Monorail Pics.....


Well-Known Member

Two Monorails and a Monorail station. Nice!

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Hey gang, a little info about my pic. Green was on the resort loop and Coral was on the express loop. It was a fairly early morning shot from the 11th floor of the Contemporary. I had already seen Coral do at least 1 full circle so I now it had already been on the beam for a while. Matter of fact I saw it pass thru the Contemp. when I went down for coffee. And thank you to everyone for the nice comments :wave:


Well-Known Member
Don't the trains go the opposite way here??

Coral was either going to shop or Resorts. Whenever a train is going the opposite direction out of the Express side of the MK, it's going to go through the switch. Seeing that it was early in the AM, maybe Resorts as a 4th Resort train. Although it being morning, and crowds in the picture, its unlikely go go to Resorts. The only time they disrupt service for a switch in the morning when guests are flocking to the Kingdom is if there's a break down of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Coral was either going to shop or Resorts. Whenever a train is going the opposite direction out of the Express side of the MK, it's going to go through the switch. Seeing that it was early in the AM, maybe Resorts as a 4th Resort train. Although it being morning, and crowds in the picture, its unlikely go go to Resorts. The only time they disrupt service for a switch in the morning when guests are flocking to the Kingdom is if there's a break down of some sort.

I dunno, I don't see a driver in Cab 6. I think it looks like the headlight is on because of a weird reflection on the paint. I think it's pulling into Kingdom like normal but could be wrong of course.


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I don't see a driver in Cab 6. I think it looks like the headlight is on because of a weird reflection on the paint. I think it's pulling into Kingdom like normal but could be wrong of course.

I think it IS pulling in... You seem to be right about the no Pilot in 6 as you pointed out... And there is in fact not 2 'balls of light' at the headlight, just a rectangular shape of light... I am just surprised that the paint is reflecting that bright...

I say this because the shot of Black still manages to show 2 circles of light...

Although, perhaps someone happened to get lucky to snap and get the strobe on??


Well-Known Member
Hey gang, a little info about my pic. Green was on the resort loop and Coral was on the express loop. It was a fairly early morning shot from the 11th floor of the Contemporary. I had already seen Coral do at least 1 full circle so I now it had already been on the beam for a while. Matter of fact I saw it pass thru the Contemp. when I went down for coffee. And thank you to everyone for the nice comments :wave:

In the picture, which way was Coral going??

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
In the picture, which way was Coral going??

What is all this debate about which way Coral was going? :lol: I think its fairly safe to assume its heading into the MK station. The brightness coming from the headlights is probably due to the angle of the morning sun being reflected back (note how the joints between the cars are just as brightly lit, yet we know there are no headlights there). And its pretty clear there's no one in the rear cab (if there was, the pilot would stand out in his/her white shirt. You can clearly see the dark seat of the pilot's chair, indicating the cab is empty).


Well-Known Member
I dunno, I don't see a driver in Cab 6. I think it looks like the headlight is on because of a weird reflection on the paint. I think it's pulling into Kingdom like normal but could be wrong of course.

You guys are right, it was pulling in. Sorry, I get excited when a nose light (appears to be) illuminated on cab 6. :D

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Where is this taken from? Weird angle. I assume the Contemporary too. That's one hell of a zoom.

Yup, Contemporary. Had a room dead center of the resort on the MK side (obviously). Was using a 75-300 and I wasn't all the way zoomed just so I could get the TTC in frame. Now I have to book the Contemporary again on one of my next trips because after looking at the pics I thought of different things I want to try. Oh darn.....have to stay at the Contemp. again :lol: C'mon pin deal !!!


Beta Return
Yup, Contemporary. Had a room dead center of the resort on the MK side (obviously). Was using a 75-300 and I wasn't all the way zoomed just so I could get the TTC in frame. Now I have to book the Contemporary again on one of my next trips because after looking at the pics I thought of different things I want to try. Oh darn.....have to stay at the Contemp. again :lol: C'mon pin deal !!!

If I had the room you had, I would seriously never leave the room. I could sit on the balcony and watch the boats and monorails all day.

Our friends own at BLT and we stayed there with a MK view a few years ago. I sat at our giant living room window and watched the monorails, buses, boats and even the train. :D

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
If I had the room you had, I would seriously never leave the room. I could sit on the balcony and watch the boats and monorails all day.

Our friends own at BLT and we stayed there with a MK view a few years ago. I sat at our giant living room window and watched the monorails, buses, boats and even the train. :D

Agreed! I'd probably even leave a video camera turned on to record a couple hours worth of it just to play it back when I needed a Disney fix. :lol:


Active Member
I don't know what it is but nothing, not even Cinderella's Castle, makes me feel like I am in Disney more than seeing the Monorail for the first time during a trip.


Beta Return
I don't know what it is but nothing, not even Cinderella's Castle, makes me feel like I am in Disney more than seeing the Monorail for the first time during a trip.

Me too. When riding in on Magical Express, it's not real until I see a monorail running along the Epcot line.

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