Mr. 5 Minutes and the Great Trip Out West


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I'm loving your TR, and your pictures are fantastic!

This TR should serve as a good reminder of all the amazing things California has to offer, besides a couple of really good theme parks. No wonder they made a big IMAX hanglider movie thing about soaring over California! :cool:


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At this point any crowd reprieve that we received from early entry was over. It was incredibly crowded while we were there. Our group had split up and Jordan and I headed over to Toon Town.






After spinning to our heart's content Jordan and I went off in search of some lunch. While we were heading to Frontierland we saw this beautiful bird in a tree. There were actually a few guards standing around watching it.



It was so sad that BTMRR was down. The version at DL is another +1 compared to WDW's, in my opinion.


For lunch we headed in to the River Belle Terrace. We both ordered the River Belle's Roast New York sandwich for lunch. I was tempted to order the Tennessee BBQ Pork, but I'm from there. I know good BBQ.


The sandwich was very good and freshly sliced. It was a good alternative to the standard cheeseburger theme park food. Although I believe that DL is definitely ahead of the curve when it comes to theme park food options.


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I'm loving your TR, and your pictures are fantastic!

This TR should serve as a good reminder of all the amazing things California has to offer, besides a couple of really good theme parks. No wonder they made a big IMAX hanglider movie thing about soaring over California! :cool:

Agreed! It is an absolutely beautiful state to see and explore. We saw snow, desert, ocean, forests, and the list goes on, all in one trip!


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After lunch Jordan and I went to stake out some spots for Billy Hill and the Hillbillies. Last time that I saw this show was standing room only at the Golden Horseshoe. So, Jordan and I wanted to be early in order to make sure that we were able to get seats. We made the trek (and that's what it felt like) back to Big Thunder Ranch only to find a disappointingly low number of people present for the show.




I'm going to get on a soapbox for just a moment. During the planning of our trip my mom and I kept talking about how we couldn't wait to see Billy Hill and the Hillbillies perform again. We had such a great time at their show the first time that we went several years ago. We were excited for Jordan and my dad to see it as well. My dad loves bluegrass and hillbillies. We're southern after all. Jordan just loves and appreciates good music. The performers did a great job. They were very entertaining and sounded great. However, the venue was horrible! Now I don't know why Disneyland decided to move the show out to Big Thunder Ranch. There could be a perfectly logical explanation, but it just doesn't make much sense to me to take one of your most popular shows and move it out to the far edges of the park. I know that there is another show in the Golden Horseshoe now, but I cannot comment on its quality. We walked by during other showtimes to see if the crowds were better, and they were just as empty. Perhaps the refurb of BTMRR had something to do with it too, but it was just disappointing, and dare I say insulting, to see the show stuck all of the way out here. I felt really bad for the performers. If all of their shows were as crowded as this one, it would have to be just a bit disappointing walking out on stage every day. Again, we may have just experienced unusually low crowds for the show, but it was far from being the same. Still the show was good and everyone enjoyed it.

Soapbox over now.

While we were walking back towards Fantasyland we saw some artists out making these sketches of names. They were cute.



After splitting up again it was time for It's A Small World. Love the characters that were added in!





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While we were heading to Frontierland we saw this beautiful bird in a tree. There were actually a few guards standing around watching it.



The beautiful bird in the first picture is a Heron. And it was probably being watched by Disneyland security guards because Herons have a terrible habit of watching for the cute little ducklings in the second picture to get a little too far away from Mom, and then the Heron swoops in and grabs the duckling in its powerful beak and eats the duckling alive. Right there in the middle of Disneyland, in front of Mickey Mouse and all the tourists and everyone. Circle of Life. ;)

But Disneyland security guards probably know what a Public Relations nightmare that can be when it happens, and were watching the Heron to potentially scare it off if it made a move for the ducklings, or if the ducklings began to paddle too close to the Heron.


