brkgnews has it right -- the Hanson Cars are a track-guided car ride most akin to the Walt Disney World Speedway or Autopia. In fact, Disneyland's Autopia pioneered such rides.
Six Flags over Georgia's installation was provided by Arrow Development, the same company responsible for all of Disneyland and Magic Kingdom's ride systems at opening. One of the smartest things the guys at Arrow did while working for Disney was to refuse the company exclusivity in most of their design work -- a move that lead to theme parks as we know them today.
This is proof, above all else, that the Disney experience has very little to do with technology and instead relies squarely on personality, something rare these days.
Six Flags over Georgia is surely not in the state it was when it opened in 1967, both in terms of technology and charm. It retains much of its original character, however, and is one of the best parks in the chain. Six Flags' original parks were quite nice when they opened, as were many of their earliest acquisitions. Only in the mid 1990's, with the acquisition by Premier Parks did quality and showmanship in this arena begin to suffer. They've simply stretched themselves too thinly when trying to convert glorified county fairs -- Kentucky Kingdom -- into destination parks.