And a Frozen layover for an existing ride?
Disneyland was built in a year. The Empire State Building took only 18 months.
However, the building codes were more relaxed back in 1954-55 and when Disneyland opened on July 17, 1955, it wasn't complete.
But I agree. I am sure if we had the opportunity to sit down with a Disney exec and ask why something like the Hub expansion took so long, we would get a response along the lines of "but we kept the park open and the Magic Kingdom is a very popular park." Gee, duh, we know. Which is why you need to expand its footprint. Yeah, I know, discussion for another thread.
Don't remember if Hogsmeade was constructed in utilized space or not. I know the dragon ride used to be Dueling Dragons. The space Diagon Alley occupies used to be Jaws, correct? I remember the last time we visited Universal in October 2012, the construction walls were up. Diagon Alley opened Summer 2014. The Hub area is STILL undergoing construction. And Uni had to figure out how to get a train back and forth from the Studios to IOA.
I am sure Disney's talent pool (at least historically) is as good as Uni's. I am positive Disney has more money to throw at their parks than Uni does. And Disney has 18,000 acres available for parks and resorts (1/3 of the 27,000 acres purchased has been set aside for conservation). Of which they probably have 7,000 - 8,000 left. So Disney has the talent, money and space to do things that will blow Uni out of the water. Why they don't is a puzzle to us all.
If Comcast is willing to spend the money, Disney should be too. I think it's great Iger is acquiring more IPs to add to Disney's stables. But it should never ever be at the expense of that side of the house that kept you afloat in those darks years. And quite frankly, that part of the business that most people think Disney Magic when they think Disney.
Edit: Sorry for the nonsensical first portion of my response. My tablet was giving me fits yesterday, especially typing on the keyboard, and somehow that portion of my response that I had attempted to type before everything froze managed to remain, even though I had deleted what I had typed. At least I thought I had deleted it.