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The beautiful bird in the first picture is a Heron. And it was probably being watched by Disneyland security guards because Herons have a terrible habit of watching for the cute little ducklings in the second picture to get a little too far away from Mom, and then the Heron swoops in and grabs the duckling in its powerful beak and eats the duckling alive. Right there in the middle of Disneyland, in front of Mickey Mouse and all the tourists and everyone. Circle of Life. ;)

But Disneyland security guards probably know what a Public Relations nightmare that can be when it happens, and were watching the Heron to potentially scare it off if it made a move for the ducklings, or if the ducklings began to paddle too close to the Heron.

Oh goodness! That's awful! It was so pretty though, but yes, that clears up a lot.


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After sharing some Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, Jordan and I went over to DCA to just walk around and check it out. I wanted to see if there were any FPs left for the late showing of World of Color, so off we went to Grizzly River Run (which is where you get them).


As soon as we had our World of Color FPs in our hand a guy walking by asked if we wanted two FPs for Grizzly River Run that were good for at that point. Heck yeah! The FP line was ridiculously long as was the stand-by line. I think the issue with the FP line for that ride is that it is really short once you actually pass the entrance to the ride.


This was my first time on Grizzly River Run, and it was so much better than Kali. We had a blast!

We checked out the pier next.


Although we had no intentions of staying in DCA very long at that moment (we wanted to go back to the room and rest), we decided to go ahead and get Aladdin out of the way. This was on my short list of things that I absolutely wanted to do.






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After the show we decided that we really did need just a quick break from the crowds and the heat. We went back to the room, had some awkward encounters when my parents got back from dinner earlier than expected, and set out for DCA again. Mr. 5 Minutes strikes again.

We had dinner at the Lucky Fortune Cookery. It was really good, and I liked the concept of being able to choose your meat and sauce.



For dinner I chose chicken with Thai Coconut Curry sauce.


Jordan had steak with mandarin sauce.


After dinner we walked over to Radiator Springs. We knew that we weren't going to be able to ride anything over there before the start of the show, but I did want to check it out. It was beautiful, absolutely stunningly beautiful. I'm not a fan of the movie Cars, but this is how theme parks should look.










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With time running out before our World of Color FPs were due and knowing that we weren't going to find any shorter of a line, we headed back over to Paradise Pier to ride Ariel's Undersea Adventure - the only walk on we saw while we were there.




Afterwards it was time to stake out a spot for World of Color. I had no desire to get soaked, so I knew that I didn't want to be near the front. I overheard a CM say that he thought that the best viewing area was on the bridge to the left heading towards California Screamin'. So that's where we went. Now I have no idea if this actually is the best viewing area as I have nothing to compare it to, but considering that we saw everything and no one was hardly around us, I can't complain.






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The show was absolutely incredible and so well done. I can honestly say though that it is one of the few nighttime shows that didn't provoke an emotional response from me, but it was still spectacular to view. Originally Jordan and I had discussed going over to Trader Sam's that night to check it out, but by the time the show ended my foot was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to risk walking 20 minutes in the opposite direction of where we were going when we already had a 10 minute walk back to the Candy Cane Inn. So back there we went.


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We woke up on our last day at DL with the intention of hitting up DCA early for Radiator Springs. Unfortunately breakfast was a little late on arrival and while this wouldn't bother me (I can eat and walk or not eat, Disney will sustain me), Jordan likes to sit and eat and sit and eat and sit and eat. Doesn't he know where we are and where we are going? Mom left with my uncle about 20 minutes before we did. We left and arrived in DCA about 5 minutes after the park opened. I should say opened to the public. Involved in this tragedy of time was the fact that DCA had early entry that morning. Jordan and I arrived at Radiator Springs Racers with a posted 80 minute wait. The line to get FPs was ridiculous, so we bit the bullet.







This area of the park is just excellent. It is truly a beautiful site to see. All four of us were really impressed with Radiator Springs Racers. Again, not a fan of Cars but this ride was fun and wonderfully done. Unfortunately we were only able to do this once. This would have been a ride that I would have loved to have done at night, but the lines were just too much.

We picked up fps for ToT, and then walked over to Paradise Pier. Jordan and I rode the Silly Symphony Swings. It was fun but short.




