Moving from one on-site hotel to another?


New Member
We arrive late thursday night. Typically, we stay at a hotel near the airport, and then venture to the parks and our on-site hotel for the following days - this time it will be AKL for the weekend.

Since we get in so late from the airport, we thought it would be more economical to stay at a cheaper hotel the first night, since all we'll be doing is sleeping.

Is there any benefit to staying at Pop Century/value resort for the first night, then moving to AKL for the remainder of our stay?
You didnt say if you are renting a car or getting a limo or town ar to the hotel etc. That would also be a consideration. Do you need tickets etc. What are things that would take up time instead of being in the parks etc.
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Active Member
From what you have said, the only benifit would be the driving. If you're staying at Pop and then AKL, the move wouldn't be that lengthy!

You could get up bright and early in the AM and head over to AKL to check in and have fun, but you can do the same if you're off property!

Good luck!
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New Member
We almost did the same for our next trip (ended up not doing becuase we took advantage of one of the low priced packages Disney was offereing last fall). The reason I wanted to stay at an on-site value hotel (even if only for the night) was to get immersed in the "Disney magic" right away. I liked the idea of being on property (v. staying off site the first night). Assuming the cost isn't that much more, I would do it.
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Well-Known Member
On our trip a couple of years ago, we stayed the first night in an off site hotel and then got up bright and early and went to our on site hotel. It worked out great for us. All we did that first night was sleep. Have fun on your trip.:wave:
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New Member
Last June we drove down from Kentucky, for a 7 night stay at the Wilderness Lodge. We were not sure if we could make the trip in 1 day since we were traveling with a 2 year old. He did great and we made good time. I had called Disney reservations before leaving to ask about getting a discounted room if we were able to arrive 1 day early. I had to get beyond the first level reservation people to get any help. The CM I spoke with was great, she gave me her direct line to call when we were close to Orlando. I called at 04:00 PM and she ran through the available rooms. We had hoped for an Animal Kingdom Lodge room but no luck. She did find an opening at the Contemporary. We took the room for the night. We were able to explore the hotel and ride the Monorail at a relaxed pace. We got to experienece the rooms and the pool. We now know that we prefer the Wilderness Lodge to the Contemporary.
I hope to try the AKL or the Polynesian for a night on our next trip.
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dvm
Is there any benefit to staying at Pop Century/value resort for the first night, then moving to AKL for the remainder of our stay?

One good thing about staying at Pop Century is that your luggage can be automatically transferred over to AKL, so you can go play in the parks without having to worry about it.
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New Member
Re: Re: Moving from one on-site hotel to another?

Originally posted by Invero
One good thing about staying at Pop Century is that your luggage can be automatically transferred over to AKL, so you can go play in the parks without having to worry about it.

The same can be said for any of the other resorts as well.
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Holding Luggage

This may be off topic, but if Disney will transfer luggage, I was wondering if Disney will hold luggage. Such as if you check out at noon, but your plane leaves at night, can you spend they rest of the day in the parks?

Thanks- Nathan
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New Member
Re: Holding Luggage

Originally posted by Rcoaster809
This may be off topic, but if Disney will transfer luggage, I was wondering if Disney will hold luggage. Such as if you check out at noon, but your plane leaves at night, can you spend they rest of the day in the parks?

Thanks- Nathan

I know that Pop and the All-Stars will hold your luggage for you. I would think the rest of the resorts would, but since the rest of the resorts have "bell services", I am unsure of exactly how that works.
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Well-Known Member
All Disney resorts will hold onto your luggage until your room is ready, and also hold onto your luggage after you check out. Also, all resorts will transfer your luggage to another resort. There is no charge for any of this.

The difference between Bell Services at the Moderates and Deluxes, and "Luggage Assistance" at the Value resorts is that Bell Services is an on-demand service, whereas Luggage Service runs with scheduled runs that could service multiple rooms per run.

Another difference is that Bell Services, you need to be in the room for your luggage to be delivered or picked up. With Luggage Assistance, you do not need to be in the room. This way, you don't have to hold up your schedule for luggage.
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