MK First Aid NOT First Class

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New Member
I think that it is a 50-50 thing. If you had expressed your worry and taken responsibility firsthand, they would have probably called for an ambulance (but note, an ambulance at the MK gates would freak out some people). Although I don't think that they should have sent you back to your resort without a second opinion, you, in turn, didn't have to.


A couple of years ago, my 2 year old daughter dislocated her elbow at a Halloween night at MK, the lady at first aid was excellent. We were seen staright away, my daughter was given a painkiller and then they offered to call an ambulance or help us back to our car so we could take her to the hospital ourselfs - which is what we did as we thought she may get upset in an ambulance. Someone arrived from guest relations to drive us to the parkin lot within a few minutes and give us written directions to Celebration hospital. Couldn't fault the care we received from first aid that night.:)


Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
I don't think the sarcasm is necessary...I think you made your point with your first sentence.

Oh...and watch the language.

LOL!! How about you watch your language. What word did you find offensive? bastages? thats not even a word.. gimme a break


Well-Known Member
tigsmom said:
Sarcasm is uncalled for. I'm sure if it were a member of your family you would be as upset.

Upset at what? That the my grandfather didnt express how hurt he was to the disney first aid people? This is what is wrong with society these days.. always wanting to blame other people for their own mistakes.

If the grandfather was on the ground yelling.. oww i think i broke my hip.. and disney didnt call an ambulance.. then of course disney is wrong.

But if you fall and act like your okay what the heck do you think the first aid people are? psychics? Or maybe disney should hire people with xray vision to work there so they can see his bone is fractured. The grandfather and family should know him best.. they should have expressed that something more serious is wrong.

Hey.. everyone has an opinion.. and this is mine. To me, this complaint is just as bad as the woman who complained she was burned from spilling mcdonalds hot coffe onto herself and then said she wasnt warned it was hot. She won millions though so what do I know.

PS: I cut my finger somehow in Sci Fi Diner.. it was pretty bad.. I didnt notice it though until I was on the boat to upcot. When I got to epcot I went to the first aid station and they fixed it up nice. I was very impressed by disney first aid.


Well-Known Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
Upset at what? That the my grandfather didnt express how hurt he was to the disney first aid people? This is what is wrong with society these days.. always wanting to blame other people for their own mistakes.

If the grandfather was on the ground yelling.. oww i think i broke my hip.. and disney didnt call an ambulance.. then of course disney is wrong.

But if you fall and act like your okay what the heck do you think the first aid people are? psychics?

Hey.. everyone has an opinion.. and this is mine. To me, this complaint is just as bad as the woman who complained she was burned from spilling mcdonalds hot coffe onto herself and then said she wasnt warned it was hot. She won millions though so what do I know.

PS: I cut my finger somehow in Sci Fi Diner.. it was pretty bad.. I didnt notice it though until I was on the boat to upcot. When I got to epcot I went to the first aid station and they fixed it up nice. I was very impressed by disney first aid.

Maybe you didn't see this...

tigsmom said:
One more thing... breaks are not always apparent when the first happen. Sometimes people will think the pain is just from falling and its not until after they are up and moving again that the break causes problems. I have also seen people walking around on a broken leg for 2 days and they didn't know it until the went to the hospital for x rays.

Or this...
tigsmom said:
Grandpa may have insisted they not call an ambulance due to some level of embarrassment or the fear of ruining the day for everyone else. Not being there we cannot know if he expressed a feeling of severe pain at the time or if it came later.

None of us were there so we don't know what happened.
As I said earlier sarcasm was not called for and what you had to say could have been said better.
I'm glad your problem was resolved to your satisfaction.

Have a magical day! :wave:


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight.. since anyone that falls may have a broken bone because they might not feel it until the next day.. or they may be too embarrased to admit they are hurt.. either way.. anyone who falls might be hurt worse than they appear.. SO :

I guess Disney should send everyone who slips falls or bumps into something to the hospital just incase?!