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We rode California Screamin', which is another really fun ride. I don't think the launch is as fun as RnR, but the rest of the ride is really fun. Our party was split due to not arriving at the ride at the same time and not wanting to let anyone pass us to wait on each other, but here's a great shot of my aunt and uncle. He's a big kid and tons of fun on vacation.


After the pier we walked back over to ToT. We were not going to risk missing our fp window out of fear of not being allowed entrance. We actually saw this multiple times during our trip of people being turned away because they were too late.

Alright, DL ToT queue, you win for being creepiest.


I want this lamp for my desk in my classroom.


When we got off of the ride I snapped a shot of our on-ride photo for two reasons: 1) because we looked like we were having fun (we were) and 2) because we thought that it looked like some sort of a lemming effect between the two sides.


After lunch we headed over to DTD for lunch. Jordan wanted another afternoon break at some point. Seriously, what's going on with all of these breaks? We walked through the Grand Californian where Jordan proclaimed that it was the nicest hotel lobby bathroom he's ever used (umm, thanks) before heading to Earl of Sandwich for lunch.



Let the heavens part and the angels sing:


For lunch I had the chipotle chicken avocado, and Jordan ate the Hawaiian BBQ. I believe mom had the Ham 'N Swiss, which is my standard sandwich, but not after today.

After lunch mom and I walked over to DL, while Jordan decided to roam around DTD. Seriously, I didn't understand him at all. Mom wanted to order a picture with my niece's name in the princesses for her birthday. I wanted to ride Story Book Land Canal Boats. I decided, while cute, that would be a hot job to operate those vessels.





Toad Hall! Toad Hall! Toad Hall!


We saw some people scaling the Matterhorn.




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Jordan called me to tell me that he was going to go back to the room for a nap, so mom and I rode IASW. We got to see a pretty long meltdown of a child while we were in line. In this line go to the right when the line splits. It looks longer, but you don't have the handicap entrance filtering in that way. So, really the line cuts through in half the time. We saw the meltdown, which started when we were even in line and continued on while we were sailing away and they were still waiting.




Mom and I headed back to the room after we finished at DL. I let Jordan rest for about another hour before we headed out. Looking back at this day we really didn't do much at all, but time flew by! It was really crowded though. Jordan and I decided to get dinner before going into the park. I asked him where he wanted to go, and he suggested Earl of Sandwich again! So, that's what we did, and we ordered the exact same thing that we had for lunch. Not a week has gone by since we left DL that Jordan hasn't looked at me and said, "I want that sandwich!"

Here's the chipotle chicken avocado. I ordered it without bacon. I'm not a fan.



Active Member
I really enjoyed your WOC and IASW pics. I tried so hard to get good pictures on IASW, but my camera couldn't handle it.

We've never eaten at Earl of Sandwich, neither at WDW nor DLR. Guess we're missing somewhat of an institution...that last picture looks pretty delicious...
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I really enjoyed your WOC of IASW pics. I tried so hard to get good pictures on IASW, but my camera couldn't handle it.

We've never eaten at Earl of Sandwich, neither at WDW nor DLR. Guess we're missing somewhat of an institution...that last picture looks pretty delicious...

Thank you! I really enjoy DL's version of IASW, especially at Christmastime.

Earl of Sandwich is so good. The line for it at WDW during lunchtime is wrapped around the inside and out the door, but it is well worth it to stand in line. Plus, the packaged desserts that they have to offer are pretty good too. I honestly think that if we ate their for lunch when we arrived at DL, which was our original plan, Jordan would have insisted that we go there for every meal after that.


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After our second meal at Earl of Sandwich Jordan and I headed into DL. We met my mom to go watch the 80z AllStars band. She was watching their first show when something started smoking on the stage, so she wanted to stay for their next one and called us to come check them out. I love 80s music, so we went. They were very entertaining to watch and had quite a little following at DL. After the show we separated again. Mom went to DTD and then back to the room. Jordan and I went on Autopia. There was hardly any line for it, and we love trying to get in tracks beside one another to see if we can actually race. Unfortunately we were behind each other, but it was still fun. There were those annoying times when the car two in front of me kept deciding to just stop in the middle of the track for no apparent reason. They just stopped over and over again. Jordan started nudging my car eventually - not a good idea!




