Mission Space Walkthrough


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Ok, I don't mean to go on too much about this but, my wife is really stressing about whether to ride this or not.

Can someone give me a walkthrough of the sequence (beginning to end) of what I can expect (even give spoilers, just give warning for others I guess).

Also, does anyone know how many G's this ride pulls and for how long? That is the main thing with me. I can handle rollercoaster G's but they are pretty much a split moment and done.


New Member
First, of course, you wait in line :) Then you watch a little movie with Gary Sinise in it, and then they toss you in a little capsule...






You're turned on to your back, and looking up (like you're launching). During launch and until you leave the atmosphere, you feel the Gs pressing you back in your seat, but that's over fairly quickly. Then there's space, and you "go to sleep". After that you're awakened by an alarm warning of a asteroid belt (or something), and you get shook around while dodging asteroids. Then comes the landing on Mars, which is wild and bumpy.

I had no problems with it, but I know people who have. I personally don't think it's much more intense than, say, the graivtron at the local carnivals. But make sure you don't look around, cuz that'll do a doozy on you :)

Hope this helped :) Have fun!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know the exact number but i think its like 3 g's for 10 seconds a shot. basically you wait in line hear 2 discalimers, watch a video hear another 2 disclaimers and then wait by the ride door and yet another disclaimer. Its not that bad if you listen to them dont move your head and your all good.

the ride is like 10 seconds shorter than too long in my opinion, Which you should not be worried about at all. When you think its gonna be a little too much the ride ends.


New Member
Originally posted by civileng68
Ok, I don't mean to go on too much about this but, my wife is really stressing about whether to ride this or not.
Would she consider going on the old carnival ride where you stick to the wall of a spinning room and the floor drops away? The way they create the g-forces on Space is a variation on that.

You know the feeling you get for a second when an aircraft takes off? Slow that sensation down so it lasts about ten seconds. That's the best way I can think to describe the take off and landing.


Well-Known Member

So you walk into the M:S "pavilion", you're in line for the ride, you make your way through the queue, as the gravity wheel is turning on the side. Then you make your way into a small hallway (three row queue, one for fuge blue and yellow I think, the middle is for single riders and the last is for fuge green and red) On the walls are plaques with pictures of important people who have gone into space...then you get separated into your fuge pre show room, where they have you stand on numbers(these are small rooms with three tvs and are closed off after everyone is in)...there will be about fifty people in each room in rows of fives (so if people get claustrophobia...no better place to start getting panicky than at this point). You get a small video explaining what you are about to do...safety spiel...and the directions for the next step....at this point doors in front of the romm( there is one on each side) will unlock and two CMs will step into the room (one through each door)...five rows will go to the left...five rows to the right....

You are taken to your number area, infront of a door to enter the fuge, here you see another safety video and are told what your "task" on the mission is...then the door into the fuge opens and you make your way into the pod....you sit..put loose items in the comparment infront and pull down on the restraints....then the CM closes the pod door and the whole foward wall of the pod moves foward (VERY CLOSE TO YOUR FACE)....so after a while the video screen starts up and you feel as if you are moving back getting ready to launch...then after the countdown you blast off feel massive Gs on your body as you are being pushed back....then you feel some more Gs this time coming from top to the bottom I think (from your head to your feet...thats how a I can describe the pressure on the face) and then you see the earth (YAY)....after which your are put to sleep...woohooo....but then you wake up and the asteroids are banging into the ship....you dodge them...and make your way into the mars atmosphere....this is where you feel gs coming from your feet to your head....after which you fly through a canyon and land....then you exit...its fun...in the mission itself all the people in the pods perform two tasks each....the buttons infront light up and you press them...if you don't the computer overrides it and does it anyway....

Thats a detailed look at M:S.....


New Member
You don't actually go to sleep (then it would be The Great Parent Ride!), it's just a convenient plot device to get you to Mars in a reasonable amount of time :) It's just dark and quiet for a minute or so, and then you "wake up". The actual ride is maybe 5 minutes. Probably more like 3.


New Member
It's not bad!

Just rode on MS for the first time this past weekend. I get motion sickness on the merry-go-round, but did not get sick on this ride. I followed the guidelines and kept my head straight and had no problems.
This is a great ride that everyone should try at least once.


New Member
This ride is really cool. I haven't been on mission space in a few months now but the only time I remember feeling any G's that actually held me in my chair was when you first launch. That to me was the most G's of the ride. Then when you are landing on Mars I feel some G's but not as many as the launch. They put you too sleep so that the ride to Mars doesn't really take 3 months :D. They just like have lights blink then the console goes out and SUDDENLY you have o fight asteroids lol. Thats about it, its a pretty cool ride. When they had the AP preview I went on this ride 20x in a row with no motion sickness or anything at all:D

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