Never underestimate the drawing power of free food and drinks, especially when it comes to people who spend the entire year buying stuff from Disney! :animwink:
As usual, plenty of hidden Mickeys in the lights. All of the little bubbles in the hour glass would go on and off independent of each other sometimes making Mickey heads and sometimes not...
Everyone knows they have light displays that are respectful to both Christian and Jewish beliefs but most people probably don't realize that Disney also respects the Scientologists
They had a row of light-up numbers that would countdown to the clock which was lit up in a manner that made it look dormant. When the countdown got to the clock, it would change to look like it was ringing and the 2002 would light up. It took me about 15 tries to actually get the picture of the clock with the 2002 still lit up next to it... The numbers were too far apart for me to get a picture of more than two of them at a time.
A nice little shot of me and the family with Goofy. Boy did I have trouble with this one! Every time I'd go to snap the picture, people would walk right in front of me! I was having a little trouble holding the camera steady, too. Oh well
tThe End
I actually took a bunch more than this but it's sort of hard to keep the camera steady when you are taking pictures that require such a slow speed in the dark. Most of them look like I shot them looking through the little glasses they give you when you first go in.