Originally posted by PeterAlt
I don't know if this is the right group for this thread, but I want to talk about Disney transportation in place of a monorail system.
I know the company has spent a lot of money (no I can not define what "a lot of money" means) over the years to study expansion of the monoraIl system. Each study has showed that it would be prohibitably expensive (costing billions). So, after each study was concluded, expansion plans were scrapped.
Now, think of this: The bus system really is a drag and they're not fun... they really do not add to the Disney experience. Even the monorail system is a drag (i.e. to get from EPCOT to MK, you must transfer to a different train). So, my suggestion is to make the expeience fun, convienent, and high tech, so that people will be WILLING TO PAY for it!!!
Build a fast-moving peoplemover system that stops at each resort and each attraction within WDW property. The trains would go DIRECTLY to every destination (color coded trains go to different locations). There could be ride-through entertainment so that the experience seems like your on a theme park ride.
(1) Convenience -- Trains go directly to all locations and run 24/7 every 10-15 minutes.
(2) Speed -- Trains will travel at high speeds, never stopping for traffic lights and the like. A central computer controls each trains movements, preventing any accidents.
(3) Entertainment -- Trains would travel through show buildings, offering special effects, previews of park rides, and more.
These three elements would make park guests want to pay to ride ($10 a day?). The money collected, over time, might pay the cost for its construction.