After Autopia Jordan and I discovered our new favorite ride to ride in the dark:


We couldn't see a thing! It was so fun! Honestly, I feel like I am going to die in the ride anyways and not being able to see where the track goes with peaks of DL throughout all the turns made the ride 100x better at night. It's already a good ride, but if there wasn't so many other things that I still wanted to do before we left we would have ridden it more that night.


We walked through Tomorrowland and rode Buzz once more because it was the only ride in that area with a short line. Unfortunately finding the ride with the shortest line seemed to be our theme during our time at DL.



Once we left TL we did something that I've always wanted to do: ride the Jungle Cruise at night. Off we went to go deeper and deeper into the jungle.




We completely missed the fireworks that night, which was fine. Yes, I love fireworks and the fireworks that Disney does, but I had other things I needed to do. Unfortunately, number 1 on that list of other things to do was in FL and hadn't opened back up just yet after the fireworks. So we waited around until we finally got to see:


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That was a lot of unnecessary suspense between posts, but we were there with Mr. Toad! That was always one of my favorite attractions at WDW growing up. I hated that it closed down. Several years back during my first trip to DL mom asked me if I remembered anything about the ride. I told her that all I remembered was going to hell.




As soon as the ride ended Jordan looked at me and asked, "What the heck just happened?" I still haven't explained it to him, but it was pretty funny.

After Toad the other lines around FL had slowly filled back up. As much as I wanted to stay and ride and ride until close we had an early morning scheduled for the next day. Sadly it was time to say farewell to Disneyland but not before getting ice cream on the way out. It made me feel better.







As much as I enjoy DL it just isn't "home" for me. That spot will always be reserved for WDW. I know Jordan did not like it as much as WDW, but Jordan loves World Showcase and the things that we can do there. That was actually his first question when we arrived on property if they had anything comparable. I wish that we had gone to DL at the beginning of our trip. We were just so tired after long days of walking, sight seeing, and being in the car that by the time we reached DL we just wanted a few days to rest. Plus, the crowds were really bad. I know, it was June and school's out, but I wasn't expecting it to be so bad, which really limited our ride choices.

Thank you for staying tuned thus far. There's still more. We are headed to Carmel next!


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Alright, it's Saturday night, I have no plans, and I seriously need to finish this thing up.

We left early the next morning to try and beat out some L.A. traffic to hit the Pacific Coast Highway. Once we got out of L.A. we drove through some beautiful areas. L.A. was gross. Seriously, the areas that we saw made me question why anyone would want to head there. As we approached the Pacific Coast Highway we started driving past several vineyards. We saw a lot of signs for wineries, but we had too much to do to stop.


I slept right past the Hearst House. We had actually considered stopping at the Hearst House, but you had to pay to tour it by floor. The price was outrageous by the time it was all done with, so we drove right on past.

We stopped for lunch in Morro Bay. We stopped at a little seafood place along the water. It was sunny, beautiful, and chilly! We were confined to eating indoors. Jordan and I split an order of fish and chips. We were given a lot of food for not a lot of money, and it was really good. I don't remember the name of the place at all (I took no notes during this trip), but it was a great little find. While we were there we saw Morro Rock. Actually, it was pretty hard to miss.


We kept driving along the coast and stopped at various places where we could get out and take pictures. I remember stopping specifically near Big Sur. The Pacific Coast Highway was a beautiful drive. After I woke up from my initial nap I couldn't go back to sleep. There was just so much to see along the road. Plus, the highway is pretty terrifying.







