Mr. 5 Minutes and the Great Trip Out West


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Last month I posted that I would be taking a trip out to California. The trip dates were June 13-22, and we made stops in San Francisco, Yosemite, Disneyland, Carmel, and Monterrey. During this trip report I'll focus on all stops of the trip, not just skip forward to Disneyland. We had an amazing time during our trip, and it far exceeded any expectations that I had during it. The title of the trip report will make sense as we go along, but it started out as a completely innocent nickname, which became progressively worse as the trip went on. So sit back, relax, and enjoy 10 days out west.

The cast for this trip included myself; my husband, Jordan; my mom, Reva (some of you may know her on here as Disneybird); my dad, Larry; my uncle, Norman; and my aunt, Pam. This trip was actually several years in the making, as it was a continuation of a trip out west that my parents and aunt and uncle took, and I had absolutely nothing to do with the planning of this trip, except for making flight reservations.

The trip began with an early morning departure from the airport in Atlanta, GA. We had a direct flight to San Francisco through Southwest. All six of us were on the same flight heading out. This flight with Southwest was much cheaper than other flights that we found out to SF. However, it was very much a value flight. It didn't bother me that there was no in-flight entertainment or television screens on the back of our seats. I had plenty to keep my occupied for our flight and to me having all of those extras would not have been worth the extra money.

We arrived in San Francisco around 1:00 PST. We were tired and had already been going for around 12 hours by that point, but there was still a lot of day left as far as the west coast was concerned. We arranged for a limo service to pick us up and drive us to our hotel near Fisherman's Wharf. I wasn't really looking forward to our time in San Francisco. A lot of people that I know told me how much they love visiting San Francisco, but I didn't know what to expect.
The limo service was $70 from the airport to our hotel in San Francisco. The drive took around a half hour, and considering that they picked up all 6 of us and our luggage for that price, it wasn't a bad deal. During our trip to San Francisco we stayed at a Comfort Inn hotel. It was called Comfort Inn by the Bay. The drive to the hotel was less than glamorous. In fact, it didn't help with my lack of enthusiasm for this part of the trip. When we arrived at the hotel our room wasn't ready, so the staff stored our luggage while we went out exploring.

We headed towards Fisherman's Wharf by going through a park near Fort Mason. The park was great. It was pedestrian and bike friendly. The best part was that in the distance was the Golden Gate Bridge.





As you can see the weather was absolutely gorgeous. It was in the low 70s, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

We made our way through the Aquatic Park and towards Fisherman's Wharf. We were in-between two amazing sites. The Golden Gate Bridge was behind us and Alcatraz and ahead.






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As we continued on we came to Ghiradelli Square.



We were pretty hungry at this point. Even though it was only around 3:30 it was actually our dinner time. We stopped and ate at a place called Cioppino's. It was over-priced and underwhelming. Had we looked at a menu before we went in we would have gone elsewhere. However, we were so hungry at that point that we didn't care. I had some sort of seafood pasta, but it wasn't worth the price of the food.

Going down Fisherman's Wharf heading to Pier 39 is as much of a touristy nightmare as you would think. There were shops all selling the same souvenirs as the last one. There were a lot of camera shops around, but I would put that term loosely. I had my camera out and when I walked past one the sales people would say in low and quick tones, "We have lenses in here." Continuing on down the street we saw someone who was whispering to people, "I still have Alcatraz tickets for today." It was creepy.

We made it to Pier 39, which was huge. For as much as a destination as this was there were a lot of specialty shops around. The place was huge. We never even saw all of it.



A major draw to going to Pier 39 was getting to see the sea lions.




A view of the city from the pier




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We decided to buy tickets for a double-decker bus that took you to several stops throughout the city. It was through the San Francisco Sight Seeing Company. Our tickets were good for 48 hours, and the great thing about it was that the tickets were good for an actual 48 hours. We got on the last bus for the evening that took off from Pier 39 at 5:00. We had no plans to get off at any stops, but we just wanted to see where we wanted to explore tomorrow. These photos are from our tour that night.


Little Italy - really I just wanted to post this one because those pastries looked amazing!










Californian Elitist

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Looking forward to the rest of the report. It's great that you did some other traveling in California, besides Disneyland. I love Frisco and I haven't been in nearly ten years. You've got some beautiful photos.


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Some painted ladies (No, I did not see the ones from Full House. Tours are not allowed down that street.)







Again, all of those photos were from our tour that night. It was beautiful to go around and see some of the highlights of the city. As much as I hate looking like a tourist while on vacation the double-deckers were a great way to see parts of the city. Plus, the hop on, hop off was really convenient. I will warn that if you sit up top keep an eye out for low branches. I had to duck several times to avoid being smacked in the face. Also, it was really cold by the bridge. The temperature dropped by a good 10 degrees, if not more. So, be prepared to bundle up when you get there.

The bus let us off about a block away from our hotel. We checked into our rooms and they were small and outdated. We were located right by the elevator, but we never heard it during our stay. For what it was I won't complain about the room, but it could use a renovation. We did have a beautiful view of the bridge with the sun setting behind it.



