Maybe someone who's used the Wishes FP areas at MK more than once can shed some light on this. I was in this area for Wishes last week, and there seemed to be an issue with people standing along the front wall, blocking the view of everyone sitting behind them. Some were people in scooters or wheelchairs, which I didn't have a problem with, but there were quite a few people who were just standing there. Isn't the whole point of these FP areas to be able to sit down and have a better view of Wishes than you would anywhere else? And why weren't there CMs there, telling the people standing to go the back of the FP area if they wanted to stand? If I'm burning a FP to see Celebrate The Magic & Wishes, I want to be able to see most, if not all, of the castle while doing so. I don't think I will be using a FP for Wishes the next time I go.