That is not true at all about autistic kids. My niece is autistic and when she was younger she was non verbal, non responsive with a short temper, etc. My sister did some research and actually worked with her and changed her diet(which helped tremendously) and pretty much treated her like a normal child. She did not let her get violent and have temper tantrums. She taught her right from wrong. They have gone to WDW and not used the DAS or GAC, they make her wait. She does just fine. She is now 8 and is in a normal school setting and does what every other child does. She will come up to us and have conversations. She does still have bad days, just like anyone else but for the most part she has a typical life. So with the work put in they can be "reprogrammed" to use your term. Seeing the amazing change in her shows that with some work and patience, a lot of these children can be taught to wait in line or not go into fits. If I had not seen personally what can be done to help these children then maybe I too would feel like you. I know people call her a joke, and she is a bit of a whack job. But Jenny Mccarthy has helped her child too. She did the same by putting in the time and helping him to change. To just allow instant gratification like these people want may help them in the moment but not in the long run. And as the judge pointed out, how do they get there? How do they wait in line at the airport, or at the store, or wait for a bus? This is just plain ridiculous.