Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride: Updates You’d Like to See

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This topic keeps coming up in other threads, especially since the recent Snow updates, so a thread is due.

Given that the majority of the Fantasyland dark rides have now received updates, it’s plausible that Pinocchio and Toad will eventually close for updates, too. Or maybe not, but it’s possible.

What would you like to see happen with Toad? I’m fine with the lack of animatronics in the ride and don’t feel like they are necessarily needed. I think the moving set doors work. I can’t see them adding animation from the film like they’ve done with Pan, Alice, and Snow. However, I would love to see more done with the Hell segment. Lots of potential there with the demons/devils. I also think it should be a tad hotter.


Well-Known Member
Toad wasn't designed to have big expansive show scenes like the other dark rides in Fantasyland, so I'm not entirely sure how the projection treatment would work out. Since the rides is built around small cramped spaces, there isn't too much to be done. Maybe they could replace some of the backgrounds with more motion, like putting ships/other vehicles in the background of the dock scene, or putting other people/villagers in the town square.

I will say though that compared to the other rides now, the static cut outs are ... standing out. I don't think replacing with projections is the answer, but Toad is definitely starting to show it's age.


Well-Known Member
If they really want to touch it up, a few projection effects and a little more dimensionality to the figures could help. And maybe make the train scene a little more dramatic.

Or, of course, they could rip out the last leg, have Mr Toad awoken by a kiss from Angus, and realize it was all a bad dream. 🤣

Ne'er-Do-Well Cad

Well-Known Member
It's perfect as is, though I suppose the lighting could be improved (the colors could pop a bit more during certain scenes).

I fear that any update will inevitably include the removal of the Hell sequence. And that would be such a loss. Little by little, Disney has smoothed over so many of the edgier moments at Disneyland, and the park feels increasingly sterile without anything even a little bit subversive or challenging.

Rich T

Well-Known Member
I love it the way it is, *but*, I’d like them to restore a couple of things that were better in the pre-1983 version:

#1: Get rid of the sheepherder scene and bring back the much better Motorcycle Cop scene. The dark One-Way alley provided a smooth transition from Country Road to Shipping Dock, and the simple effect of having the cop kickstart his motorcycle and turn the handlebars toward you as you passed, then having the siren go off created a perfect illusion that he was right behind you, chasing you onto the wharf.

#2 Restore the dropping crate to the wharf.

Also, do something better with the Mole-at-the-table room. Maybe interrupt Mole and Ratty playing billiards or something.

And make the dragon at the end a bit scarier.

The current ride’s only real problem is the lack of build-up to the train tunnel (which the original version and the WDW versions did so well), but I don’t think there’s a way to fix that, and I wouldn’t want to lose the courthouse.


Well-Known Member
I love it the way it is, *but*, I’d like them to restore a couple of things that were better in the pre-1983 version:

#1: Get rid of the sheepherder scene and bring back the much better Motorcycle Cop scene. The dark One-Way alley provided a smooth transition from Country Road to Shipping Dock, and the simple effect of having the cop kickstart his motorcycle and turn the handlebars toward you as you passed, then having the siren go off created a perfect illusion that he was right behind you, chasing you onto the wharf.

#2 Restore the dropping crate to the wharf.

Also, do something better with the Mole-at-the-table room. Maybe interrupt Mole and Ratty playing billiards or something.

And make the dragon at the end a bit scarier.

The current ride’s only real problem is the lack of build-up to the train tunnel (which the original version and the WDW versions did so well), but I don’t think there’s a way to fix that, and I wouldn’t want to lose the courthouse.

Of course. No wonder the train/ train tracks are my favorite part.


Well-Known Member
Like many here, I'm torn. It's pretty darn good the way it is, in all its cheesy plywood glory.

It feels like there's a few projection effects that could be added nicely. After all, the burning fireplace in the entry scene was one of the first such use of projections when a revamped version was opened in 1983. That tech could be improved and brightened, because I think a lot of people miss it. The tech just wasn't totally ready for prime time 40 years ago, but now they could do wonders with the burning fireplace embers.

Otherwise... it feels like Mr. Toad should stay relatively unchanged, but just freshened and lightened a bit with better lighting. The water fountain scene midway through the ride also comes to mind for this. There are a few 1980's effects in there that haven't aged well.

All that said... Hell must be maintained at all costs. Don't touch it, unless you are going to make it hotter!

Homemade Imagineering

Well-Known Member
If they were to replace it with anything, no matter the replacement there would be outcry, not only because it’s the only incarnation of the attraction in existence, but also because of the fact that it’s in such a small confined space, which means the only thing you could really do with the space, is to expand Pan or Pan’s queue.

It just wouldn’t make any sense, and any sort of replacement would result in the cons outweighing the benefits.

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