Being the family Disney nut, I offered to book fastpass for my sister who was going to AK with her husband and 3 year old son. I mentioned the child swap option and booked a fastpass for Everest. She told me she remembered getting sick on that ride during her last trip years ago. I said no problem and changed it to Dinosaur, not thinking to reiterate the child swap factor. Having never been on the ride themselves, they take my little nephew who barely met the height requirement, onto what I would consider the most frightening ride on property. She texts me afterward 'Dinosaur was no bueno', I respond 'what?! That ride is awesome!' She replies 'Julian was bawling afterward' and I got this OH NOOOO realization that I may have scarred my nephews perception of Disney forever. I felt so terrible and kept asking if he was OK, she's just like 'well he survived to tell the tale'. I seriously felt guilt thinking of how scared he must have been. Anyways, just needed to share that with someone.