Music that gives you that "Disney feeling"

Remember the Magic, Sharing a Dream Come True, Wishes, Meet Me in St. Louis and Music Man (all of the clips of musicals they play in the Main St. Medley), Fantasmic, Spectro, and anything Jiminy Cricket says. Also, American Adventure, which never fails to make me cry :~)


Active Member
Omigosh! The Splash Mountain music! "laughin' place!" :lol:

And, a bit off topic, but the smell of AKL... I wish I could bottle it!

Although when I hear any music from the parks it transports me to the World... but the Laughin' Place is my favorite and makes me giddy. Also, like PintoColvig, I'm playing the HCOE cd's from Disneyland in my car, along with Illuminations: RoE and Tapestry of Dreams.

I think the smell in the lobby at AKL is the second best smell at WDW... the first best smell is in the Great Ceremonial House at the Poly. :slurp:

21 days away!!!! :sohappy:

"An Adventurer's life is best!" :lol:


New Member

The "Listen To The Land" theme..... :cry: :cry: :cry: which is gone now from the attraction.

Anyone know why they took that out? I inquired with the guys running the ride and they really didn't know other than to say that it did was not kept when the ride was renovated. :(



New Member
I've got just about EVERY CD there is reference to Walt Disney World....but for me I think it boils down to three.....1) Fantasmic Soundtrack (I just LOVE that show!!!)....2) Main Street Entrance Loop (cause that's what I look forward to the first walk down Main Street USA on each trip)....and 3) Music from Splash Mountain, and more specifically "Laughing Place" (cause I also just LOVE Splash Mountain). I listen to MouseWorld radio at work as much as I can, too!!! I guess I'd say I'm a.....FANATIC...huh???!!! :hammer: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist, who ever taught you to say it like that was messing with you! :lol:

That actually translates to "Please, maintain Alejandro (or Alexander) away from the people." :lol:

It is actually, "Por favor, mantenganse alejados de las puertas."

That was very cute though, you made me chuckle!

Anyways, my favorite Disney like music (though I have tons of Disney CDs from the parks) is the Soarin' song. I just love it!
Wow, I guess I did really screw that up! :hammer: The person who taught us how to say it did teach us the way you have it, I just screwed it up I guess. :lol: I honestly don't know why I put personas at the end. I don't even remember what I did, I think I did a google seach because I didn't know how to spell mantenganse or alejado, so maybe the website I got it off had it wrong or something. Good catch though, thanks for correcting it. :D

(Sorry I didn't respond earlier, but I've been at band camp all week (feels like a few weeks), and this is the first time I've been able to get online since I started this thread.)


Active Member
Growing up in the 80's I have always loved Aerosmith as a classic rock band. Now with RnRC, everything Aerosmith reminds me of Disney. It does not matter what song, it is just the sound of Steven Tyler's voice. An Aerosmith greatest hits CD qualifies as "Disney" to me. It brings back Disney memories. :)


Disney Park music is hands down the best!

My favorites are the EPCOT Entrance Loop that contained Golden Dream, Horizons Space, and the end part of Tomorrow's Child. <Chokes me up everytime>.

A close second, is the Magic Kingdom Welcome Ceremony ... thankfully realeased on the HCOE 2 Disc Set .... (uber happy! CLANG CLANG!)

And the music from Illuminations 25 (And from the Land of my birth "Re useka Re Nu Femme Frances!" - Vodvu Leo and Sven, Vellkommen!)

A shout out to the Fountain of Nations music and Impressions De France as well!

Too many good tracks to list. The sound from the parks often evoke just as vivid of memory as the smells, and the sights.

P.S. Is this the thread where we can officially petition for the return of the Walt Disney World Forever Kiosks?



ALL Disney music does that for me... I've got MP3s of everything from park music, full rides and songs from movies. Right now I'm listening to "So this is love" which I can't hear at all now without thinking of the commercial from last year with the dogs in the teacups. :hammer: I just got home from driving around town to burn off some bored energy. I had my Disney cd going. Wishes & Spectromagic give me absolute chills and make me nearly want to cry everytime I hear it. Same w/ my big burly dh!! We've been needing our "fix" badly lately since we're going the beginning of October and it's dragging sooo sloowwwwlllllyyyyyy now.


I love the Laughin' Place music from Splash Mountain

LOL My dh can't stand that song! It's so funny.. he's not into the "big boy rides" as he calls them... he went on Splash Mountain this past Feb. to give it a real shot before saying "no never" which I totally give him a ton of credit for. He nearly starts twitching when he hears the music from Splash... all he can see in his head are "the buzzards laughing at him" before the drop.


Well-Known Member
All of the original Epcot songs define Disney for me. In fact, the theme songs are I think the reason Disney has such an effect on me. I really wish they would do more of the full-attraction-permeating songs.

I will also say that Soarin' and I:ROE are every bit as good and powerful as any of the originals. I will also say Destiny at M:S is a good song. I wish they had an instrumental version for the loop in the main "terminal" (plus blend it with the "Space" theme from Horizons - perfection!).

The music really made the parks. It sets Disney apart as a park experience.


My wife and I drove from Ohio to WDW last June, so we worked for about three weeks on a set of mix CD's from all of the music we had, trying to get a song for each ride. Some things are full rides others are just short clips of music, but it ended up being 6 full CD's, over 7 hours of music.

We've been listening to them ever since. Anything from those gets me in the Disney mood. :)

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