Okay, since this has been moved to where no one will read it, I'll answer you and not worry about subject derailment because hardly any one reads threads in this topic any way...
1. How was I supposed to get those numbers? I'm not a professional engineer. A study by professional engineers would be required and it would cost more money than most of us make in a year.
2. I was not preparing something for engineers to review. I never had "plans". What I had was a "concept". If I gave the impression of something else, I was caught up in my own excitement and J apologize.
3. Walt Disney was advocate for both monorail and people mover systems. I share his enthusiasm and wish to see his legacy continue.
Just to let everyone know, I figured out how Disney can expand the monorail effectively and cost efficiently! My plan solves numerous problems in a single cost effective stroke of genius, while also getting a lot of additional things the company had originally planned to spend money on as part of it with no additional cost. I'll discuss my ideas first with engineers who are professionals to make sure it can work. If it passes that test, I will write Bombardier with all the details and ask them if they could put together a proposal they could submit to Disney as an unsolicited offer. If Bombardier passes the savings to their customer in a formal proposal, Disney would be foolish if they decided not to study and look into it. I'll make some graphics to explain the concepts that would be involved. I'll post them in its own thread when its ready (hopefully tonight or tomorrow).