Premium Member
Sounds good so far. We were in SF June 24-26 and had foggy rainy days, glad you had some sunshine. Sad to hear you didn't like eating at Ciopinno's we ate there and really enjoyed our meal. Did you make it to the Disney Museum? We went there and loved it, would be nice to hear your thoughts on it.


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Looking forward to the rest of the report. It's great that you did some other traveling in California, besides Disneyland. I love Frisco and I haven't been in nearly ten years. You've got some beautiful photos.

Thank you!

Isn't San Francisco a wonderful city?!? It's not just a California gem, but it's truly an American gem.

Is a trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum in the itinerary?

It really was a wonderful city. I loved it! Unfortunately, we never made it inside the museum.

Sounds good so far. We were in SF June 24-26 and had foggy rainy days, glad you had some sunshine. Sad to hear you didn't like eating at Ciopinno's we ate there and really enjoyed our meal. Did you make it to the Disney Museum? We went there and loved it, would be nice to hear your thoughts on it.

We kept hearing that we were experiencing unusual weather while we were there. It made the experience so much better. I wanted to go to the museum, but we just didn't have time. Glad to hear you loved it!

Great pictures! Looking forward to reading more.

Thank you!


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So we are going to pick up with the second day of our trip. Considering that we live in the eastern time zone we were up and ready to go early that morning. This is actually where Jordan received his nickname for the trip. We were sharing a room with my parents, and once the bathroom was clear I got up to start getting ready. Like most of you I have the art of getting ready in the morning down to a science and down to the minute. Jordan told me that he only needed about 5 minutes to get ready, so get him out of bed 5 minutes before I'm ready to go downstairs for breakfast. So, I did, my parents went downstairs for breakfast, and half an hour later Jordan was finally ready to go. When we got down to the breakfast area we passed my parents who were heading back up to the room. I looked at my dad and said, "Mr. 5 Minutes over here decided to take his sweet time." After we passed Jordan said, "He's going to think that's a ____ joke." So, the nickname stuck and became more and more appropriate as the trip went on.

We left our hotel and headed back down to Fisherman's Wharf. We wanted to ride a cable car first thing that morning as we were told that the longer the day goes on the longer the line gets.




We bought round trip tickets to go to the end of the line and back. I think they were $8 per person. We sat and waited and waited on the cable car to go. Apparently the line was down. After around 10 minutes we set off up the steep hills of San Francisco.

Here's the top of Lombard Street:


We also found where Rasputin has been hanging out since the czar fell.


One thing that I really enjoyed about the cable car ride was getting to talk to the locals who would hop on and off of the cable car. Honestly, if you want to ride the cable car buy your ticket and stand at an intersection to flag them down. We took the car to the end of the line near Union Square. There was a really long line already to ride the car. Wait times can be about an hour and a half, so track the cars down instead!

We decided to go into the 5-story mall in Union Square to find a restroom. We ended up in the bottom level of the mall and found an amazing little food market there. Seriously, this place was too good to be in a mall.



They even sold fresh honeycomb (for $17, of course)!

There is a lot of shopping around Union Square. I decided that next time I go to San Francisco, I'm going here for at least a day.


Check out the beautiful stained glass ceiling in Neiman Marcus.




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We left Union Square and waited at one of the drop-off spots for the double-decker bus that we purchased tickets for the day before. Now the company that we bought tickets from had very friendly tour guides and drivers, but their buses were few and far between compared to the other bus companies. So we waited and waited until finally one came by.




We decided to get off of the bus in Golden Gate Park. The park was huge, and it contained one of the few things that Jordan and I wanted to do while in San Francisco - a Japanese tea garden. We had lunch inside of the De Young Museum, which had very good pre-made sandwiches. After lunch we walked to the tea garden. The tea garden had an admission price, so Jordan and I did this one alone while everyone else continued on.









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After the garden we walked back over to the De Young Museum to see how much the science museum across the street was. It was around $40 per ticket. No thanks.


Then, we walked about a half a mile to the conservatory. Again, admission.


So, we walked back to the De Young Museum to wait for the next bus. As we were walking to our stop a bus passed us and there was no way that we could make it in time. We knew that we had at least half an hour to kill, so we walked into the De Young Museum to check out the lobby. There wasn't much to the lobby as you had to pay to get into the exhibits, but the guard at the front door was very friendly and told us that we could take an elevator to the top of the museum to the lookout tower for 360 degree views of the city.





It was beautiful up there, and we saw so much of the city. At that point I spoke to my mom who told me that they were going across the Golden Gate Bridge from Sausalito. It was getting late, and we knew that we had to leave now if we were going to be able to go across the Golden Gate Bridge, too.


The bus company had other buses that drove across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco into Sausalito all day. So we hopped on just to go to Sausalito and back. We didn't even have time to get off of the bus, but Sausalito was gorgeous! That's something else that's on the to-do list for our next trip. The breeze when we got into Sausalito was actually very warm. It felt wonderful.



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