Monorail Accident


New Member
According to the story in the Sentinel, one driver died and another was taken to the hospital. It's standard to have two drivers in the cab, isn't it? It's doubtful the injured driver was from purple since he would have been at the other end of that train.

Only 2 when training. Usually it's one pilot + guests. THANK GOD no guests were in that cab!


Well-Known Member
Oh great. Just freaking great.

It won't be too soon until Disney decides to to get rid of the monorails completely...*sigh*


Missing my mind...
Premium Member
First I want to give my condolences to the family of the driver who was killed. Second our prayers are with those who were injured.

I doubt that the track will be open any time soon. I am sure the NTSB and OSHA will want to look at the crash before anything is moved.

Does anyone know if it was on the express or resort loop? If it was on the express I could see them running it in shuttle mode, once the NTSB gives the all clear, until the TTC opens again.

I don't know the systems involved here but my guess would be that it would take several different system failures all at once for this to happen. Lets hope they figure it out soon and take the appropriate steps to make sure it never happens again.


Well-Known Member
More Pics:

With respect, just thinking about the immediate operational issue, I bet Disney will do what they did with the Mark IV collision just cut Pink and Purple in half, quick paint... 1 new monorail (if that's possible on the Mark VI due to the more advanced electric's). Then get on the phone to Bombardier about trying to find the moulds (or, just screw it up royally like Disneyland).

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if it was on the express or resort loop? If it was on the express I could see them running it in shuttle mode, once the NTSB gives the all clear, until the TTC opens again.
It was on the Epcot line. I was at Epcot last night, and I remember seeing Pink and Purple going by on the line.


New Member
It was on Epcot.

The trains were towed because different pictures show them at different places. They moved the trains into Concourse. The primary holdpoint into Concourse is 209 which is right over Sleepy.

I never heard of the MAPO system failing like that and neither have the guys who have been there for 20 years.


Poor driver, something must have happened for him to hit the other monorail at a speed that could kill. It also seemed strange the monorail doesn't have a system that stops them getting in the same space so blocked sections on the track that have sensors that activate breaks if a monorail tries to enter the same section a monorail is already in.

Also how did the second driver get injured surely he was not facing the monorail that crashed into him, he would have been at the other end.
Do the monorail drivers wear seat belts?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if it was on the express or resort loop? If it was on the express I could see them running it in shuttle mode, once the NTSB gives the all clear, until the TTC opens again.

For those who are not reading the thread...... It was the EPCOT loop at the TTC. (According to my sources)

The EPCOT loop will not run today at opening according to the Sentinel.

No Word about the Express or Resort loops. has a Video report with some BAD INFORMATION in it. It did not happen at EPCOT rather on the EPCOT loop at the TTC. (Obvious from their video)

At the moment, Orange County SO has jurisdiction.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the systems involved here but my guess would be that it would take several different system failures all at once for this to happen. Lets hope they figure it out soon and take the appropriate steps to make sure it never happens again.
This is quite bizarre. First the MBS system has to fail. This is the RF based fail safe that automatically activates the brakes when one train impedes on another trains' zone. Second, either the operator had to be awake and not looking out the window for at least 20 seconds, or he was unconcious or asleep and the dead-man switch had to also fail.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
It also seemed strange the monorail doesn't have a system that stops them getting in the same space so blocked sections on the track that have sensors that activate breaks if a monorail tries to enter the same section a monorail is already in.
It does, which makes this whole thing even weirder.


Premium Member
Latest update from Channel 9 is that the whole monorail system will be down all day while they try to figure out what caused the wreck.


New Member
None of the local channels in Tampa have anything about this accident. Pictures from CNN ar not pretty. Can't imagine that Ticket and Transportation will be open to the public. It will take a big crane to remove these trains. Bet they change the policy about guests riding in the front.


New Member
Poor driver, something must have happened for him to hit the other monorail at a speed that could kill.

The cabs extend over the undercarriage. Pretty much just fiberglass plus some light support. With some 80 tons behind the pilot it would take hardly any speed.

It also seemed strange the monorail doesn't have a system that stops them getting in the same space so blocked sections on the track that have sensors that activate breaks if a monorail tries to enter the same section a monorail is already in.

It does. It has a MBS (Motion Block-Light) system which is standard for electric commuter trains. Disney calls it a MAPO system for "Mary Poppins" because the movie funded the creation of the division which engineered the system. It was ahead of its time and was adopted by large commuter systems all over the world.

Also how did the second driver get injured surely he was not facing the monorail that crashed into him, he would have been at the other end.
Do the monorail drivers wear seat belts?

Reporting a sore finger or even going with Reedy Creek to make sure there was no unknown injury would warrant that designation. But we're talking about many many tons colliding here.


New Member
... THANK GOD no guests were in that cab!

Do we know this? According to the eyewitness report at

"They tried to run to get people out of the front of the crashed train. They saw a family make it out, but the driver..."

This would indicate that there was a family in the front.

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