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We arrived around 4 that afternoon in Carmel. We were going to be spending the next two nights here. We had heard the Carmel was really nice but that the people here were pretty snooty. I will say that I never experienced anyone being snooty towards us. Trust me, we have southern accents that are heard from a mile away. We are far from the standard fare of Carmel, CA, but we never had any issues. We stayed at Comfort Inn Carmel By the Sea. We were within walking distance of just about everything we could have possibly wanted. The rooms were nicely decorated. The doors were stable doors, which was pretty interesting. We also noticed that the rooms didn't have any air conditioning either, but the windows were easy to open in order to allow a breeze. However, the rooms were really small, and the walls were paper thin. I'm not sure what happened but each morning around 7:00 it sounded as if there was construction going on outside of our room.

After we arrived in Carmel we decided to split up and go separate ways for dinner. Jordan and I wanted sushi. We were right on the coast, and we wanted fresh fish. We went to a restaurant called Sushi Heaven. We sat at the sushi bar, and the sushi chef just so happened to be the owner. He and the rest of the staff took great care of us. We ordered several different items and loved every bit of it. We had some white tuna sashimi that was amazing! Jordan asked the chef about it, and he gave us several more pieces. We had a great time at Sushi Heaven and walked away with full stomachs. On our way back we saw a pet therapist, which I thought was pretty amusing. There were a lot of dogs in Carmel, and I guess someone needed to expose the amount of expendable cash within the city. My parents and my aunt and uncle went to a restaurant that Clint Eastwood used to own. They said that it was very good, as well.

The next morning we all piled in the van to just go and check out the beach. It was pretty chilly there, but we at least wanted to see it since we were so close.


I actually couldn't believe that there were people in the water.

Afterwards we went to this outdoor shopping area. The guys went and did their own thing. There was an Anthropology, so that's where I spent most of my time. There were several places throughout the city offering free wine tastings, as well as several designer clothing shops. I saw a sign for a consignment shop, so I went in. This was definitely an unique experience. I didn't see a price tag with less than $100 on it. Had I wanted to spend money on clothing there were some Dior pieces in the shop. While it was more than I wanted to spend on used clothing, it was a lot less than it would have cost off the rack.

We took a break for lunch, and Jordan and I went back to Sushi Heaven.


We say at the bar again and ordered a rainbow roll and an eel roll. We asked the chef what his favorite was. He asked us in return what we liked. I told him that we liked tuna, salmon, avocado, and eel. He came up with a roll especially for us incorporating each of those.


It was sooooooooo good.

We ordered a California roll and some sashimi on top of that. The chef remembered that Jordan liked the white tuna, so he loaded him up with some extra pieces of that.



The chef was wonderful, and we were very appreciative of how much he took care of us. After lunch we headed back to the hotel where we all met up again to drive the 17 mile drive to Monterrey. If you are interested in doing this keep in mind that you have to pay per car. I believe that it cost us $9 to drive along the road. It was a beautiful drive, and we got to see the Pebble Beach golf course. Still paying for 20 minutes of driving seems a bit much.

The Lone Cypress:




Outside of one of the houses we saw some deer grazing about.


We pulled over near this spot to take some photos along the coast. My aunt opened up the van door and went out behind the van to get some clearer shots. The door is still open and my dad pulls back onto the road and starts driving away. We yelled for him to stop. He had no idea that 1) the door was even open or 2) that my aunt wasn't in the car. It was so funny! She wasn't phased by it though. Later that day we were stopped at a gas station in Monterrey and mom got out to use the restroom. When my dad got back in the car we joked with him that he needed to do a head count. He just laughed and started to drive off. We had to stop him again because he seriously needed to do a head count, his wife wasn't in the van. Poor guy. He's getting old.

We drove on to Monterrey, and honestly, Cannery Row wasn't that great. We didn't spend much time there at all. It was so touristy, so we headed back to Carmel instead. We had dinner and called it an early night. I thoroughly enjoyed Carmel. It would be a nice place to live if I had several million dollars.

The next morning we headed back to San Francisco and boarded our plane back to Atlanta. We had an excellent trip. The whole time we were out there it never rained. We saw all sorts of different scenery and climates. I enjoyed this trip much more than I ever thought that I would. San Francisco was definitely my favorite part of our whole time out west. I hope to visit there someday soon again. Thanks to everyone for reading, and so sorry that it took me so long to finish this.
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