Mission: Space


New Member
Original Poster
Hey all,

I have a question about Mission: Space. I know one of the sides is tamer than the other, but I would like to try out the "wild" one. What exactly is it about this ride that disturbs some people? I've been on Tomb Raider: The Ride at Paramount's King's Island, which also spins upside down several times as I've heard Mission Space does - and I liked it. But my sister did not, it upset her and I don't know if MS is okay....what do you think?


Park History nut
Premium Member
M:S is a centrifuge; nothing quite like anything the public have had access to before. It`s more than just spinning around; if you keep your eyes on the screen your brain says your are going in a straight line. Look sideways and all of a sudden your brain knows you are spinning in a circle very VERY fast, not always facing the direction of travel. That`s when the problems can start.

Centrifuges rotate far faster than a normal fairground ride.


New Member
Hey all,

I have a question about Mission: Space. I know one of the sides is tamer than the other, but I would like to try out the "wild" one. What exactly is it about this ride that disturbs some people? I've been on Tomb Raider: The Ride at Paramount's King's Island, which also spins upside down several times as I've heard Mission Space does - and I liked it. But my sister did not, it upset her and I don't know if MS is okay....what do you think?

It's impossible to determine how you're going to react. However, as a general rule of thumb, if spinning makes you nauseous, I'd avoid M:S orange. It's a fast-moving centrifuge...

I've never had a problem with M:S, but some people seem to think its the spawn of Satan. Just goes to show you that people react differently to all kinds of situation.

disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
It can have a strange effect. I loved the ride - it was one of my favourite of all the attractions - but a few minutes after I came off it I developed a really bad headache which lasted for about six hours. Of course it may have been coincidence but I'm wary of going on it again. And I do so hate waiting at the exit with the losers and wimps. :(


New Member
Mission: Space blew my freakin' mind. And my little brother's, and my Dad's. I just couldn't stop my giddy, nervous laughing the first time we "took off." It seriously feels like your little pod is blasting through the atmosphere, and you gotta love a ride where you pull enough G's to make your the skin on your face smush back. I too am very confused by the amount of hate this ride gets (I loved Horizons, but I find M:S incredible) and I strongly recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it. Just do like other posters have said in this thread (and there's about a zillion warnings when you wait to get on)... don't look to the side, or you're probably going to barf-a-roo.


Well-Known Member
Well specifically, when I rode it, we convinced my Dad to come along even though he knows he is claustrophobic (one of the warnings is small enclosed spaces). And he thought he could handle it, he was wrong. He had a bit of a breakdown once we were in the pod, however the doors were already closed so he couldn't get off. Fortunately he made it through the experience alright. But I think as long as you take the warnings they post into consideration, you should be fine.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
The first time I rode M:S it was hard to handle, after getting off I was a bit dizzy and off-balance for a few minutes. I've ridden since and fine it thrilling but have no after-effects anymore.

I find I can look side-to-side without any problems, but can understand why some would have trouble doing so.

It's a fun experience and definitely does have a physiological impact on you when you ride, more so than any other ride I've experienced. But if you're healthy and enjoy some exhilaration, it's great!
I personally like Mission Space, but for me it didn't quite live upto the 'hype'. If I'd not heard as much about how 'out of this world' it was before riding it, I think I would have enjoyed the sensations a little more. Now I've obviously never actually been up in a space vehicle but I imagine the experience is a little more 'thrilling' than Mission Space. I'm not knocking it, but originally some people made out it was like feeling completely weightless etc, almost like floating. The sensation is difficult to describe and slightly weird but I never felt like I was going to float off my feet or anything so extreme.

It's not made me sick but I certainly appreciated the fan blowing on my face during the ride. If in doubt take the other version, it's still a fun storyline well made with a bit of rider 'interactivity' involved.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I have a question about Mission: Space. I know one of the sides is tamer than the other, but I would like to try out the "wild" one. What exactly is it about this ride that disturbs some people? I've been on Tomb Raider: The Ride at Paramount's King's Island, which also spins upside down several times as I've heard Mission Space does - and I liked it. But my sister did not, it upset her and I don't know if MS is okay....what do you think?

