for water so we stopped at Harambe Fruit Market for 3 bottled waters ($2.00 each for $6.00) So, with water in tow, we got in the FP line for KS. The standby line was at 60 min so the FP's were helpful. Once off the Safari, it was 3:30pm so time for Lunch. We headed to Pizzafari. My daughter's friend got the kids pasta meal ($4.49) my daughter got cheese pizza ($5.79) and I got an order of breadsticks ($3.99). We also donated $1.00 to the Conservation Fund. This receipt was for $16.20.
Everyone is running out of steam so we decided to see the Finding Nemo show and the onto It's Tough to Be A Bug. It was now almost 5:20pm and the park was closing at 6:00pm. We decided to head back to Pop. The girls wanted to go to the Arcade and have a swim.

We were back at Pop at around 6:15pm. We did a quick check of our room and the luggage was there. The girls changed into bathing suits and jumped in the pool. I went back to the food court for dinner at around 7:00pm. I got the Saturday night Mom's Special Chicked Dinner ($9.09) a Fountain Drink ($2.29) and a Piece of Tye Die Cheesecake which I had been craving since I booked the trip ($3.59) Total receipt was ($15.95) At 8:00pm the girls got out the pool and headed to the food court for a Cheesesteak Wrap ($6.99) a Powerade ($2.55) and another Mom's Chicken Meal ($9.09) Total meal was ($19.67). So today's tally is $50.00 on Misc and (85.76) for Food.

I'm pretty sure I passed out at about 11:00pm..watching the Disney channel scroll through the park hours...the kids came in around 11:30 with a pocket full of arcade tickets. The alarm was set for 6:00am..We planned to do Hollywood Studios on Sunday since it had a late opening until 10:00pm.










Original Poster
Day 2 Hollywood Studios

The alarm was ringing at 6:00am and I clearly remember smashing the snooze button about 10 times. At about 7:00am, I realized that I was not at home but in Disneyworld, in a big bed without my dog hogging the covers. Luckily, I remembered before passing out to charge the digital camera batteries, the video camera, and the cell phones (ugh). It took at least 4-5 attempts to wake two very sleepy teenage girls, but when I whipped open the blinds and let in that Florida sunshine, my daughter bounced right awake. Her friend took a little more coaxing..she's not the Disney fanatic that we are. Since this was a last minute trip, the only place I could get reservations was at the 50's Prime Time Diner at HS. I wanted to do a cake thing for my daughter but things just weren't coming together. We decided to do that once we got home but I'll explain that on day 4 (Oct 28th is her birthday). We dressed and headed to Pop Food Court. I got there first and got my Western Omelette ($6.99) and a drink ($2.29). My receipt total was (9.89). My daughter and her friend both got French Toast with Sausage ($5.19) each. Total amount was ($11.06). We kept out water bottles and just kept filling them up at the water fountains to try to save a little $$. We took the bus over to HS. Not a long wait at all. Got to HS and once the rope dropped, walked very very quickly to Toy Story Mania. We got Fast Passes for 12:20-1:20am. It was about 9:15am, the line wasn't too long. We got on around 10 ish, ride was great; certainly met the level expectation I had based on everyone's comments. It's actually a pretty long ride. We saw the power rangers outside the Backlot Tour building so...

We went on Backlot with the power rangers, the great movie ride, voyage of little mermaid and chronicles of narnia. We also spotted the Monsters characters and had another pic moment. We stopped for block party bash and high school this time is was almost 2:00 and we had 2:10 ressies at 50's prime time. We decided to just splurge here and spent wayyyy too much. My daughter's friend got Fried Chicken ($14.99) my daughter got Meatloaf ($14.99) and I got a Fish Sandwich ($12.49). The girls wanted dessert so after all the harassment we got from our waiter for the girls taking forever to finish their lunches and repeatedly putting their elbows on the table :hammer:I let them get Brownie Sundas ($5.99 each). Our lunch bill was ($62.66) with tip our final bill was ($74.43). We ventured over to Star Tours and then the girls decided they wanted to invade toddler land (Honey I Shrunk The Kids Set). It was time for a rest. We sat for about an hour just people watching. We tried to get into Muppet Vision 3D but the line was always too long. At around 6pm we headed to the right side of HS. FP's for Tower of Terror and Rock and Roll were all out and the stand by lines were at 60 minutes. We decided to see Beauty and the Beast and then see Fantasmic at 7:30pm. After 6 trips to Disney, this was my first time seeing Fantasmic. It was AMAZING!! Although it took us about a hour to get out of there. Next time I'll either get better seats so I can make a quick exit or just bring in dinner and relax. It was almost 8:30pm when we exited. We went to Rosie's All American Cafe where we all got Burgers and Fries. Total bill there was ($22.66) We inhaled the food and headed to ToT and Rock & Roll. The girls did both rides, walked on and then we headed to Muppet Vision. My daughter's friend loves the 3D shows. It was almost 10:00pm so we started out of the park at about 9:50pm. We were exhausted!!! We waited for the second bus back to Pop because we were too tired to stand. Got back around 10:25pm. For some reason we needed snacks, I got two slices of bread to make some toast and a banana, ($1.79) the girls got four slices of bread, two peanut butter packets, a bag of cheetoes and a bag of potato chips, their receipt ($9.11). Showered, plugged in our many chargers, set the alarm for 6:00am as Monday was Magic Kingdom day and I wanted to see the opening show. Total spent today on food....($128.94) eekkkk Today I took a lot of videos and very few pics but here are a couple:






Original Poster
Day 3 Magic Kingdom YAWNNNNNNNN

Ok, day three and this is one fast paced vacation. I love Disneyworld but I am pretty sure we are traumatizing my daughter's best friend. She is a Disney Newbie and this probably wasn't the way to introduce her. My daughter and I surprisingly jumped up when the alarm went off at 6:00am, her....not so much. We noticied her nodding off at breakfast, on the bus and throughout the day. to Pop Food Court for some protein. I got my western omelette ($6.99), daughter got waffle with bacon ($5.69) and friend got french toast with bacon ($5.19). We are still using our water bottles. Total bill was ($19.04). Magic Kingdom opened at 9:00am and tonight was their late opening which meant we could stay until midnight. We actually saw the opening ceremony which was really cute. The park was all decorated for Halloween, which is my fav holiday!

