MJ's Breakthrough!

Well, MJ is (mostly) over her fear of the characters....if we approach it right! So far the handlers and the characters have been awesome with her when we explained her autism. Here are the characters she has met in the last three visits (days) we have been at WDW.....

Mickey (3x)
Tarzan Rocks! Cast
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Jasmine (2x)
Abby Duck from Chicken Little (2x)
Chicken Little
Jessie (2x)
Buzz Lightyear
Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella
Pocahontas (2x)

Watched Mike and Sully but wouldn't meet them

This is completely AMAZING.....I never thought she would get to this point....Every small step is such a big deal for us!


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
We miss you too!!!! MJ is calling for you now unca mi ah LOL I put a pic of all of us with Mickey on my computer desktop and she keeps making me dock my window to see it.

I am sure Andrew would be willing to teach you to drive the Behemoth! Pushing the chairs unattached works sometimes, but I get nervouse being so far from MJ with all that goes on with her, all we need is for her to have a seizure or a meltdown with someone pushing her :/

I hope you get your person back up here soon! We love you!

Oh, I'll be back soon. And I am her newest uncle, my title says so!!! :D See you mid-August!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss:


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Slade said:
Oh, I'll be back soon. And I am her newest uncle, my title says so!!! :D See you mid-August!!!!!!!!!!!!! :kiss:

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Andrew says he will teach you to drive the behemoth!


New Member
Congratulations! This is really quite a development for our little angel. You must be floating around the parks on a cloud! High 5, MJ!


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S_Grise said:
Congratulations! This is really quite a development for our little angel. You must be floating around the parks on a cloud! High 5, MJ!

Yeah, I totally am.....now I am wondering how long it will take before I stop crying at every interaction! LOL


Well-Known Member
I have just started to read all your stories. :)

This is really great!! :sohappy:

My sister was a CM, and she was overjoyed when someone went to City Hall and said something good about her!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Congratulations! That's great news! :sohappy:

I'm sure you have, but have you spread the word to the character and greeter CMs you know?


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Epcot82Guy said:
Congratulations! That's great news! :sohappy:

I'm sure you have, but have you spread the word to the character and greeter CMs you know?

Oh yeah, the greeters have started pulling us into lines when they see us coming! It is so neat. We are so privileged to have such great freinds at Disney. I certainly hope the characters can hear me throught the suit when I tell them "thank you and you'll never know how much this means to me".....I get teary just writing it! I get a kick out of having the greeters sign her CM book and taking pictures back later on.


New Member
I have tears too, MommytoMJ!!!! I don't know your story- I just joined in late June, but I love reading all of your posts!! I am sooo pleased to hear about the relationship your family has with the Disney folks!!! I am an early childhood special ed teacher and I deal mainly with children with autism. I'm currently pursuing my Master's degree in Behavior Analysis and while my family was at WDW in July, I kept imagining the difficulties my "kiddos" would have - especially with the crowds and the characters- but how magical it would be to share it with them. This thread has really touched me- thank you for sharing with us!!!! And give MJ a big "Way to Go"!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
That is so wonderful to hear Bonny! Meeting the characters is certainly a huge step...big congrats to MJ :sohappy: I love hearing how nice the CMs are to her and how popular you guys are down there :D

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