Mission Space


New Member
This ride system also has the same built in abilities to be reprogrammed for unique expereinces like ToT is. Something disney promoted when the ride opened. I think will be great when they add in different expereinces for each time you ride it.


New Member
This ride was not for me! Made me sick for hours. My husband just loved it. I was crying and so sick when I got off! I would never ride it again, but my husband can't wait! :)


Well-Known Member
Strangely enough, I bet there are lots of others (like myself) who were actually more affected by the tight enclosed space causing a claustrophobic feeling as they were by the ride.

Could it be that some probably just attribut their "sick" feeling to the motion instead??

Just a thought.....



Premium Member
LPK said:
o0o coolio :D

Why does looking to the side make you feel ill? :veryconfu

MS is all about fooling your brain in to believing that you are moving in the direction that the video display shows. In reality of course, you are spinning around a central axis, and not in the direction of the video. By focusing on the video, your brain is fooloed into believing that the forces you feel, and the direction, matches that of the video. If you stop looking at the video (by closing your eys, or looking to the side), the brain quickly realises that in fact you are just spinning around in a circle at 30mph, which doesnt do you much good.


The ride is a centrafuge, but at the end of the arm, your pod can be rotated too. This way, they can create acceleration / decelleration forces in various directions. If the pod rotates so you are facing the pivot point (inward), you get forced in your seat. If you are facing outward, you tend to feel like you are coming out of your seat. For me, the only obvious forces not felt are collisions with the ground. The forces can make it difficult to know your correct orientation, just like what happened to JFK jr while flying. All pilots know you believe the instruments and not your gut feelings.

I for one had no problem with MS, but you'll never catch me on Tea Cups again. Even Dumbo will make me more dizzy than MS.

I'm surprised so many people do actually go on MS, considering how many warnings they give you. It is fun to watch first timers reactions.


Account Suspended
Mission: Space was the only ride I've ever been nervous about riding. I got a little light headed after the ride but that went away after five minutes. Neither of my parents were bothered by it either. My sister on the other hand felt like absolute crap afterwards.


New Member
steven&evi said:
We'll be riding MS for the first time in May, and to be honest, I'm really considering to take some anti motion sickness pills before riding it. Does anyone else tried this approach? (I am really sensitive to motion sickness in general)

I am susceptible to motion sickness as well when it involves simulated motion as opposed to real motion. I knew prior to riding M:S that the potential was there for getting sick so I took Dramamine and it worked somewhat, I still felt ill but didn't lose my lunch.:p

On the other hand my 10 year old thought it was awesome. My wife wouldn't ride because she is claustrophobic.

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