Come on!!! :brick:

"Excuse me lady, we just saw you slip a few minutes ago. Your going to have to come with us to the hospital. Sorry, I don't care that you feel okay.. you may be hurt worse than you know. Tell your kids that you will come back on vacation next year.. today we are escorting you to the hospital just in case. Follow me lady.. the exit is this way. Thank you for visiting us at Magic Kingdom. Have a magical day!"


Well-Known Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
So let me get this straight.. since anyone that falls may have a broken bone because you might not feel it until the next day..

I guess Disney should send everyone who slips falls or bumps into something to the hospital just incase?!

Come on!!! :brick:

I was giving you a possible scenario. I have said all that I am going to say to you on this subject.

Again, have a magical day! :wave:


New Member
Good end to a possible "issue" Mad. I've learned that arguing with ssidious makes no sense... i.e. his thread on Hurricane Victims @ Disney Resorts. I've learned to ignore ignorance. I pay for my membership on these boards to fellowship with Disney lovers (like myself) not to bicker back and forth over someones pettiness.

Love you Mad:wave:

See you in the PML


New Member
More than anything else, I'm surprised that there's not an ambulance on duty at the parks any time they're open. Is that the case?
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
Umm.. if he was so hurt.. why didnt he or the people his was traveling with.. ask for an ambulance.

Hey.. I have a complaint too. The last time I was in Disney World it was over a 100 degrees out and I almost died of dehydradition.. I needed a drink badly but I didnt want to ask anyone for what I needed. I was really upset though that nobody offered me a drink!! I almost died out there! Those bastages!!! :hammer:

I am new to the boards. Is sarcasm like this to be expected, or do most people take serious accidents and neglect from Disney seriously?


New Member
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
Umm.. if he was so hurt.. why didnt he or the people his was traveling with.. ask for an ambulance.

Hey.. I have a complaint too. The last time I was in Disney World it was over a 100 degrees out and I almost died of dehydradition.. I needed a drink badly but I didnt want to ask anyone for what I needed. I was really upset though that nobody offered me a drink!! I almost died out there! Those bastages!!! :hammer:

That's a really f**ked up thing to say.

Excuse the language.


Well-Known Member
Christopher5927 said:
I am new to the boards. Is sarcasm like this to be expected, or do most people take serious accidents and neglect from Disney seriously?

I see no neglect from Disney on this issue.. only someone looking for an excuse for an unfortunate accident. They should add a disney bashing board for threads as these.. becasue thats all this is. Disney bashing for no reason.

And to answer your question.. no, you wont see sarcasm like mine often.. but you will find some elitist attitude though.. just like the guy above saying that they are "a PAYING member of this website" blah blah.


Seems that grandpa may have not wanted further attention in this matter, Sometimes a hip Fx can go unnoticed and appear just painfull to walk on.As time goes on usually within hours they are unable to stand or bear weight.

I am confident given any other scenarios the MARC units in the park would of been activated.

Basic First aid is not truly there to over see things as such, kind of what we call a bump and bruise system. WDW EMS and first aid system is like any EMS system they are top notch in what they do.

Many untold issues seem to over cloud this, your concerne is valid but seems all the facts are not inplace to make a judgement
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
I see no neglect from Disney on this issue.. only someone looking for an excuse for an unfortunate accident. They should add a disney bashing board for threads as these.. becasue thats all this is. Disney bashing for no reason.

And to answer your question.. no, you wont see sarcasm like mine often.. but you will find some elitist attitude though.. just like the guy above saying that they are "a PAYING member of this website" blah blah.

I'm sorry, but if an ELDERLY person has an accident and approaches FIRST AID, Disney have some kind of responsibility. This is 'Disney Bashing' is it? Yet making a pathetic remark about nearly dehydrating in 100 degrees is OK? I know who I would want to help.


