Right. As I said, the carpets wouldn't be such an issue with many of us, I think, if it wasn't evidence of the larger issue at hand...Roy's (and now Marty Sklar's and Harvey Weinstein's) aforementioned "Creativity Stifling."
Let me try to phrase the problem a bit differently. Park and Movie attendence are up...naturally since the economy seems to be in an early recovery mode. People who put off Visiting due to 9-11 fears or economic stress are now begining to get back to having fun. This gradual resurgence will likey continue for two, maybe three years.
My worry is what they will find when they get there. The parks must not be allowed to stagnate...and re-themeing of rides (i.e. Dumbo--->The carpets, transplanting Soarin' into THE LAND [I still don't get that one], etc) IS a form of mildly veiled stagnation.
It's the same thinking that led to sequals and remakes. Sequals will never be as good as the original because you don't get to 'discover' the characters. Remakes lack both character revelation AND fresh plot and are even worse.
If you go to Disney looking for Disney and you find Six Flags over Orlando...you'd be less likely to return. And THAT is where the real problems will begin. If the Disney creative spark is gone, I'm not making the nine-hour drive to Orlando again when there's a Six Flags less than two hours away...for $20/person.
Roy leaving...that can perhaps be construed as sour grapes. Gold following...less so. Marty Sklar openly voicing concerns? Things are probably reaching critical mass.
Profits are not...and never were...the leading indicator of company performance over the long term. For that, look at company morale and where capital is being invested. Morale has been sinking for a while (at least, I know it has on the retail side with The Disney Store). And capital has NOT been going into concepting exciting new ride ideas or feature animation.
This is why I'd like to send the letter.