On my first trip to Disney World, with my kids, I took a piture of myself and my family on the lifeguard chair at Pleasure Island. as my kids grew and we made more trips to Disney or came anywher close to Orlando I always made a stop and had our pictures taken on this chair and this is how I have always marked time with my kids. The oldest 2 are now 20 and 18 and I have a 3 year old who had his picture taken there about 1 1/2 years ago.
Unfortunately the chair is now gone as we discovered in September of last year but, I have the most amazing pictures of my kids and now I get to look for a new really cool place to pass the next 20 years. These are by far my most cherished souveniers.
Unfortunately the chair is now gone as we discovered in September of last year but, I have the most amazing pictures of my kids and now I get to look for a new really cool place to pass the next 20 years. These are by far my most cherished souveniers.