Nothing like it. Even the astronuats said it was close to the same feeling they have going to space. I have rode it many times and it still scares the hell out of me hahaha.
I have tried the tame one. It gives you all the action without the feeling of the g force against you.


Active Member
Mission Space:No G Force

I cant be 100% sure but when my girlfriend and I rode this last year almost immediatly afterwords her eye/contact started to bother her. Then the next morning she woke up with bell's palsy(which went away after 2 months). I honestly believe the pressure from the ride had something to do with it. She had suggested to go on the scardy kat version but i told her there was no point in riding it at all then..But after all the health problems it causes and how little the payoff really is, i would definately try the lighter version! By the way i am not saying it causes bell's palsy just stating my own personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing -- you will hear all kinds of things about people liking or hating the ride...you rarely hear a middle of the road -- and that is because you either have no problem on the ride, or you personal makeup makes you barf even when you DONT look to the sides. People who say "just don't look to the side" don't have a clue.

There are warnings posted before you ride - if you meet any of the medical criteria, do NOT ride the centrifuge version. (Note that even the non-spinning version has made some people nauseaus). This is NOT a "spinning" amusement park ride -- this is a high speed cetrifuge.

Ironically, the same thing happens in the real world -- there are plenty of pilots that get screened out of the astronaut process because they can't pass the centrifuge test without becoming nauseous. They just don't pay for the "thrill" of barfing after the two minute ride.

If you have ANY inner-ear condition, do not ride. If you have any visual problems, do not ride. If you have any cardiac problems, high blood pressure, or other conditions related to headaches or migraines, do not ride. Most adults over the age of 24/25 have some form of minear's condition - fluid collecting in your ears. Under 18 there is practically none of that present in kids. The fluids in your ears will increase nausea when moving around, let alone on a centrifuge.

If you have any doubt at all about your ability to tolerate a high speed centrifuge, ride the non-spinning version.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing like the liftoff. Very intense. You are definitely relieved when you break into weightlessness. But we did the tame version for the first time in December and it was fun!


That Tomb Raider ride is a completely different ride from M:S.Mission Space is more similar to a Gravitron ride where you feel G-forces.I like M:S, but it's far from a favorite, the parts where you feel the G's are my favorite parts but I feel the rest of the ride is a bit boring, like the 80's technology of the Star Wars ride.I ride it every so often but it's never a must ride like Soarin and Test Track!!


New Member
simply put to the point its one wild thrill ride if this is not your thing then pass on it the wimpy side is no fun you would have just as much fun going over to star tours.


The way I described it to guests was to think of those fair/carnival rides where they spin you around really quick and stick to the walls. You get essentially the same feeling (as you're spinning the same way, only difference is our floor didn't drop out from under you). If you can handle those rides you should be good to go for Orange. If you can't you might want to consider green which imo is easier to ride than Star Tours.
I guess when I'm there next, I'll be able to try green.. I did Star Tours last time with no problems at all, but I am no good with G-Forces.. Our last trip to Orlando, we went to Universal and I was finally brave enough to go on the Hulk.. Well it was really fun, but I was so sick for the rest of the day.. So sick we had to leave.. It was such a waste of a day and I really don't want to do that at Disney..


Active Member
The way I described it to guests was to think of those fair/carnival rides where they spin you around really quick and stick to the walls. You get essentially the same feeling (as you're spinning the same way, only difference is our floor didn't drop out from under you). If you can handle those rides you should be good to go for Orange. If you can't you might want to consider green which imo is easier to ride than Star Tours.
Actually, to me, those rides pull more G's than M:S does because it is constant spinning for 5 minutes.


Active Member
I love Mission: Space. I get all giddy when I feel the g-forces. It becomes very hard to even move a leg or arm. Very cool!


Actually, to me, those rides pull more G's than M:S does because it is constant spinning for 5 minutes.

I agree with you, those rides feel much worse than MIssion Space! About a month before I started working there I rode it for the first time (on green), when I realised what Orange was like I went on it and thought that was it? (After YEARS of riding constant spinning rides).

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