Mr. Toads wild ride cars


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Original Poster
This past week I was in Georgia and went to Six Flags, they have a ride like the raceway in WDW, I noticed that the cars they use are exactly like the ones that Disney used in Mr. Toads Wild Ride. Is it possible they were sold to Six Flags? Or are they just replicas?


Well-Known Member
Cheap imitations I'd surmise. Disney's been selling the Toad cars on eBay. And they can't be exact replicas, because its Six Flags and Six Flags parks are just wretched hives of scum and villainy. Except maybe Magic Mountain though I'm not sure of it's quality...


New Member
Tahu said:
Cheap imitations I'd surmise. Disney's been selling the Toad cars on eBay. And they can't be exact replicas, because its Six Flags and Six Flags parks are just wretched hives of scum and villainy. Except maybe Magic Mountain though I'm not sure of it's quality...

Agreed! The Six Flags parks really suck. This time a year a bunch of dopes flock to the Great America park in IL. Disney parks stomp all over those imitation Six Flag parks!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Bravesfn1 said:
Agreed! The Six Flags parks really suck. This time a year a bunch of dopes flock to the Great America park in IL.
the georgia park is the same way...... make room for tour groups and "band-camp" day. no kidding. i think that was the last time i ever tried to go into a SF park and tolerate that crap.

ahhhh, i still have nightmares.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Vernonpush said:
I don't think those are Mr. Toad cars. The last time I went to SFoG, they had those cars and Mr. Toad was still open.
yep, you are correct...... and they ride that has these cars really stinks...... very boring


Well-Known Member
Tahu said:
Cheap imitations I'd surmise. Disney's been selling the Toad cars on eBay. And they can't be exact replicas, because its Six Flags and Six Flags parks are just wretched hives of scum and villainy. Except maybe Magic Mountain though I'm not sure of it's quality...

Well said!! :sohappy: :lol:


New Member
They have been using these cars for years...



New Member
Remember: Disney came first so other theme parks, especially early on, went out of their way to copy disney. Someone should pull together a collection of photos of non-disney teacup rides. There are a bunch of them. Not to mention parks built with a train station and a turn of the century area at the front gates.


New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
Well said!! :sohappy: :lol:

On one hand I agree that it is indeed "Well Said", but on the other hand, I thank goodness for the Six Flags parks all the time!

If it weren't for the SF parks, where would all the gang bangers hang out? If it weren't for the SF parks, we woudn't appreciate the Disney parks nearly as much!

I say "Long live all Six Flags parks! Mediocrity at it's best!!"


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I usually tear Six Flags a new one as well. It's not that they have horrible rides, it's just that the time you're actually riding is too short, and they are the absolute worst when it comes to crowd control. And of course, because it's a seasonal park, they get the cheapest possible labor and scrimp on security, which is why they're Shangri-La for delinquents who know they can intimidate the majority of part-time security guards.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I've ridden that ride before at SFoG...nothing like Disney at all. Anyways, that ride is slow, and the line is terrible. Trust me it is not Disney quality. Toad cars are now being sold on Ebay, and around somewhere.


Well-Known Member
The "Hanson Cars," as they are referred to at Six Flags over Georgia, are more akin to the Tomorrowland raceway than they are to the Mr Toad Ride. The Six Flags cars are gas-powered puttputtputt cars. They have been there since at least the mid-1980s.


Active Member
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom really SUCKS,nobody will go there unless it's during the State fair so they don't have to pay admission fee to enter during the week. :p

By the way Santa Clause Land now known as Holiday World in santa clause Indiana was the First Theme Park . :xmas:

Disney became the First Theme Park with a much broader advertisment around the world do to Disney characters,films and tv. :wave: <><><<<<><><><><><><><><><<>

Visiting Disneyland July 14 thru July 18th 2005 for the 50th,YEAH !! :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
NADisney said:
Visiting Disneyland July 14 thru July 18th 2005 for the 50th,YEAH !! :sohappy: :sohappy:

I'll be there too!!! :sohappy: :wave:

We just came back from six flags darien lake in NY, and it was pathedic. cigarette buts everywhere, people smoking in line, people drinking alcohol throughout the park, all of the roller coasters brooke down at some point during the day... the worst was when we saw them pumping water from the disgusing creek into the canyon river rapid ride, no lie. :hurl:

Thank goodness we have Disney...


New Member
brkgnews has it right -- the Hanson Cars are a track-guided car ride most akin to the Walt Disney World Speedway or Autopia. In fact, Disneyland's Autopia pioneered such rides.

Six Flags over Georgia's installation was provided by Arrow Development, the same company responsible for all of Disneyland and Magic Kingdom's ride systems at opening. One of the smartest things the guys at Arrow did while working for Disney was to refuse the company exclusivity in most of their design work -- a move that lead to theme parks as we know them today.

This is proof, above all else, that the Disney experience has very little to do with technology and instead relies squarely on personality, something rare these days.

Six Flags over Georgia is surely not in the state it was when it opened in 1967, both in terms of technology and charm. It retains much of its original character, however, and is one of the best parks in the chain. Six Flags' original parks were quite nice when they opened, as were many of their earliest acquisitions. Only in the mid 1990's, with the acquisition by Premier Parks did quality and showmanship in this arena begin to suffer. They've simply stretched themselves too thinly when trying to convert glorified county fairs -- Kentucky Kingdom -- into destination parks.


New Member
Recall that you could not steer the cars on Toad, the Six Flags cars are capable of being steered. This makes it very unlikely that they are the same cars. Also those cars from the posted photo look nothing like Toad cars

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