I've been loving the direction this show's been headed. It's on an upward swing since the Going, Going Gonzo episode and the soft reboot certainly improved many things. I'm very annoyed by how random and sporadic the actual plots and character arcs are. Outside of Kermit and Piggie all the other characters plots have kind of fizzled.
Scooter's mommy issues-Not brought up
Fozzie's girlfriend-Honestly an inconsistent trainwreck of a storyline from the get go.
But by far the worst offender of all of this happened this week. We've been left wondering what happened to Camilla and last week she FINALLY came back into the picture...only to be swept under the rug as if that cliffhanger never happened. Seriously, is it just me or does it feel like these episodes aired out of sequence or something? I'm kind of flabbergasted. I've never seen a show have such a big cliffhanger and then not even address it the following week.
I know The Muppets have never been known for having an amazing narrative or super deep character development, but to me it's annoying that all these plots keep coming off, getting dropped, and then getting brought up again. I'd rather just have a straight up sitcom with no continuity over some of these on/off plots that honestly feel a bit sloppy in terms of writing.
I really hate to be complaining so much as I've loved a large part of what I've seen, but it seems the big draw of this show in seeing the Muppets evolve deeper as characters has kind of flown by the wayside.
That, and I'm just REALLY peeved about Camilla. You can't just give us that cliffhanger and then go back to pretending like she doesn't exist! ahem...Walter...