Well-Known Member
Jen Jen said:
My grandparents and a few others were visiting MK last week. On the way to guest services outside, my grandfater caught a barricade on the wheel of his ECV and it tipped over on him and broke his hip. Total accident, nobody's fault. The people standing around, cast member and other guests, helped my grandpa back into his ECV. They probably shouldn't have, but they were trying to be nice and helpful, so it was appreciated. Then my family took my grandpa to First Aid. Keep in mind this is an eightysome year old man in a lot of pain, even though it is still unknown that his hip is actually broken. What help did First Aid offer? NONE They sent him back to his hotel!!! So my grandpa had to ride his ECV back onto the monorail and into the Contemporary. They called an ambulance for him there, and he was taken to Celebration Hospital where he had to have surgery. Now I don't expect for First Aid to have been able to fix my grandpa's hip or even help his pain. But to my it is absolutely despicable that they did not call the ambulance for him right then and there. What kind of training are they giving these First Aid people, anyway?

Okay, if you had gotten a cast member while your Grandpa was on the ground and said that he had just fallen and you needed medical assistance, THAT it was beyond a simple "fall", Reedy Creek emergency services would have responded.

Its that simple, You have to be proactive in these situations.


Well-Known Member
Christopher5927 said:
I'm sorry, but if an ELDERLY person has an accident and approaches FIRST AID, Disney have some kind of responsibility. This is 'Disney Bashing' is it? Yet making a pathetic remark about nearly dehydrating in 100 degrees is OK? I know who I would want to help.

What is disney supposed to do?! Anyone who falls might be hurt worse than they appear.. SO :

I guess Disney should send everyone who slips, falls, or bumps into something to the hospital just incase?!

Come on!!! Could you imagine:

"Excuse me lady, we just saw you slip a few minutes ago. Your going to have to come with us to the hospital. Sorry, I don't care that you feel okay.. you may be hurt worse than you know and there are a few people on a message board that will complain if we dont don't take responsibility for every possible thing that isnt our fault. So, tell your kids that you will come back on vacation next year.. today we are escorting you to the hospital just in case. Follow me lady.. the exit is this way. Thank you for visiting us at Magic Kingdom. Have a magical day!"

Jose Eber

New Member
You get what you pay for.

I think its really thoughtless to judge MK First Aid as not being First class out of one experience. I mean come on. Can we come to your work the day you might miss something and say your crap?

Passing judgement ever isn't wise, let alone on one experience! That's like me saying -- oh wow -- MK first aid is First Class because they really fixed my finger up nice when I cut it on the monorail window opener. I'm not that devoid of thought to pass judgement on an group of people based on one experience either positive, or negative.

Don't get me wrong -- a broken hip sounds horrific and painful. Wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

But you get what you pay for. Are you visiting the the Mayo Clinic? Are you paying for first class medical attention when you go into a theme park? No, not at all, if ever. Why would your grandpa drive into a barrier? Did the barrier jump out at him? Whose fault is that? Sounds like he made a pretty non first class mistake too.

My mother in law has a Jazzy and she gets yelled at all the time by her kids and husband because she's not careful with it at Disney resorts -- its powerful!

Sorry, I have a real problem with people who pass judgement -- ESPECIALLY based on one experience.

ssidiouss@mac.c said:
What is disney supposed to do?! Anyone who falls might be hurt worse than they appear.. SO :

I guess Disney should send everyone who slips, falls, or bumps into something to the hospital just incase?!

Come on!!! Could you imagine:

"Excuse me lady, we just saw you slip a few minutes ago. Your going to have to come with us to the hospital. Sorry, I don't care that you feel okay.. you may be hurt worse than you know and there are a few people on a message board that will complain if we dont don't take responsibility for every possible thing that isnt our fault. So, tell your kids that you will come back on vacation next year.. today we are escorting you to the hospital just in case. Follow me lady.. the exit is this way. Thank you for visiting us at Magic Kingdom. Have a magical day!"

It is not a case of 'we saw you slip a few minutes ago.' The original post said 'my family took my grandpa to First Aid'. That is when we should assume that the First Aiders do something. I am glad I am not alone in finding an accident involving hospitalisation of an elderly person serious. My sarcasm now: I hope you have recovered from your dehydration.
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