We head to the right, buzz lightyear, stitch, space mountain, carousel of progress, is where things get hairy. I noticed that my digital camera memory card is almost full. It's an old 512 card so I walk back to the front of the park and hope that the kodak photo center. And thank you Disney..they sell memory cards..AND they are 1GB. So, I buy a new card ($25.54), load it up and head back to right side of park. We go to laugh factory, buzz again, stitch again, buzz again..basically we are walking on and off rides. My daughter does astro orbitor and her friend and I stroll and take more pics...this is when my camera starts flashing red and says 'card not formatted'. And it won't let me format it. I have already taken about 30 pics of the girls with Buzz Lightyear and Stitch plus lots of park pics. I am mortified. I think a lot of it was fatigue mortification, if that's a word but I give up on the pics. We head to the back of the park but it's getting packed. My daughter's friend really wanted to go on the Speedway but the line was wrapped around tomorrowland. We also noticied that fantasyland was packed. snow white, pooh, even it's a small world was packed. We decided since it was almost noon to do lunch and regroup. We went to Pinocchios for Cheese Pizza ($5.79), nugget with fries meal ($6.89) figaro fries ($3.19) and a kids pb and j meal ($4.49) Total bill ($21.69). After lunch we headed to Hall of Presidents. My daughters friend not only fell asleep, but snored loudly throughout the entire show. My daughter insisted on Splash Mountain. So, we got FP's for 2:15-3:15pm. We decided to jump on the Railroad for a relaxing 20 minute ride around the park. It was about 1:25pm so we were counting on some shopping before the FP was ready for Splash MOuntain, however, once on the train, we were stopped at Mickey's Toontown for almost an hour. Unfortunately, some poor mother lost her child while on the train. I don't know the details but they would not allow the train to move until almost 2:30pm. We were too tired to hike it back on foot and figured we would wait it out. We got back to Frontierland at about 2:50..just enough time for the girls to jump on Splash Mountain. It was around this time that the Parade was starting so the CM's were starting to rope off the area. I was also waiting in the wrong gift shop and totally lost them when they exited Splash Mountain. So here I am, wondering around MK trying to imagine what two teenage girls would do if they didn't see me. I attempted to meander my way through the crowds to the front of the park. I took this opportunity to take my 1GB memory card back to the Kodak store. No one could figure out what the problem was so they offered me a new card. Luckily, one of the CM's was able to get my pics off the other card. I opened the new card, inserted it in the camera and poof...CARD NOT FORMATTED in bold red letters. The only other option I had was to have the CM put the pics from my 512 card onto a CD so I could clear it and take more pics with that, since I knew it worked. That was another ($25.54). But I could now delete the pics off the camera and start over. Anyway, afterwards, I sat on the rocking chair on the porch for about two hours waiting for my daughter to wander to the front of the park, which they did at approx. 5:00pm. We were all cranky and tired and decided on a hotel break. We stopped at the Confectionary store for a sweet treat and spent ($16.89) in there for treats and some pops as soveniers for friends and my daughter had to have an ice cream cone at Scoops ($2.75). Back to Pop until about 8:00pm. We had dinner at approx 6:00 at Pop Food Court..My daughters friend and I just wanted nachos, mine were loaded ($6.69) she had plain nachos and cheese ($3.49) my daugher went to the arcade first but came back and had Pizza ($6.09), frieds ($1.99) and we decided to toss the water bottles and get two fountain drinks (2 x $2.29). Total bill was ($13.49). Back to the room for a couple hours, on the bus by 8:00am to MK.

We immediately watched the fireworks in front of Cinderella's Castle at 9:00pm then headed to Haunted Mansion which was fantastic, it's a small world, snow whites adventure, peter pans flight, and mickey's philharmagic. It was now close to 11:15pm and we decided that we had all had enough and headed back to Pop. Although I hadn't mentioned this before, all three of us were on a six hour tylenol schedule; besides the sore feet and headaches from sleep deprivation, we were all feeling the effects of trying to pack those four parks into four days. We missed a lot at MK like the tiki rm, pirates, thunder mountain, alladin carpets, etc, we also knew enough was enough. We got back to Pop at about 11:53pm...just enough time for snacks in the Food Court. We got a bag of chips ($2.39), four pieces of bread ($2.76), four peanut butters ($2.00), and two worms in dirt ($1.99 each) Total receipt was ($11.86). So today we spent ($51.08) on Misc and ($96.57) on food...this night is not over as tomorrow is checkout so I'll do a Part II and our Final Day are a couple of pics...








Well-Known Member
Ooops - Back to the Future

A futuristic report - check out the dates on your photos :animwink:

Seems like you had a great time - thanks for sharing


Original Poster
I love Pop. We don't really spend that much time at the hotel, so to me, it's always been clean and a lot of fun. Theming is incrediblr, food court has a lot of good options and my daughter loves the Arcade :)


Original Poster

A futuristic report - check out the dates on your photos :animwink:

Seems like you had a great time - thanks for sharing

I am definately shopping for a new camera...I've had this camera forever and it was telling me in no uncertain terms that it was too old for this trip. I remember it asking me several times for the date and telling my daughter that if it asked me for the date one more time it was going in the lake.

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